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Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras. An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer. For this reason, many metaphysicians recommend using Malachite in small doses.

Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, both positive and negative. One of the most important healing stones, Malachite helps the user acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings. Malachite’s ability to draw out negative energy can assist in discovering the energy blocks and patterns that may be causing physical disease.

Highly protective, Malachite absorbs pollution, purifies, and shields against radioactivity. Malachite can be useful in easing menstrual cramps and childbirth. Use Malachite on the Third-Eye to facilitate psychic vision, while Malachite held on the Heart Chakra will bring balance and fidelity to relationships with other people.

Physically, Malachite is a wonderful equalizing and balancing agent. It protects against radiation and has been used in the treatment of asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, broken bones and torn muscles.

Meditation with Malachite

Malachite reveals the truth about oneself and brings to the surface that which is unknown or unseen to the conscious mind. When used, worn or meditated upon, it will draw out and reflect whatever is impeding spiritual growth, and is best used in conjunction with meditation to help balance and release the debris that is revealed. 

To break negative patterns of behavior, speak your fears and sorrows aloud daily as you hold the crystal, then, leave it in a sheltered place outdoors overnight to carry away the fears. 

Some practitioners have used Malachite in meditations to get in touch with the Earth Mother. Holding one and sitting quietly on the ground for a few minutes helps many people to be more aware of the earth as a living organism upon whom we are totally dependent.

Malachite Emotional Healing Energy

As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness and teaching the responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people. 

Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood. It also encourages healthy relationships based on love and not need.  Malachite assists in overcoming fear of confrontation, or fear of being seen or noticed, and helps one find the strength within to assume their rightful place in the Universe.

Note: Malachite absorbs negative energy easily, but holds it within the stone until it is cleaned, so it is important to “clear” your Malachite often. See the News article in the left navigation that offers some methods of clearing your crystals. Do not use salt to clear polished Malachite as it will damage the finish.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Monoclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Cu2CO3(OH)2 Copper Carbonate Hydroxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn-(December-22-to-January-19), Scorpio-(October-23-to-November-21)


HARDNESS: 3.5-to-4-Hardness

COLOR: Green

LOCATION: Australia, Congo, Russia, Zaire

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Arthritis, Asthma, Back-Problems-and-Pain, Bacterial-and-Viral-Infections, Birthing-Problems-and-Health, Body-Detox, Bone-Disorders-and-Health, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Colic, Congestion, Dental-Pain-and-Problems, Dizziness, Emphysema, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, Healing, Immune-System-Strengthening-and-Support, Infertility, Inflammation, Joint-Pain-and-Health, Liver-Disorders-and-Health, Lungs, Muscle-Pain-or-Issues, Muscular/Skeletal, Osteoporosis, Pain-Relief, Pancreas-Health, Post-Surgery-Healing, Radiation, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Skin-Infections-and-Irritations, Toxins, Tumors-and-Growths, Vertigo

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Comforting, Emotional-Balance, Emotional-Blockages, Hope, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth, Shyness

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Absorbs-Energy, Abundance, Heart-Chakra, Spiritual-Protection

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful green color, beautiful banding, opaque, < 10% Matrix

A GRADE: Nice green color, nice banding, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor green color, nice banding, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I welcome positive transformation into my life.

QUESTION: What helps you feel centered during times of change?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Butterfly_Animal_Totem_Articles_12674.html

REFERENCE 2: http://www.healingcrystals.com/_Crystal_Energy_Grid_-_January__2015__Articles_13385.html