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圣哲曼系列4 - 扬升大师 Ascension Master Introduction - Discourse 9

Discourse IX

August 1, 1932 


INVOCATION: Thou most Infinite, Radiant One, Thou who dost possess all Peace, Power, and Wisdom, We give praise and thanks for Thy Holy Presence with Us. 



The Cherubim: We have a very delightful Manifestation of the Great Presence here today. A Cherubim from One of the Seven Elohim is sent to dispense Its Radiance; and It enfolds the room in a Ray of Golden Light, touched with a Breath of Pink. This Presence rests at anchor, as it were, about sixty feet above the home; and from It extends the Golden Ray enfolded in Its Garment of Love. 

谢鲁宾Cherubim:今天,我们在这里看到了伟大存在的一个非常令人愉快的显化。 七神之一的谢鲁宾被派来散发祂的光;它用金色的光芒包围了整个房间,并用粉红色的气息点缀。 这个存在就像停泊在房屋上方大约六十英尺的地方,从它那里延伸出金色的光芒,包裹在爱的衣裳里。

The Cherubim are similar to the Angel Devas, but nearer the human size. Sometimes the Cherubim are quite like the well౼rounded form of a small lady. They always convey Love as the predominating Quality or Activity. The Angel Devas often convey the element of Power because of the Work They have to do. The Cherubim have such a Mighty Focus of the Love Ray that They accomplish whatever They wish through It. They have a great Radiance for a great distance. 

谢鲁宾与天使魔神相似,但体型更接近人类。有时,谢鲁宾就像一位身材匀称的女士。 他们总是把爱作为主要的品质或活动。 天使魔神经常传达出力量的元素,因为他们必须完成工作。 谢鲁宾拥有如此强大的爱光束聚焦,他们通过爱光束来完成任何他们想做的事情。 他们在很远的地方都能发出巨大的光芒。

The Cherubims Message: "Beloved Ones, chosen of the Light, We add Our Love with this Enfolding Radiance to strengthen, to heal, to bless, and to prosper each one of you, and to cleanse every particle of thought of self away, so that the Full Presence of the Christ may have Its Dominion of Full Peace, Love, and Harmony within the body, that it may have perfect health." 


This Presence gives Its Love and Greetings to each one, so that they may feel Its Presence henceforth, enfolding and unfolding in each one. In this Ray is a Special Ray to each one of you, that will henceforth remain anchored in the Heart to fulfill Its Mission. The Presence of the Cherubim wishes me to say that you may think of It as "The Presence of the Golden Heart." 

这个存在将它的爱和问候送给每一个人,让他们从今以后都能感受到它的存在,在每一个人的心中展开。 在这束光中,有一束特别的光是给你们每一个人的,它将从今以后一直锚定在你们的心中,完成它的使命。 谢鲁宾的临在希望我说,你们可以将它视为 "黄金之心的存在"。

The spinal Currents: Today, We will take up an Explanation that, as far as I know, has not heretofore been given. The Currents of the Negative and Positive Force, one on either side of the spine, ever active in Their mission of distribution, are like two harp strings: the Negative being of the bass, and the Positive of the treble. There is within the nerve on each side of the spine, that which resembles a harp string. When one enters the Conscious Path, these Divine Strings, as it were, begin to be tuned; and when they reach a certain tautness, they begin to respond to the Great Advanced Presences who play upon them, unknown to the human form. 

脊髓间的电流: 今天,我们将讨论一个据我所知迄今为止还没有人给出过的解释。 阴性和阳性力量的气流分别位于脊柱的两侧,它们始终活跃地执行着分配任务,就像两根竖琴弦:阴性的是低音,阳性的是高音。 在脊柱两侧的神经中,有一根类似于竖琴弦的东西。 当一个人进入 "意识之路 "时,这些神圣的琴弦就会开始调音;当它们达到一定的绷紧度时,就会开始对人类所不知道的、在它们上面演奏的伟大的高级存在做出反应。

When the human form sometimes feels a tension, it is because some discordant vibration has touched one of these Strings. There is perfected a tiny Instrument that, when placed at the base of the brain, acts like a key to the harp, attuning these Strings to the proper Activity. It is under consideration now whether this shall be brought forth. If it be brought forth, certain ones who may receive It are to be prepared for the Intense Use of the Cosmic Rays. This accounts for the special Presence with us today. 

当人体有时感到紧张时,是因为某些不和谐的振动触动了其中一根弦。 有一种微小的仪器已经完善,当把它放在大脑底部时,它就像竖琴的琴键一样,使这些弦与适当的活动相协调。 现在,我们正在考虑是否要将其投入使用。 如果它被提出来,某些可能接受它的人就要为宇宙光束的密集使用做好准备。 这也是今天我们与宇宙光束特别同在的原因。

Warning: I ask each one of you to take a firm grip on yourself, putting out of the mind everything of a discordant nature, especially during the month of August and possibly September. The one who succeeds in doing this will receive great benefit. The one who will govern his thought, shutting out all discord, will open himself to the Mighty Current that will attune the Harp Strings of the Soul, just described. Through these one may receive distinct Hearing of the Inner "Presence," and clear Vision beyond the Veil. 

警告:我要求你们每一个人都牢牢地控制住自己,把一切不和谐的东西都从脑海中抹去,尤其是在八月和可能的九月。 成功做到这一点的人将获得巨大的利益。 一个人如果能控制自己的思想,将一切不和谐的因素拒之门外,就会向强大的电流敞开自己的心扉,从而调整灵魂的琴弦。 通过这些,人们可以获得内在 "临在 "的清晰听觉和超越面纱的清晰视觉。

Just be at peace, ease, and rest concerning these; feel no strain in any way, no anxiety. This will give one the Jewel of Inner Discrimination, which will enable him to completely govern the outer activity. This means that it will enable one to distinguish between the human and the Divine Thought, and to govern the outer so that any thought of jealousy, resentment, or self౼pity cannot enter. Those three conditions are most stifling to the Higher Activity. 

在这些问题上,只要心平气和、从容不迫、安之若素,不感到任何压力和焦虑。 这将使人获得 "内在辨别之宝",从而能够完全控制外部活动。 这意味着,它将使人能够区分人的思想和神的思想,并支配外在,使任何嫉妒、怨恨或自怜的念头都无法进入。 这三种情况最能扼杀高级活动。

Visualizing the Harp Strings of the Soul: I would suggest౼the individual should follow his or her feelings౼that those who can, visualize these two Harp Strings of the Soul connected at the base of the spine, connecting again at the pineal gland in the brain: the one on the right side of a delightful Pink and the one on the left side an intense Blue. The Pink conveys Powerful Divine Love through the Positive Current; and the Blue String, the Negative Current, sustains the outer form in the Divine Balance. This description given, I assure you, is very real౼quite as real as your harp before you when you sit down to play. The Knowledge of this and Its use, that is and will be given, will enable one to consciously hold a steady, calm balance in the outer contemplation of the Inner "Presence." 

想象灵魂的琴弦:我建议每个人都应该跟着自己的感觉走,有能力的人可以想象这两根灵魂的琴弦在脊柱底部连接,然后在大脑松果体处再次连接:右侧的琴弦是令人愉悦的粉红色,左侧的琴弦是强烈的蓝色。 粉红色通过正向电流传递强大的神爱;而蓝色字符串,即负向电流,则在神性平衡中维持着外在形式。 我向你保证,这些描述非常真实,就像你坐下来演奏时面前的竖琴一样真实。 了解了这些知识及其用途,就能让人在沉思内在的 "临在 "时,有意识地保持稳定、平静的平衡。

In Our౼the Great Ones'౼Activity at a given time of action, as so ably illustrated at the close of The Magic Presence, We often find the Great Wisdom from the still Higher Spheres completing an Action that We might hesitate to do. In that instance and the instance today, it shows the Presence and Activity of a very Great Wisdom that will not allow the outer to interrupt the progress. The time has come for definite, mighty Action. 

在我们,伟大者在特定行动时间的活动中,正如《神奇的临在》结尾处所展示的那样,我们经常会发现来自更高层次的伟大智慧正在完成一项我们可能会犹豫不决的行动。 在那个例子和今天的例子中,我们都看到了一种伟大智慧的临在和活动,它不会让外在因素打断我们的进程。 采取明确而有力的行动的时刻已经到来。

The song, "Onward Christian Soldiers," sends forth an Activity which is really "Onward Children of the Light." I expect that this Presence may inspire you with the Melody of the "Children of the Light"; for it is really the March of the Eternal Host onward to the Victory of Justice and Eternal Harmony, manifest in the outer expression of humanity. 

"基督战士向前冲 "这首歌所发出的活动实际上是 "光之子向前冲"。 我希望这个存在能用 "光之子 "的旋律来激励你们;因为这实际上是永恒之主向正义与永恒和谐的胜利进军,体现在人类的外在表现上。

The Presence which has been established is in answer to the Call to Surya. The Province of this Presence will be to watch and aid in the governing of these two Currents of Attunement. 

已经建立的临在是对苏利亚召唤的回应。 这个 "临在 "的职责是监督和协助管理这两股 "调和之流"。

Healing: Beloved Cyclopea is in charge of the Healing Ray to the Earth. The Healing Ray, which is a blending of Gold and Violet, is always an Independent Ray. The Gold is Divine Love, and the Violet is Spiritual Power and the Consuming Activity which dissolves human accumulation. 


For Peace, the Gold is predominant. For Spiritual Power as the Consuming Activity, the Violet will predominate. The Violet Ray is a calm, quiet Power and is always an Uplifting Presence. The Blue Ray is Power unqualified. Always be sure౼be careful not to send your own conscious power with It or to taint it with a feeling of anger or irritation when you use it.

对于和平而言,金色占主导地位。对于作为吞噬性活动的精神力量,紫光会占主导地位。 紫光是一种平和、宁静的力量,总是令人振奋的存在。 蓝光是无条件的力量。 在使用它时,请务必小心,不要将自己有意识的力量传递给它,也不要让它沾染上愤怒或烦躁的情绪。

The means described is the Way by which the Ascended Masters often give Great Assistance to the Students, when they put aside, or out of the consciousness, all thought or feeling of self. When one has the complete action of It grasped in the outer mind, It becomes a Mighty Means of Healing.


You will very readily have the use of this; and if you use It for Healing, no matter what seems to be there, hold the two colors positive and steady. There is no Healing to be done except in the outer form, but be sure to keep the Inner "Presence" at work healing the wounds of hate. Ask the "Mighty I AM Presence" of the other individual to illumine his or her Heart and mind and then heal the body. All Healing is but a bringing back of a Natural Balance of the two Forces. You will at once see what a Mighty Power you have in your hands to use. 

你会很容易地使用它;如果你将它用于治疗,无论出现什么情况,都要保持这两种颜色的积极和稳定。 除了外在的形式,没有什么疗愈可以做,但一定要保持内在的 "临在" 在治疗仇恨的创伤。 请对方的 "强大的我是存在"照亮他或她的心灵,然后治愈身体。 所有的治疗都只是让两种力量恢复自然平衡。 你马上就会明白,你手中掌握着多么强大的力量。

Note: the celebration of the Crystal Stone: After seeing the celebration of the Crystal Stone, the scene was a fragment of a past experience; and if it could be dramatized in pictures it would be of immense help to humanity. In spite of all that may seem to be, that wonderful phase of expression, the movies, which can be made so perfectly wonderful, will yet be used to convey Mighty Inner Truths of the Activity of the Mighty Ascended Host. The scene was of a forgotten period of which the only records are in the Royal Teton. 

注:水晶石的庆典:在目睹水晶石庆典后,这一场景是过去经历的一个片段;如果能将其以影像形式戏剧化呈现,将对人类带来巨大的帮助。尽管表面看来情况可能并不理想,这种奇妙的表达形式——电影,可以被塑造得极为美好——终将被用来传递扬升大师伟大内在真理的活动。这一场景属于一个被遗忘的时代,其唯一的记录存在于皇家提顿(Royal Teton)之中。

A Mighty Inner Preparation has been made sometime, somewhere, for this outer experience. The Inner Activity is the Real and the only Real, Natural Activity. The outer is so crude and distorted compared to the Inner. 


The situation in Washington, D. C.: The only right attitude for every Student towards every apparent manifestation of the outer during this seemingly chaotic period is this: No matter what seems to be taking place, drive into the midst of whatever the condition may be, the Consciousness that there is but One Cause that has any Power ౼ and that is the Wisdom, Power, and Presence of Almighty God in Full Action there. Sometimes the outer activity must reach a certain peak of expression to burn out, as it were, the human generation of wrong action. We must know positively and with certainty, that back of every outer activity are God and His Messengers watching the moment to strike, and pouring into the condition that Presence which consumes the wrong and raises the Right into its Perfect Activity. 


Thus throughout the ages, have God and His Noble Messengers watched the inhumanity to mankind౼at each opportunity raising them a little higher, until the Cosmic Signal sounded, foretelling the Onrush of the Mighty Active Presence of Christ, God in Action, that will draw the poisonous fangs from the poor serpent of mankind౼so that willingly its forces are forever turned upward. The serpent will then have become the Dove, for the serpent was first conceived in the mind of the outer man by the misdirection of that wonderful Energy of God. It was thus turned downward from Its Rightful Heavenly course౼which is forever upward. 


Do not at any time feel disturbance at any of the things that take place in the outer world, for all is tending upward towards its Eternal Perfection. Woe unto those in official places who fail to act in accordance with those strong Inner Promptings that they are receiving clearly and distinctly, for many are receiving them unmistakably. President Hoover felt that there were important records and much that needed to be protected; and he knew that when a crowd gets into a mob vibration, they do things which they never intended in the beginning. He was right, for violence would have become rampant. If the veterans had had a little more encouragement in their intent, they would have burned and destroyed things which needed to be preserved. [This refers to the veterans' march on Washington, D.C., July 1932. This was a time of great economic depression.] During the time of the French Revolution, Robespierre had no idea in the beginning that things would go as far as they did. 


The attitude of the real Student: "There is only God acting in this situation, and He will bring Right and justice out of it!" 

真正学生的态度 "在这种情况下,只有神在起作用,祂会带来正义和公正!"

When people will not listen, they must go on until you knock them for a "home run" before they will pay attention. Awake! and stand for the One Presence of Right and Justice! The willingness to face the human creation and its error, and turn about, takes very great strength. 

当人们不愿意倾听时,他们必须继续下去,直到你敲出一个"全垒打",他们才会注意。 觉醒吧!站在正确与正义的唯一临在的立场上! 敢于面对人类的创造及其错误,并转过身来,这需要非常强大的力量。

Vital: Thought gets to revolving, stirring up, and generating the feeling; then it becomes difficult to control it. To any disturbing thought say, 'I refuse to let you act౼now get out!" Every Student should face himself, see what there is that needs correcting, and then proceed to correct it. There is only one cause in every individual's Life, and that is his own conscious creation. Every Student has to get that idea into his head, face it, and then conquer himself. Instead of recognizing God as the only Cause, the mass of mankind generate, through the outer manifestation, misconceptions and causes that are certain to bring them distress. 


The idea of the dragon was first a conception in the ancient Chinese civilization. At that time the wrong use of the Solar Force created, instead of a thought౼form resembling the human, a thought౼form resembling the serpent, because they had for generations been taught and had known the Creative Power as the serpent power౼which caused the thought creation to take that form. That tradition has come down with the Chinese to the present day, as you will observe in their ceremony of the New Year. They masquerade as the dragon to scare away the evil spirits. This is but a distorted conception of the Great Wisdom that they once used. 


Discourses: The arrangements for the days on which these Discourses are given have been quite wisely planned. While the Instruction is going forth, this makes it possible to carry the Radiation from lesson to lesson, and is better for the Class and gives the Radiation intended for them. 

讲课:讲课日的安排是非常明智的。 在教学进行的同时,这样可以把照耀从一堂课带到另一堂课,对全班同学更好,也能给他们带来预期的照耀。

For the young Students: The time has arrived when a special effort will be made to reach those from twelve years on, with the Understanding of the Light. There are many Great Souls who have come into embodiment since the war period; and once the contact is made, they will instantly feel the Inner Response. Whoever feels that Response will receive great benefit from the outer contact with the Truth. 

给年轻的学生们:现在是时候了,我们将做出特别的努力,向十二岁以上的学生传授光的理解。 有许多伟大的灵魂自战争时期以来就开始化身;一旦接触,他们就会立即感受到内在的回应。 感受到这种回应的人将从与真理的外部接触中获得巨大的益处。

Important daily: It is wise to always keep using the Command: "I, Christ, the 'Mighty I AM Presence,' command that there be no interference in the Truth being conveyed to anyone, for Truth is always Its own Defense." This will cause to be projected about the younger Students a Presence that will not accept suggestions that might lead them away from the Truth and from the "Presence"౼from which they felt the Inner Response. 

每天都很重要: 明智的做法是始终坚持使用 "命令"的方式: "我,基督,'内在强大的我是临在',命令不要干涉向任何人传达的真理,因为真理永远是它自己的辩护"。 这将使年轻的学生们感受到一种临在,这种临在不会接受可能导致他们偏离真理和"临在"的建议,而他们正是从 "临在"那里感受到了内在的回应。

Just declaring a thing often enables it to be done. It is hard for Students to conceive that a certain, positive declaration often opens wide the door to the enlargement of the demand, as it were. It is so easy for the Student always to govern thought if he or she will only do it before it gains momentum. Say: ''Here! Now, stop! Get out!" The thing the outer self needs is unshakable confidence; because it has not been accustomed to Instantaneous Manifestation, it feels things are far off, so to speak. 

只需宣告一件事,往往就能把它办成。 学生们很难想象,某种积极的宣告往往会为扩大要求敞开大门。 学生总是很容易控制思想,只要他或她能在思想发展壮大之前做到这一点。 说: ''这里! 现在,停下! 出去!"外在自我需要的是坚定不移的信心;因为它还没有习惯瞬时显现,所以它觉得事情还很遥远。

Don’s grown appearance: If Don loves Me and occasionally looks at My picture, he might easily take on a resemblance. Nada has an amazing Power through the use of the Love Ray. 

Don长大后的样子:如果Don爱上了我,偶尔看看我的照片,他可能会很容易与我相似。 娜达通过使用爱之光拥有了惊人的力量。

Our new Home: The establishment of an Ascended Master Horne is entirely within the province of that Intelligence that comes forth at intervals. The best way is just to rejoice in the idea and let the Great Wisdom bring it about. Many times it is absolutely essential that the idea be conveyed to the outer; for through that, certain preparation can be made which saves a great deal of energy. 

我们的新家:扬升大师霍恩(Horne)的建立完全属于不定时段会出现的智慧的范畴中。 最好的办法就是欣然接受这个想法,让大智慧来实现它。 很多时候,将想法传达给外部是绝对必要的;因为通过这种方式,可以做一些准备工作,从而节省大量精力。

BENEDICTION: Thou Great Glorious, Radiant "Presence"! Thou who art the Wisdom, Power, and Love౼the Inflow of Light enfolding each one! Mighty God of Light! Thou Mighty Eternal, Radiant One art forever the Governing Presence of these Thy Children!
