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圣哲曼系列4 - 扬升大师 Ascension Master Introduction - Discourse 8

Discourse VIII

July 28, 1932 


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Infinite, Radiant One, whose "Mighty I AM Presence" We bow before! Thou Mighty Ruler of the Universe! We bow before Thy All౼conquering Power! We accept fully Thy Radiating Presence! We call to Thee, that Thy Presence go before Us everywhere, mastering all conditions We contact and making Us a channel through which Thy Mighty Presence flows. 


We bring Love, Greetings, and Blessings to America. 



Kindness is always the conquering power, both with human beings and animals as well. Out of the fullness of patience and the application of the Presence of Divine Love in all affairs, comes the sure and certain reward. There is no activity where the consciousness or attention is held on the "Mighty I AM Presence," wherein the element of Divine Love is not active; but this natural Activity may be greatly intensified by adding your consciousness of the Quality of Divine Love to it. This is a subtle point which very few, not Ascended, realize. 


Some will say, "How is it we mortals may intensify the Activity of God?" I answer: God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," acts through the Free Will of the individual according to his or her acceptance; and the individual, being a part of God, being the same in Quality, has the right and power to increase and intensify any one of the natural Activities of God, upon which the consciousness is focused. If sincere Students will meditate on this particular activity, they are certain to receive much benefit. 


When the consciousness of the Student is held unwaveringly on the highest center, which is humanly termed the pineal gland and pituitary body, he is recognizing and inviting the Currents, the Rays of Light and Love, from the Electronic Body of his own "Mighty I AM Presence," and also the Assistance of the mighty advanced Individualizations, or Ascended Masters, from that Sphere of Activity. 


This may be a shock to some; but as I have intimated before, personalities pray to God, thinking they are being answered by God direct. But I assure you, there are those Messengers who are the Watchers over mankind, who are the dispensers of the Radiant Currents and who answer all worthy demands. The Messengers from the "Sun behind the Sun," which is the Heart of the Christ Power as we know it today, are the Mighty Messengers who are pressing forward in conducting this Radiance to humanity, in this radiant cycle which has now begun. 


In your department stores and schools, there are heads of departments and teachers. This very grossly symbolizes the higher Activity; for in all activity where the Light is coming forth, the less advanced are always being taught by the higher. Even the Ascended Host as you know Them, have Those far in advance of Themselves who are Their Instructors. This goes on infinitely and is an important thing for the Student to understand. 


I assure you that through the centuries I have never changed in the mode of giving forth the fundamental Principles. To do so would be to cross currents, which would bring disaster instead of the good that I, in My humble Way, have been able to do. 


The most vital thing in human activity is the necessity of positively refusing to sit in judgment on the activity of another human being. To condemn, criticize, or feel curiosity about the affairs of another, except to wish them Godspeed and that all is well, is not permissible for the real Student or the one who sincerely wishes to reach the highest attainment. 


Students and individuals should always remember that there is naught to say them nay in whatever they wish to do or persist in doing౼for they have the right to and free use of this Mighty Energy of God, which is the Principle of Life animating them. They may use this energy as they choose, until their experience causes them to face about and tum to the Light of their own volition. 


At this point or conclusion, they may receive Great Assistance from Those who are more advanced than themselves, which often times strengthens and enables them to hold fast to the Light. Otherwise at this point they might not have been able of themselves to do so. Thus you can see how very important it is for the Student to understand and fully accept the Presence and Help of God's Messengers of Light. 


Spiritualism: In order that the Students may not misunderstand this, I wish here to assure you that this has not the slightest thing to do with so called spiritualism, as outwardly understood today. The Ascended Being who has attained to limitless Heights of Understanding through His own conscious Effort, is as far in advance of the average individual who through his lack of understanding has cast off the physical body, as Light is in advance of darkness. 


One of the great stumbling blocks in the way of many earnest Students is the inclination to go to mediums, instead of looking to the "Mighty I AM Presence," the All౼wise God above, within, and around themselves. Visiting mediums is not permissible to the sincere Student, because it again means that he is dividing his own allegiance; for the Mighty God within us౼the One and Only God౼commands, "There shall be no other Gods before Me!" Whatever your attention is upon is your God, for there your energy is flowing, and your energy is your Life! 


To Donald Ballard: Your love is like a mantle of fragrance to Me. The love from each one of you has a different fragrance. The embracing presence today is very wonderful. 

致唐纳德-巴拉德:你们的爱对我来说就像一缕芬芳。你们每个人的爱都有不同的芬芳。 今天的拥抱非常美妙。

The Love Ray: Divine Love is the Mightiest Presence and Power in the Universe; and when one learns to pour It into every condition less than Itself, he will come to know that he is focusing the core of that Mighty Ray into Its Invincible outer Activity. This Ray of which I speak is the one which has Its own natural Quality of Impenetrability. 

爱之光:神圣之爱是宇宙中最强大的存在和力量;当一个人学会把它倾注到一切不如它本身的条件中时,他就会知道,他是在把这种强大光束的核心集中到它无敌的外在活动中。 我所说的这种光束是一种具有自身天然不可渗透性的光束。

To make yourself absolutely Invincible: Whenever there comes the idea of disturbance of any kind, no matter what the cause, it is your province as a Student of the Light to take your unyielding stand, "There is only God acting in that person, place, or condition!" Thus you are giving power where it truly belongs; and so, you allow the full Inner Power of the Current of Divine Love to flow. To constantly practice this with joy and certain recognition of your Inner Power of the "Mighty I AM Presence," will make you absolutely Invincible! 

让自己绝对立于不败之地: 每当出现任何干扰的念头时,无论原因是什么,作为光的学生,你都要坚定不移地站出来:"在那个人、那个地方或那个条件中,只有神在运作!" 这样,你就把权力交给了真正属于它的地方;这样,你就能让神圣大爱之流的内在力量充分流动。 带着喜悦和对 "强大的我是存在 "内在力量的肯定,不断实践这一点,将使你立于不败之地!

Students often say in their Application of the Law, "Oh, it didn't work." I say to you that it is absolutely impossible for it not to work, unless in some manner you have given power to the outer appearance. 

学生们在应用法则时经常会说:"哦,没有用"。 我告诉你们,绝对不可能不起作用,除非你们以某种方式赋予了外在的力量。

The unfortunate thing with Students is, sometimes, the failure to notice the small manifestations of that Great "Presence." As we are ever moving from the smaller to the greater, how can we receive the greater if we are not giving recognition to the smaller? I assure you, all of God's Activity moves forward in a perfectly logical manner. The more recognition we give to the small manifestations, the quicker will we receive the greater. For instance in the outer world of education, if the child did not learn its letters and how to combine them, how would it ever in the world become able to form words? 

学生的不幸之处在于,有时他们没有注意到伟大 "存在 "的微小表现。 当我们不断地从小细节处着手走向大地方时,如果我们不承认小细节处的存在,又怎么能接受大方面的存在呢? 我向你们保证,神的所有活动都是以完全合乎逻辑的方式向前推进的。 我们对微小的表现给予的认可越多,我们就会越快地接受到更大的表现。 例如,在外部教育世界中,如果孩子不学习字母和字母组合的方法,他又怎么能组成单词呢?

There is a quality within the personal self that sometimes causes it to want to pass over the smaller things as of no value and, to use a modern phrase, "grab off the greater." However, there is not the slightest difference in the Activity of the Mighty Law, whether it be great or small in Its accomplishment, if the Student is sufficiently aware of the "Mighty I AM Presence" acting. 

个人自我中存在一种特质,有时会让它把较小的事情当作没有价值的事情来处理,用一句现代的话来说,就是 "攫取更大的东西"。 然而,如果学生充分意识到 "我是全能的临在 "在起作用,那么全能法则的活动就不会有丝毫差别,无论其成就是大是小。

The Student who needs, or thinks he does, some manifestation of the "Presence" to give him faith in accomplishing the greater, will find great benefit in meditating upon this humble endeavor to make clear the way. The moment a demand for a thing comes, it shows that it is forthcoming! 

如果学生需要,或者认为自己需要,某种 "存在 "的显化来给予他完成更伟大事业的信心,那么他就会发现,冥想这种谦卑的努力会让他受益匪浅。 对某一事物的需求一出现,就表明它即将到来!

Raising the body: We first raise the body in consciousness. When we become conscious that it is possible for us to raise the body, and take the determined stand to do it౼that moment the Law of our being is set into motion to produce the perfected accomplishment. 

提升身体: 我们首先在意识中提升身体。 当我们意识到我们有可能提升身体,并坚定地站出来去做౼那一刻,我们存在的法则就开始运转,产生完美的成就。

I assure you that the Mighty Law, when given a chance through your outer volition, loses no time in utilizing the opportunity, unless at some time you change about and cease to recognize this as a certain accomplishment. If you maintain this determination, you will find at some future time that the force set in motion in the beginning for that purpose, never ceased for one moment to work for that end. 

我向你保证,强大的法则在通过你的外在意志给你一个机会时,会不失时机地利用这个机会,除非在某个时候你改变了主意,不再承认这是一个必然的成就。 如果你保持这种决心,在未来的某个时刻,你就会发现,一开始为此目的而启动的力量,一刻也没有停止过为此目的而努力。

If we do not utilize the Knowledge that God has already given, how can we expect to have more? This Instruction and Information is not given just to hear oneself talk, but is Ascended Master Law and Information placed at the disposal of the Students; and if they will look to their Master Selves, the "Mighty I AM Presence," for direction, they will be caused to use the right Application at the right time for the right thing required. 

如果我们不利用神已经赐予的知识,又怎能期望获得更多的知识呢? 这些指导和信息并不是为了听自己说话而提供的,而是扬升之主的法则和信息,是供学生们使用的;如果他们能够向他们的高我--"强大的我是存在"--寻求指导,他们就会在正确的时间使用正确的应用,做正确的事情。

I say this: that where a great deal of Information and Application is given within a certain time, there is much given so the Student may select that which he or she needs at a specific time for a specific purpose. If I allowed you to look to Me, the Instruction would defeat Its own purpose. Never in the history of the World has there been a time when so much Instruction and Information has been given, for the Incoming Cosmic Christ is now in command. Never has there been such Application and Assistance given to Students; for the Cosmic Outpouring is omnipresent, helping the Student who will give his or her attention. 

我是这样说的:在一定的时间内提供大量的信息和应用,是为了让学生在特定的时间为特定的目的选择他或她所需要的。 如果我允许你们把目光投向我,那么教学就会违背其本身的目的。 世界历史上从未有过如此多的指导和信息,因为即将到来的宇宙基督现在已经掌握了指挥权。 从来没有人向学生们提供过如此多的应用和帮助;因为宇宙的倾泻无所不在,帮助那些愿意付出自己的注意力的学生。

Beloved Surya: Surya is a Place as well as an Individuality. It is the Name of one of the Individualized Activities of the Great Central Sun. It is impossible not to receive what comes from the "Mighty I AM Presence" as an idea, when you really know that it is God sending or giving the idea.

亲爱的苏里亚:苏里亚是一个地方,也是一个个体。 它是中央大太阳的一个个性化活动的名称。 当你真正知道是神发出或给予这个想法时,你就不可能不把来自 "强大的我是存在 "的想法当作想法来接受。

Affirm often: "It is impossible for anything to happen anywhere in my Life but God's Perfect Activity." 

经常宣告: "在我的生命中,除了神的完美活动,不可能有任何事情发生"。

Note: When you give power to astrology, you are putting dynamite in your own pathway. 


BENEDICTION: "Mighty I AM Presence" from the Great Central Sun! We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Outpouring this day, for Thy Eternal Victory of Divine Love that in Its Glorious Majesty holds Dominion౼now౼throughout mankind and the Earth. We glorify Thee forever, Thou "Mighty I AM Presence"! 

祝福:来自伟大中央太阳的 "强大的我是临在"! 我们赞美并感谢祢今天的倾注,感谢祢永恒的胜利,感谢祢的神爱,祢的神爱以其荣耀的威严统治着整个人类和地球。 我们永远荣耀祢,祢 "强大的我是临在"。

(Reprinted from September 1936 Voice of the "I AM")