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Hiddenite (Green Spodumene)

Hiddenite is a member of the Spodumene group. The crystals that form as pink or purple are called Kunzite; those that are green or yellow are called Hiddenite, and those that form as white or clear crystals are called Spodumene.

Hiddenite is prized for its unique work with the Heart Chakra and has the wonderful characteristic of imparting the comprehension of unconditional love onto the owner. Holding or wearing Hiddenite close to the heart can release blockages of the Heart Chakra, thereby giving rise to a compelling desire to love simply for the sake of loving, without the need for power or control.

Meditating with Hiddenite can help one to achieve states of Universal Love and to pass these experiences on to others, without expectation. Meditation with this stone can also help to make or deepen a connection of love with our dear Mother Earth.

Working with Hiddenite can help remind us of our innate connection to the Divine, and in turn, elicit feelings of hope and of gratitude for all that is.

Hiddenite is a wonderful healing crystal, gently working on physical and emotional issues, including grief, and allowing for a rejuvenation of mind and body. Hiddenite also aids in overcoming addictions by the release of attachments through opening up the heart to hope and joy. The all-encompassing healing nature of Hiddenite assists in pushing out negative energies leaving room only for Divine Love.

Hiddenite Physical Healing Energy

Passed over the body, Hiddenite can be a useful diagnostic tool in revealing areas of weakness, coldness, and dis-ease, and may be used in radionic analysis. [Hall, 164-165] It boosts the power of herbs, essential oils, homeopathic remedies and hydrotherapy. 

Hiddenite strengthens the circulatory system and heart muscle, and is helpful in treating neuralgia, joint pain and toothache. Hiddenite enhances the treatment of depression and psychiatric disorders, and assists the physical body in recovering from emotional stress.It may aid in balancing the hemispheres of the brain, fluid imbalances, and in easing hyperventilation..

Hiddenite Emotional Healing Energy

Hiddenite stirs the heart, helping to re-connect loving thoughts and communications, and helps return spontaneity and genuineness in relationships. It provides a gentle reminder of the initial delight one felt in the other and the joyous acceptance of that person exactly as he or she was. It encourages one to love with a whole heart, looking to the future without being worried over future outcomes. Through the feelings it generates within the self, it allows one to see that loving in and of itself, is its own reward. [Simmons, 200]

Hiddenite assists those who have difficulty in receiving due to feelings of unworthiness to overcome the misconception that financial wealth or possessions are the true measure of one's worth. It reveals how truly precious one is to the Creator, and when one stops to receive the love of the Divine, the feelings of true abundance and overwhelming gratitude in that moment supersedes all other needs. Living focused on the gifts one is receiving each moment creates a more joyous life.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Monoclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: LiAl(Si2O6) Lithium Aluminum Silicate (many times with inclusions of Chromium)

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio-(October-23-to-November-21)


HARDNESS: 6.5-to-7-Hardness

COLOR: Green

LOCATION: Brazil, China, Madagascar, Pakistan

RARITY: Uncommon


MINERAL CLASS: Silicates-Mineral-Class

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Bipolar-Disorder, Circulatory-Problems, Ear-Infections-and-Pain, Epilepsy, Gallbladder, Heart, Immune-System-Strengthening-and-Support, Joint-Pain-and-Health, Mental-Clarity, Neuralgia, Psychiatric-Disorders

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Acceptance, Addictions, Anxiety, Appreciation, Compassion, Coping-with-Grief, Creativity-and-Creative-Expression, Eases-Depression, Gratitude, Hope, Humility, Inspiration, Joy, Love, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth, Self-Expression, Tolerance

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Connecting-to-Mother-Earth, Electromagnetic-Pollution-and-Smog, Unconditional-Love

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful green color, translucent/transparent, <25% matrix

A GRADE: Nice green color, translucent, 25% - 50% matrix

B GRADE: Poor yellow/green color, opaque/transparent, and/or > 50%

AFFIRMATION: I am filled with universal love and share it freely with others.

QUESTION: Are you a seeker of universal love?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/What_Crystals_Will_Help_With_Hearing_Loss_and_Eyesight_Degeneration__Articles_4844.html