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Earth 12

We tell you stories from which you can evolve. You can choose whether to believe them or not. However, if you believe them, be willing to let go of them and recognize when they no longer serve you. Our entire approach and purpose at this point in time is to confound you into clarity and create unsolvable contradictions within the patterns of thought that occupy the cells of your beings. By considering our words, you change. The days before you will be filled with majestic splendor in the same way that your physical world once offered pristine beauty for you to explore. You are creating an opportunity to transcend third-dimensional reality and to enter the corridors of time, where worlds and realities have more variety and flexibility. Your task is to heal yourselves on a treasure hunt through the corridors of time. We have shared many keys with you, and left as many unannounced. You must transform yourselves as the sum total of the force of existence, poised in your moment of the ever-expanding now.

We speak to you as evolving humans—as ambassadors of light. You are, at this moment in time, poised on unprecedented discovery. You are ripe, through your own exposure and your own seeking, to make a choice. When we journey into your reality, we learn as we watch the processes through which you resist, learn, and create life. You can consider yourselves, at this moment in time, at a summation point of life’s journey. Whenever you reach this very moment that draws you to our words, it is indicative of an ending.

Everything we have shared with you throughout the pre- vious eleven chapters has been designed to take you deeper into yourselves. You have viewed the beliefs and ideas around which the self is structured—by choice, by overt and covert influence on Earth, and from the heavens. What does it matter? Do not begrudge reality. You have created an oppor- tunity now. You are poised at this ending to give thanks for what you know and what you have journeyed into. You have learned more of who you are in the story of twelve.

The idea of twelve is deeply imprinted and embedded in your physical being. Twelve is a code that has been used by numerous sentient beings to enter your reality. You live in your world today according to certain mathematical agreements about reality. There are numerous mathematical bases for which numbers and interpretations can be pursued. Most of you simply agree on the one that is most commonly taught and used, and you believe that this is the only one. The idea of twelve coincides with the most commonly held mathematical base and point of view. The story of twelve is grander than that base; however, it fits well within it. Through this structure you can be influenced, and a way can be established so you can be guided to approach reality.

Can you imagine, as you go through life and all of exis- tence, wherever you travel, there is always a road? Say you are in an automobile on Earth driving down the highways, never veering or venturing off the paved way. You can see what is off to the sides of the road, but your vehicle only operates on the road, so you are only able to go where the roads are, and you never get out to walk. Understand that the imprint of twelve is like the road—whether it is twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve hours in the clock, twelve chapters in this book, or twelve imprints of your identity as strands of DNA or chakra energy centers. All of these things are roads through the cosmos around which you have traveled as an intelligent being.

Our intention is to have you become more fully aware that you are on a highway of twelve energy forms. If you can truly conceive of this grand mapping of twelve, then perhaps you can have some idea of where the cosmic roads will take you. You are tooled to fit twelve roads as models of universal thought. This is part of the teaching that is coded throughout this book. There is a very deep creation in the understanding of the twelve roads of energy that take you to separate places within existence that unify you. When you understand that these roads take you to the great shifts in consciousness you are now accumulating and experiencing as a mass consciousness, it will catapult an ending to reality as you currently know it. However, endings are completed moments when you gather, suspended, before a new, unseen beginning. As a species of life, you are poised at that moment when you are required to make a leap of faith.

You may ask yourself, “What is the point of what I know? What good does it do me to know that I am a member of the Family of Light? That perhaps I am Pleiadian? That Earth is valuable, that I am valuable, and that if I walk Earth and search Earth, I can find her secrets in her unbounded maj- esty, her sacred sites, and her symphonies of silently speaking circles? What do I need to know about the Lizzies and the Goddess and my body? And, how is it that my body can have room within it to have others merge with me and peek out from my eyes? And, if others merge with me, do they see the same world I do? Or is it through their merging with my being that other worlds emerge, and that I myself emerge into those other worlds? What is possession? What is merging and emerging in late twentieth-century Earth? What do my glands have to do with this and my body? And, where does sex take me through all of this?” Now, as you ponder these points, we in turn ask you: What great depths of surprise are you discovering as you learn to open your personal sacred sites to the secrets of your own loops of consciousness? What do you find when you meet brick walls and get to know the deepest mysteries of yourself?

If you can learn to transform energy, and move beyond judgment, you will come to an exalted place that takes you beyond the moment into a grander aspect of time—a time that is structured in a different fashion from yours. Time for you is ruled by numbers. There again, you find the story of twelve, encapsulated in time, defining who you are within a circle. So, as you complete the cycle of twelve in this book, consider a new way of viewing time. Realize that it is a structure through which other forms of existence use mathematical heritage as a language to express geometry.

Consider the geometry of time, which connects the cycles that you believe exist outside yourself—the rotations of the planets and the moon. Is the moon a computer? An eye in the sky? The Mother Goddess? A home of secret bases? A refueling station? A cosmic library, storehouse of ancient knowl- edge? The moon is the magic maker and cycle rotator, the energizer of your own inner tides and Great Mother water deity. Who is the moon in relationship to the sun? You must explore this on your journey of self-discovery.

The sun is the great master ruler, the governor of your solar system—for who are you without light? Who owns light? And, who, indeed, are light? And who are the sur- rounding energy forms, the stately planets that you believe exist in your solar system, which are spread like pearls throughout cosmic space—jewels equally as beautiful as Earth herself? There are those who would scoff at the idea that each of these forms glittering in space has intelligence. We, in turn, who exist many times on these glittering rocks in space, marvel at those who shut themselves off from the grandiose ideas that are bombarding your planet at this time. Be not fooled by those in authority who want to bring you limitation. Be uplifted. You are reaching an exalted state by deciding to choose a more expanded version of reality. You are giving everything in your life a greater role and finding yourself at the inner core of your own authority.

As you journey to this point that is the sum total of who you are, knowing all these things, you arrive at a moment when it is time to share your knowledge with your family, society, and culture. Many of you are poised in this moment. You have a duty to share what you know—not to preach or sow seeds of fear or plant the field for another, but to vibrate in the wholeness that you are. You need to understand and encompass all the things that make up society—life, death, birth, children, and all society’s members, young and old, not simply those whom you consider to be productive. Radical change will occur. Have compassion as you put the things you have learned to work.

As a mass consciousness, you are facing a collective total of karma as this Piscean Age completes its final act and point of purpose. Karma is being played out as determined by the universal laws of cause and effect. Through a grand gesture of generosity, karma is allowing for the creations of existence to return to their maker. This means you. You are facing a personal return of what you have created. That is now crucial for you to learn. We stated in the very beginning of this journal that we are here, experiencing Earth, because of our karma. In your own way, you are at this point realizing this as well. So, there is a need to look at your lives, to step outside your- selves and become the watchers, the great observers of your journey through twelve. Who is it that you are, and how have you employed your own selves as you have journeyed on this board of consciousness—this game of twelve cycles of life, or twelve influences that go around and around and come full circle again and again? Can you get off the circle? What do you know? And, what are you going to do with what you know?

We exist in a place in time that is beyond where you can be at this moment, and yet the place we exist occupies the same moment that you do. You are going to learn how to go deeper into your moments of time and how to discover that there is an unending enchanting melody that entices you forward. We want you to understand that what you seek in some way is always just ahead of you. Do not be burdened by that idea. Understand that, in the seeking, you ignite yourselves and inspire yourselves with your own imaginations. It is our intention to offer you an idea of purpose, to further inspire you to live. We cannot make you live. Only you, yourselves, can.

By using the power of your kundalini and directing that force into the ever-expanding vision of paradise and the vibration of ecstasy, you are led onward, moving from one moment to the next. Paradise exists. Indeed it does. You are all in search of it, and furthermore, you will find it. You will recognize it as a moment of bliss. It is not an ongoing place where you dwell forever and get bored; it is a moment of bliss. Often you seek it ahead of yourselves, always wondering when it is coming. When you are fully in the moment, you can realize that you are in a moment of bliss. Or, you can look back and reflect on many moments of bliss. You can dwell in the frequency of bliss, knowing that time and time again you have created that ever-expanding, spontaneous, synchronistic moment, and that it is ever beckoning you to move further along.

When you reach the point of closure and completion, in the twelfth sector, it is indeed a place of karma. It is a gather- ing of lessons, when the sum total of what you have set into motion returns to you as a completion of the cycle. There are a few ways to handle this realization. You can feel entrapped and enslaved by it, and create suffering, which is the victim idea: “I am powerless. I can do nothing about this. I am stuck in the loop. I have no idea how this happens to me.” If that is your stance, you can trust that you’ll create it again. Or, you can use the sum total of the journey of twelve to say, “What is it that I have learned on this journey of twelve? I take responsibility for everything in my life, for it was of my own design and creation. I have, on this journey, come to see why I selected certain things, even though I was unaware of them. They served me by showing me that my thoughts do cre- ate my own reality, and now I understand how the journey of twelve has served me. I am not saddened or enslaved by what I have discovered. I can now set myself free.”

All of you are looping through this particular aspect, experiencing the ending of the Piscean Age, staged as an event on a cosmic calendar. In the near future, the bottom will drop out. You are at that point of ending, processing, and realizing the loops through which you have traveled as patterns and ideas connecting all aspects of being. Some of you who have processed the loops of the exterior system are now understanding the loops in your own systems, deep in your bodies. Some of you are discovering that you are like prisoners, trapped in your own Eiffel Towers. Resolve your confinement. Visualize when you go to sleep tonight that there are keys on the walls of the towers in which you dwell. If you imagine yourselves as prisoners, in whatever isolated aspects of reality you favor, you can also imagine that there are keys to walk out and new suits of clothes as well. Be uplifted, and know that you can resolve that which appears to be a karmic burden.

If the karma is squeezing you at this time, it is because you need to release yourselves from the prisons you have created by your own need to punish, or feel shame or blame. You are all poised at the grand moment of letting go. Imagine that you are ambassadors of light, feeling space and vibrancy within yourselves, knowing that your thoughts have designed the energy that moves you. A new frontier and vista of the world await you if you visualize and imagine it. You must visualize that moment of bliss; it cannot exist without you.

Initiation is the test through which you learn to trust, let go, and change. When you are very young and your legs are small, you learn to ride a tricycle. When you can sit on it without help, you are proud. And when you can move those little legs and get it going, and learn how to stay on it, you are quite accomplished for a three- or four- or five- year- old. Then, there is an initiation. Your legs grow longer, and you no longer fit on that little tricycle. The world today is full of those in positions of authority on tricycles. They never moved beyond the moment of knowledge they experienced. They force reality and their long legs to fit in that one moment only. The initiation is to allow yourself to go into the ever-expanding moment—to get on a bigger bike and move with your body’s growing needs. Understand that your body grows more than physically. It grows mentally, spiritually, and emotionally into a multidimensional existence. The key is to trust the process of growth and change, in all dimen- sions of reality, with all versions of yourself. The crisis you confront is one in which world leaders and authority figures are on tricycles, riding around the block, lost in a loop of anachronistic beliefs.

The initiation is to get on with something that is vast and unknown, and to master it. The accumulation of everything you learn through the point of twelve often takes you to a place of crisis. Why does it reach crisis? Because you are stubborn beings. Because you like to say, “I am expanded. I am uplifted. I am open. I make space in my body. I am ready for change.” And then the brakes go on: “Not here, spirit. Oh, no. Not here, spirit. I’m not changing. I’m staying the same.” You do not make room for the energy to pass through you, and you clog up the sieve of yourselves. Then there is a big backlash.

If you’ve ever seen a dam break, you know there is a great mess to deal with. You will see this soon. Some of your dams will break in your world because, as people, you have dammed-up consciousness. Rather than go through the ini- tiation, you stay on your tricycles. You are afraid to get on bikes that are bigger and fall off. Let go. Realize that there is a great love for who you are. Reality is designed by you, and you can design it to benefit yourselves. The force of existence moves in your direction as you call it. So make a grand, beau- tiful symphony of how you want the world to be. You are unlimited, and this is what the initiation teaches you. You can get off the tricycles and get on bigger bikes and ride them faster and see another world. You are growing now as a col- lective to ride something bigger, a vehicle you are just begin- ning to imagine. Have compassion for those who are afraid to get off the trikes of life. Have compassion, open your hearts, and invite them. Show them the way, those of you who have the courage to be the ambassadors of light, for you ride on invisible vehicles.

Do not be attached to what we have shared with you. Do not proclaim new bibles of truth through our stories. We are here to entertain you and, as we have said, to create new images to give you a stepladder to what’s out there. It’s a gigantic universe, so do not limit yourself and force everything to fit into one recipe to bake a pie. There are many ways to look at life.

The embodiment of twelve will give you a sum total of yourselves. Take it, and realize that with the completion of twelve a whole new journey begins. It is this moment upon which you are now poised. Enjoy every moment as a moment of bliss. Keep yourselves in the ever-expanding opportunity that the goddesses and the gods and all the versions of your- selves are funneling your way. Accept the mantle of your own creation.

The sum total of twelve also relates to the idea of the twelve libraries. This you cannot conceive of at this moment in time. However, as we offer you a vision and an idea, some of you will begin to create these libraries in your own artistic forms, first in your imaginations and then through different mediums on your planet. However you bring these images into form is your freedom to choose. We want you to hold the idea that twelve unique centers, including Earth, are coming alive. In this very moment that moves out in every direc- tion, as you enhance your now and explore, and dare to have the courage to climb a new peak of existence—to insist that there is more—this reverberates into every aspect of twelve as well.

When these twelve centers of knowledge are once again reconnected as an energetic laser grid of light, there will be a new mandala—a new highway of energy within the universe you find yourselves within. The story of twelve fits within a circle, and as reality stretches to fulfill more moments, it also fits within a spiral as well. When you complete a cycle of twelve, it creates a larger sphere or circle of consciousness into which you evolve. You have difficulty imagining the unbounded, so you bind yourselves with a circle. You divide that circle into twelve, whether you call it the zodiac, the calendar, or the clock. You find yourselves within that aspect of geometry because you are comfortable within it. You can move without it; however, at this stage of your development, it is where you learn the cycles of yourselves, and so we teach you within that arena. All geometry is contained within the circle, and the circle is a key to the spiral. It helps the spiral understand itself by capturing the moment.

We want to remind you that you are in two worlds. Even though you drive your cars, go to the bathroom, sleep, eat, and do all of the things that all humans do, you do not dwell in the same world. You reside in a world of knowledge, and you have gained access to the rules to bridge both of these worlds.

We also want to remind you to energize the idea of a safe world. Much will happen, bringing change through tumultuous, shocking, and surprising events as things that have been prophesied begin to occur. It would be wise for all of you to seek the wisdom of the elders, the indigenous peoples in all cultures, and to listen to the teachings they share. They speak of these times, and their teachers have been our teachers. They understand, as Earth speaks.

We are friends from many, many creations of existence, reminding you that the Game Masters have a good time intertwining and orchestrating realities as they create from afar and dwell within. Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realize that it is your duty and responsibility as human beings, based on what you now know, to imagine and visualize a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it.

We salute you for the courage to kindle the flame of faith as the spark of life in the core of your beings and to pioneer the frontier to blissful living where meaning and purpose thrive. See that flame grow and allow it to serve as the fuel for a safe and unique adventure into grand arenas of experience.

Energy Exercise

Imagine yourself standing under the open sky. The air is fresh and alive, and the ground feels firm and solid beneath your feet. Take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I am alive!” Focus on your vitality and travel into the moment of your imagination, as the painter of your inner vision.

Picture an ancient stone circle before you, and for a few moments open yourself to the vibrations of the twelve majestic megaliths as they stand erect and dignified under the canopy of time. Feel the stones speak as they convey the experience of their commitment as consciousness. They have been alive and aware for grand epochs of existence, encased as the bone of Earth. Walk up to a stone, place your hand on the cool surface, and listen with your cells as golden spirals dance their way through the stone into your now. Walk from giant to giant, experiencing the twelve and sensing the task and monumental energy each stone preserves. Take that energy and transfer it to yourself so that the bones of your being are filled with golden spirals.

Step now to the center of this ring of stone and plant a seed that holds a resplendent and glorious version of Earth, in which she is honored and crowned by her people. Using your knowledge of light and intent, create a spark of life to activate this seed. See the center of the circle expand and the seed grow as golden spirals spin off in all directions, passing through the avenues of twelve, seeding a new Earth.

Now, a voice speaks, familiar in tone and form, saying,”We are you, on the golden spirals of time, cycling the epochs of existence, calling to ourselves. Be uplifted. May your journey begin anew. Be yourselves.”