Quartz, Indigo Aura (Tanzan Aura)
Indigo Aura, also called Tanzan Aura or Tanzine Aura, is similar to Tanzanite in its metaphysical properties. A high vibrational stone, Indigo Aura works well with the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras, and helps you to communicate any psychic visions or dreams you might experience with this stone. A spiritual stone, Indigo Aura Quartz is helpful in recognizing the Christ consciousness within. Indigo Aura Quartz aids in communications with the spiritual realms (guides, angels, guardians) and can be used to access information from the Hall of Records. The Gold and Indium in Indigo Aura allows one to significantly raise their vibrations, allowing them to release negativity. Carrying Indigo Aura (Tanzan Aura) Quartz in your pocket can help when encountering situations loaded with negative vibrations.
Indigo Aura (Tanzan Aura) is created when Clear Quartz crystals are super-heated in a vacuum and infused with vaporized Gold & Indium. Indigo Aura and Champagne Aura both contain Gold and Indium, however, due to a slightly different process, a different color and vibration is created. The precious metals condense onto the surface of the quartz crystal to form a permanent bond with the lattice of the quartz. By combining the vibrations of Quartz with Gold and Indium, a synthesis of unique vibrations is created. Indigo Aura (Tanzan Aura) is wonderful for meditation and healing work.
Indigo helps one to develop the higher senses of sight, hearing and smell. It enables one to express the purity of the God-self; supporting the ultimate development into a true spiritual teacher who can impart to others high knowledge, understanding, love and wisdom.
Helps one to learn control of the Universe's forces and eventually achieve communion with the Christ Consciousness.
Editor’s Note: We feel that lab enhanced stones can be effective for transmitting healing energy. Heat treating or enhancing a crystal in a lab does change the vibration, but it does not eliminate or reduce the potential healing effect.
Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
PROPERTIES FOR STONE: Indigo (Tanzan) Aura
PRIMARY CHAKRA: Third-Eye-Chakra
SECONDARY CHAKRA: Crown-Chakra, Throat-Chakra
CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Trigonal-Crystal-System
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide,Lab Enhanced using Gold and Indium as a bonding agent
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: All-Astrological-Signs
HARDNESS: 7-Hardness
COLOR: Blue, Indigo-(dark-blue), Iridescent
LOCATION: Brazil, China, India
RARITY: Common
MINERAL CLASS: Silicates-Mineral-Class
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Masculine/Feminine-Balance
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Dispel-or-Release-Negativity
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Akashic-Records, Connecting-and-Communicating-with-Spirit-Guides, Connecting-with-Christ-Consciousness, Dream-Interpretation-and-Recall, Karma, Visions, Visualization
EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful violet-blue color, transparent, <10% matrix
A GRADE: Nice violet-blue color, translucent, 10% - 25% matrix
B GRADE: Poor violet-blue color, opaque and/or >25% matrix
AFFIRMATION: I am connected to a higher power in the Universe.
QUESTION: Do you practice any specific meditations for psychic awareness?
REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Indigo_Aura_Quartz_Supports_Intuition_Articles_12752.html