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Topaz is beneficial for general health as well as for eyesight. Topaz was used long ago as a stone of invisibility — it was believed that, if one held Topaz in their left hand, they would not be noticed by those they were trying to avoid. It has also been carried or worn as a good-luck stone. Topaz enhances mental processes, bringing clarity and logic to any situation. It helps to see all aspects of an issue or problem, making it easier to find a solution. In this way, Topaz is also helpful to those searching for existential meaning, illuminating all the pieces of the puzzle and helping one to become receptive to their form.

Topaz Color Energy

Topaz is formed in a wide array of colors. For the color energy of your stone, see the Crystal Color Energy section of this site.

Note that Colorless Topaz is not influenced by color energy; rather it is a stone of light.

Meditation with Topaz

Topaz is a superb crystal for meditation, bringing the mind, body and spirit into union with the forces of the universe. It enhances relaxation, creates lightness of spirit, and stimulates feelings of peace. It is highly supportive for affirmations and visualization, as well as directing one’s focus for healing, attraction and manifestation. Golden and Imperial Topaz carry the Gold/Pink ray of Christ consciousness may be used to connect to that frequency in meditation, and furthers one in the quest for enlightenment.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



SECONDARY CHAKRA: Sacral-Chakra, Solar-Plexus-Chakra

CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Orthorhombic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Al2SiO4F2, Aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21)


HARDNESS: 8-Hardness

COLOR: Brown, Clear, Sky-Blue-(light-blue), White, Yellow

LOCATION: Brazil, Mexico, Namibia, Pakistan, Russia

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Aids-Concentration, Cough, Detoxifying, Digestion-and-Digestive-System-Health, Eating-Disorders, Glandular-Disorders-and-Health, Gout, Increase-Metabolism, Night-Terrors-and-Nightmares, Ovarian-Disorders-or-Cysts, Pancreas-Health, Sense-of-Smell-and-Taste, Tissue-Health-and-Healing

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Courage, Fear, Fear-of-Dark

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Abundance, Affirmation-Statements, Clairvoyance, Manifestation

EXTRA GRADE: Ice water clear, transparent, <10% Matrix

A GRADE: Clear to white/cream color, partially translucent and/or <25% Martix

B GRADE: Clear to white/cream, opaque and/or >25% Matrix

AFFIRMATION: I trust that my intuition will answer all of my questions.

QUESTION: Do you use crystals to help manifest your desires?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Bringing_Luck___Abundance_Your_Way_Articles_11120.html