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Earth 4

As your journey continues, you will discover the roots of your human identity here on Earth, your chosen home. Soon you will realize that you share this home with a myriad of curious life forms aside from those you currently recognize and agree upon. Opportunity for enriched growth and personal enhancement will be found by exploring both your human roots and your stellar ancestry as they are stored, recorded, and felt here on Earth. At this point in time, we speak to you as a dweller on Earth whose genetic lineage is rich, vital, and intimately connected with many other realities. We remind you that there is far more to this home of yours than you have been taught. Be open to the story of your lineage—as collectives of race and culture, you have far more in common than you suppose.

As a journeying entity, you were called and impulsed to explore Earth as a place within this solar system that serves to stage life and is a home for ancestral codes. We have referred to Earth as the Living Library, a biogenetic center where vast quantities of data are stored as incomparable translations and tools for the creation of life. This data exists in patterns beyond what you can fathom at this time. Earth is a birth house where life is created and experienced. Traditionally, parenting on your planet has to do with a biological process in which two people of opposite gender come together to create life. However, you are now experimenting with making life in laboratories, so you are challenged to expand and consider that perhaps there are different ways to parent and create life.

Recollect for a moment the idea that the Game Masters are parents of civilizations by means of conceptualization. They create and hold thoughtforms and then proceed to distribute untold plans to draw meaningful life onto their creation. They experience the web of existence as a force and field of unlimited awareness that is intelligent and respond- ing. You may perhaps conceive of this as Prime Creator. Remember, we do our best to create stories from which you can evolve. We offer concepts for releasing yourself from invisible root assumptions, inherited as beliefs and manifested as unqueried facts. Please expand your concept of Earth. Earth is unique in existence because life can be manufactured here, which is one reason it is attractive. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home and experience it as a place to visit and play with reality. This is your recognition of yourself. You are becoming aware of yourself as a Game Master, experiencing Earth as a native within your own creation. Recollect the concept of the Game Masters creating civilizations, then becoming immersed within their construct of reality—only to awaken to this knowledge.

Earth, in terms of time, is quite ancient, and there are stories concerning her that have long been buried and hid- den away. The ancestral lineage currently revealing itself involves trigger points and events from approximately half-a-million years ago that proceeded to punctuate themselves throughout various experiences in time. Sumerian records hold numerous keys for expanding an understanding of your ancestral lineage. The records maintain that for eons a cast of celestial characters, with multiple agendas, graced the stage of Earth. These ancient records recall a time hundreds of thousands of years ago when two ruling brothers, Enki and Enlil, were in charge of the project Earth.

These visitors, called the Anunnaki, came to Earth from the heavens and played god. They created what they wanted on Earth, based on their own intentions. Among other things, they came in search of gold. Please understand there are many things here on Earth that can be taken and enhanced in the homes of others. Earth is home to many keys in the galaxies, and it is more than simply your home. You are the caretakers—those who dwell on Earth.

The visiting gods from above, the Anunnaki, came to Earth and began to take products from this home to their home. Their purpose was to experiment with life and cre- ate humans to dwell on Earth. These gods are your ancient parents, having seeded a version of Earth’s genetic line with their influence. When you choose to dwell on Earth, you know that part of the program is to discover sovereignty and free will within a biogenetic cosmic experiment.

Numerous anthropological discoveries offer clues to your past through old skeletal forms. The forms depict a human album of change throughout the last few million years. These archaeological discoveries portray what your scientists call stages of human development or evolution, assuming that human life was the same everywhere. In actuality, gods created various experiments employing the genetic material stored here in the library. A prime characteristic of this particular area of existence is the exploration of what is possible. Most crucial for you to consider is the concept of the gods as parents. Consider who they are as well as who you are in relationship to the stellar energies that are asking to be recognized.

Understanding Earth and the secrets that lie within her involves mastering the riddles inside yourself, especially the portions that are hidden in the roots of your subconscious self. Objects of import can be hidden in the ground of Earth, as well as deep within layers of energy inside your being. Feel Earth as your home and act on making it a better place. Acknowledge that you, as a biological being, have the emotions, feelings, and intuitional knowledge that connect you to Earth. Your biology establishes roots that keep you connected with who you are. As you learn to tune into Earth, you will feel the changes transpiring. Earth is providing you with an opportunity to extend the knowledge of your roots and to connect to the very essence of life.

Where have you come from? Who are your creator parents? Who conceived of you, then made you? The Sumerians understood the visitors from the stars, who for hundreds of thousands of years influenced and played with experiments of life on each continent. Purposeful interaction and commerce between representative experiments was often limited. The gods changed their names and created new sounds as they moved from one continent to another, altering the biogenetics of life to see what could be done. The gods watched and participated with their creations on Earth, accruing their own lessons through the laws of cause and effect.

The Sumerian culture, considered by most experts to be the cradle of civilization, flourished about six thousand years ago in an area called Mesopotamia, located between the ancient waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern- day Iraq and Kuwait. This civilization was rediscovered in the last century. The area where it thrived is a political hot spot in late twentieth-century Earth, where war and many disruptions of power and value of life persist. The Sumerian culture was directed by those who came from the stars—the stellar reptilian ancestors. They were establishing a civilization once again, creating one more experiment to look at what could be done with the biological forces of Earth.

Ancient myths and legends hundreds of thousands of years old tell of the serpents, dragons, and reptilian visitors from the skies. For eons these creation stories were conveyed orally through the generations. Momentous events were recalled through the spoken word and passed down to groups of people gathered to hear or see dramatizations of the ancestors. Much later, the special moments were captured by the Sumerians on their famous cylinder seals, devices that recorded selected aspects of reality in pictorial form. Today, these seals furnish clues to significant symbols. The symbols are depicted as artifacts on cylinder seals, though actually they are keys in form, revealing another language of intent.

Cultures all over the planet carried inner truths that are not spread to the masses. This was done to gain power over others. The gods kept themselves in power by authorizing a few, rather than empowering all. This created a hierarchy of separation, which is part of the great misunderstanding that continues to plague you today.

People all over your planet—including Aborigines, Maya, Incas, natives of North and South America, groups on the European continent and throughout Africa and Asia—all embrace the idea of dragons or serpents as the creators of life. Dragons could breathe fire, and though some were feared, others were credited with bringing power, prosperity, and life. Over time, myths and stories were changed and rewritten according to who was in charge and what purpose was desired. You can understand the nature of these mythical beings by looking at these tales to see whether they conveyed a sense of power to the people or implied that the few had power over the many.

Imagine yourself living in a vastness of time in which years in your terms are mere moments. What would you do to occupy yourself? What kind of virtual realities would you create to peek into now and again? If you had the ability to access the keys of genetics and to make life, what would you, as a human, do with that much freedom, spare time, and knowledge?

The reptilian race, or Lizzies as we affectionately call them, are an integral part of your ancestral line. They are an awesome, ferocious, and gracious collection of consciousness, for they are many things combined into one. These reptilians are important for you to understand as aspects of existence that connect you to the deep taproot of your own heritage, your past. In order to grow further into understanding yourself as a blossoming entity on the wheel of life unfolding into the story of twelve, it is essential that you understand your home, your roots, and your genes.

Understand that the reptilian energies are creator gods. They are master geneticists who assisted the Original Planners in designing the Living Library. They are an ancient race and are very advanced in creating sentient biological forms. They were some of the prime instigators in putting together the human species on this planet. They learned their craft from the ancient ones. As master geneticists, Lizzies know their trade; they are highly skilled in genetic organization and manipulation. They far surpass many brilliant beings in their ability to genetically adjust life. So, in the vastness of existence, the reptilian families are known to be cre- ators and are responsible for organizing the genetic structure of life forms.

These ideas offer you something to feel, dear friends. As you contemplate this subject, search out the branches of your ancestral tree. Consider the journey through the reptilian family as a key to take you deeper into your roots. Reptilian influence lies at the core of your biological structuring, and today these creatures are returning to your conscious aware- ness. They appear as toys and characters in movies and on television, as stylish depictions in advertisements, lending their name to all who dare remember. They spring forth from the subconscious as a part of the self that needs to be expressed and understood, loved, healed, integrated, and accepted. Your spiritual and biological selves hold the key to this process.

At one time, far back in its own history, the reptilian family was a very benevolent and uplifting race. Members of this family came to Earth and were deeply involved with creating the Living Library. However, they eventually created civil war among themselves and amongst other representatives of the creator god collection. The wars were all based on separation from each other to gain power. Remember, part of your journey as evolving humans is to understand that you are separate, unique, classic human creatures with free will. You are discovering other separate, uniquely classic creatures with free will and realizing that you are all one. It is time to acknowledge the vast uniqueness of intelligence, as untold creatures reveal themselves to your world, stripping away the barriers to inner truths.

The ancient reptilian ancestors, once they are recognized and acknowledged as beings in existence, can be freed by you from the role they have been playing. You are multidi-mensional creatures, and one version of yourselves is this one on Earth as human beings. Simultaneously, in another version of reality, you can also be these very beings that have influenced you. You can move into and experience an identity where you are these creatures and feel their dilemma, their restriction within their own paradigm. As your beliefs about yourselves and your own home are altered, leading to a new sovereignty, you affect your roots in all direction—past, present, and future. You are intimately linked to the vast web of existence, and as you change, the significance of your thoughts sends new impulses through the web as possibilities to all aspects of existence.

As Pleiadians, we hold a broader view of reality than you currently do, and we are here to share it with you. We have an open ticket—a gold card into a Renaissance Fair tak- ing place throughout the cosmos. We can tell you what we see. You often think that what we convey is the whole fair, when what we share are simply the quirks and corners of an immense event, emphasizing particularly curious and signifi- cant areas. You do not understand that this is one big “now.”

82 Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library

Chaos and free will may seem to rule, and yet through this very process energies are scrambled and then reconnected to experience the innate value and inevitable cooperation of life.

Remember, we do not intend to overdefine your reality. We intend to convey key vista points where you can stop and take in good views. Looking at the biological aspect of existence will help you comprehend the scenery ahead. On your inner tour of your family tree, the reptilian consciousness as a branch of your ancestral line is well worth acknowledging. Without it, a loop of experience as a stage of development is missing in assisting you to understand your roots, where you are going, and what you have come from. For some of you, the idea of a reptilian heritage carries quite a charge of fear. This fear has actually been put upon you so you would not discover where you have sprung from. For ages, your reptilian ancestral line has had a need to keep itself from your conscious mind. There has been many a detour in thought and reality seeding by the so-called invisible influences that share your world. Today, reptilian memories surface from your subconscious self as dreams, vague ideas, symbols, and past-life scenarios—all essential links to patterns of human behavior.

Memories are buried in your cells, and you are not quite sure what’s there. Feel your body and imagine your spinal column, chakras, and twelve strands of DNA as a tree of life growing upward. At the bottom of the tree there is a serpent, like a taproot connecting you to Earth. Imagery will help you get in touch with your reptilian ancestry so you can have a neutral look without labeling anything. Visualize the serpent energy climbing your tree, rising up your body, electrifying you. As a member of the reptilian family, serpent images trigger cellular memories of the gods who made you, showing you that you sprang from the serpent and that the serpent brings you life.

Clues and indications of reptilian ancestry abound. Carved and formed in stone, they can been seen as symbols at numerous sacred sites and at places along the great leylines of Earth. Serpent, dragon, and reptilian myths and legends lie at the core of the intimate understandings and principal teachings of almost every indigenous culture. The serpent, reptile, and dragon portray powerful influences as totems. Often misunderstood, they are revered nonetheless as ritual symbols that acknowledge power and where people have come from. In the modern world, your medical profes- sion uses the caduceus, an ancient symbol depicting intertwining serpents around a staff as an indication of the roots of its heritage.

Sometimes the ancient reptiles that your myths call drag- ons hoarded crystals. Crystals are senders and receivers of information. Many of the highest civilizations were anchored by reptilian energies who had access to the human blueprint and carried this human blueprint from another system into this one. The reptiles did this by bringing a tremendous amount of crystalline energy and hoarding, collecting, and storing it inside lairs or caves as underground bases of operation. Then they sent versions of themselves to the outside world as their representatives, very often in the form of snakes. It was the only way they could enter the outside world without being harmed. If they had come out in their dragon nature, the consciousness of the existing humans at the time could not have withstood the encounter.

Today you are exploring wider points of view and grand- er belief systems. As you consider reality, it begins to bend in your direction. The vitality of Earth is waiting to be discovered by you. She can provide you with a greater abundance in life if you can understand who she is. She can be thought of as the Mother Goddess—as an aspect of existence that pro- vides, nurtures, feeds, and nestles you. She is your home and your mother, the source from which you have come. Imagine yourself unbounded, with an opportunity at every turn, and this is what you will create. Set up limitations, and you will find them. Remember, you effortlessly attract the energies that support your version of life. Every moment that you believe in yourself creates momentum through which you will continuously blossom light and bril- liant alternatives of living. This process involves growing into the recognition of yourself as an equal to your stellar family.

Many people would like to abandon Earth at this time, as if she is no longer a worthy place to live. Angry voices don’t like the conditions of the cities or the water, as if the Earth herself created these conditions. We would say to you: What better place would you find? Your home is what you make of it.

Without the cooperation of Earth, there are many things you cannot have. Unpredictable weather patterns have become the norm; flash floods and surprising events appear out of nowhere. Reality can no longer be charted as reliable and consistent. As a human, a reoccurring theme throughout the events in your life is your sense of irresponsibility and victimhood. You repeatedly return to the core assumption of human powerlessness. You have accepted beliefs of victimhood and powerlessness for far too long.

Make a commitment to Earth to open your heart and transform your home. It is crucial to shift your consciousness into the domain of responsible living. You scurry over Earth’s surface, waiting for what is owed you next in the form of monies, goods, and services, forgetting that the cooperation of Earth as a stable, reliable place to live is essential. Your challenge within the global blueprint of intent is to realize that Earth is alive and that you must take care of her and get along as a family.

The reenactment of lessons for responsible living will accelerate in the theaters of human drama, returning with an encore of what you have set into motion. If you do not like where you dwell, then reevaluate and speak to Earth with all your heart. Speak with the cells of your being, pull light through you, and say to Earth, “It is my intention and my pleasure to experience you to the fullest of my capacity in this lifetime. I am asking you, great Earth, to help and assist me in locating a place of comfort, joy, safety, and adventure—a place where I can come to know myself and to know you as home.” Earth knows who you are. Therefore, it is a good idea to speak to her and acknowledge her.

Many of you are very disturbed by the masses of people that continue to choose to kill and go to war. We remind you that those who believe in this experience will create it and seek it out. You can exist in a parallel reality simultaneously with this and not attract it to yourself. There is a great cleans- ing that is occurring, and you cannot stop it. The energy of Earth is being sped up so that those energies with which you vibrate in the core of your being, and those truths you discover from your ancestral line, you will manifest forward. It is a traumatic time because it seems as if the systems that represent family and civilization are falling apart. Those systems that do not work are indeed falling apart, and you will be rattled to the core of your being to find something that will work and that values Earth. If you cannot take care of your home then perhaps you do not deserve one.

You have in your world numerous systems that support taking care of others. Caretaking is a noble process indeed. Often, though, if you continue to catch fish for others, they become dependent on your fishing. It is best to teach others how to fish for themselves and how to garden and grow food. Often those who continue to take care of others get caught up in the role of providing, and mistake this for their identity and purpose. The gods, your ancestors, to a certain degree got trapped in this. They became empowered in their own game as their creations adored and existed for them.

But the gods eventually found that they were trapped, that they could go no further. It is best to give away what you discover—to enhance the environment of Earth and the fam- ily of humankind.

We refer to Earth as a home, a place that you need to commit to. Remember, it is a home for many beings. You share your reality with forms of life that you have yet to meet. This is part of Earth’s revelation to you: How many parallel dimensions exist within the same space as you? Who are the energies or entities that can move through these dimensions? Many of the myths and legends that are dismissed because there is no validation for them are the true stories of your home.

Earth is a priceless jewel, and you are considered by many to be the integral key to this gem. Yet, in your own misguided sense of purpose, you have sought to exalt the self without honoring the stage from which you can explore life. Conflicts exist within the mass consciousness as to what the priority is today. Many people will lose and/or give up their homes in the next few years, bringing you closer together so that you may experience humanity as one big family. When you unite, perhaps through challenging situations, you also will understand those who have been outside your family. These other forms of life, who are waiting to be integrated as the dimensions open up, will reveal the immense creativity and variety of reality.

The teaching of Earth is ready to unfold to you because you are now at the pivotal stage of understanding it. You are redefining your home, and this is sensed by Earth. She releas- es her codes and stories, knowing, “Ah, there are humans who are seeking what I have.” Think about what you want. Earth reads you. She is a living, biological entity. She is alive.

Earth needs you in the same way that you need the bil- lions of bacteria that live inside your body, performing functions that operate without your conscious directive. One isolated microorganism could be quite toxic. However, together they know what to do. They don’t poison you; they eat everything so that you do not die. If they were not inside you, the food you eat would not pass through you. You tolerate these so-called toxic beings that live in you and, actually, you can’t live without them. In the same fashion, Earth cannot live without you and all of life.

It is here on Earth where life is made. In this solar system, Earth is the home of life, the grand laboratory where life is created. Please understand the purpose of loving Earth, for her response will be to release to you everything that you need to be at home here.

Imagine Earth restored to her regal beauty. Stately trees seem to brush the deep blue sky, and clouds billow to form majestic peaks. The songs of the birds fill the air, creating symphony upon symphony, each one orchestrated for the moment.

Learn to feel alive. Discover meaning to your life as you explore the aspect that is stored away as your subconscious self. Send your taproot like a serpent into Earth’s records and call back to your mind a majestic Earth as a home for you, the rightful dweller in this place.

Energy Exercise

Take a deep breath and send a wave of vitality and relaxation through your body, creating space. Use the breath to create a vehicle on which you can travel into your imagination. Find the place that you enter inside yourself that is imagination. Picture your world suspended in space, a beautiful jewel, reflecting and radiating light. Feel your connection to space from your heart, from the very essence of your being. Feel that this place is home. If you were traveling across the parsecs of space, you would get excited as you recognized that you were in your neighborhood.

From your heart, send out a great beam of radiated love that has light. Send it out to Earth. Then let yourself be drawn to Earth as if you are skydiving from the depths of space, drifting closer and closer to Earth. As she grows in stature and size, feel her magnitude and feel that she is alive—that she has a vitality and a power that is unnameable, yet her gentleness and vastness are open to all.

As you feel yourself being pulled toward Earth, allow her vibration to draw you from space. Imagine yourself landing like a feather, gently gliding down to the most ideal spot. On a gentle glide, like a feather, land in the softness of Earth’s vibration.

Look around you now, to see where on Earth you landed. What does Earth show you about where she calls you to be? In this imagining, feel yourself grateful and excited that Earth speaks to you and offers you an adventure. Take a deep breath, look around, and feel inspired by what you have found. Send a message to Earth that you are available for a peaceful life, and that your intent at this time is to restore the integrity of Earth and to live close and honor her in all the days that you dwell here. See yourself living, loving, and trusting, walking the surface of Earth in great peace with all of the elements of existence in accordance with your intention of harmony. Now begin walking very slowly, surveying Earth, taking a deep breath and feeling what it is to truly be alive and love your home. Feel this gratitude, for it will sustain you. Trust yourself. Earth is your home.