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Earth - Epilogue

Dear Ambassadors of Light,

Be aware that even within the new concepts you grasp lie structure and limitation. However, each new “daring” you pursue takes you to a new vista, where you scale the peaks of existence as divine teachings play themselves out today in your very own version of life. Ask yourselves what chapter closes as you view this segment of your lives, this moment of the ever-expanding now. What have you pursued to steer you to this very moment in time in order to further experience life? Inspire yourselves to move further into the moment by letting go of old discoveries, and trust to the core of your beings that a new cycle of learning awaits. Go forward, friends, and be uplifted. Learn in your own way to go into the past through the ever-expanding, spontaneous, synchronistic moment. A new cycle of existence awaits you. Use the tools of thought to guide yourselves on the new superhigh-way of consciousness. No technology will ever surpass the magnificence of your own biological/spiritual beings. For many of you, these days may be filled with sadness as the letting go becomes more and more challenging. The keys of consciousness for living through these tumultuous times on Earth have been given to you to the best of our ability and yours at this time. May you grow in wisdom and flourish.

Your invisible friends and colleagues in the unknown,

The Pleiadians

About the Author

The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system the Pleiades. They have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since May 18, 1988.

The Pleiadian teachings can be likened to those of shamanism, the ancient body of consciousness that has served as intermediary between the realms of the physical and the spiritual, leading people to self-discovery in the worlds of paradox, paradigm shifting, and spirituality.

Barbara Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel from North Carolina. She began channeling in May of 1988 in Athens, Greece, at the conclusion of a three-week journey through ancient Egypt and Greece. On this trip, Barbara was impulsed to reexperience specific temples and power sites in this lifetime—the Great Pyramid at Giza, the temples along the Nile, the Acropolis in Athens, and Delphi.

Since that time, Barbara has coonducted class sessions and workshops throughout the United States and has facilitated tours to sacred power sites in Great Britian, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Egypt, Greece, Bali, and Australia. She feels that the sites themselves are connections to energy vortexes that hold knowledge of the higher mind, the higher idea that Earth is presently seeking to re-create.

Barbara feels that her experience with the Pleiadians has been a gift of priceless value. Her work has connected her with opportunities for personal, global, and cosmic transformation, and for this she holds tremendous gratitude.

For information on audio tapes, transcripts, and a quarterly newsletter, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Bold Connections P.O. Box 6521 Raleigh, NC 27628


Teachings from the Pleiadians
by Barbara Marciniak

Pleidian Tales and Lessons in Living
by Barbara Marciniak

Awakening Your Divive Ka
by Amorah Quan Yin

A New Cosmology for the Age of Light
by Barbara Hand Clow

A Visionary Guide into Past Lives
by Barbara Hand Clow

The Truth Behind Earth Changes
by Barbara Hand Clow

Alien Influences on Earth’s Destiny
by George Hunt Williamson

Inner Traditions • Bear & Company
P.O. Box 388
Rochester, VT 05767

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