圣哲曼系列4 - 扬升大师 Ascension Master Introduction - Discourse 7
Discourse VII
July 25, 1932
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Infinite, Governing, Unconquerable "Presence," Thou Mighty God of the Universe, individualized in mankind, we recognize and accept Thy Mighty "Presence," Thy full Power and Activity in our minds and bodies.
We command the outer self to conform in union with Thy Mighty Presence. We command all outer activity to be silent and obey Thy Mighty Behest. We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Only Intelligence ever acting, and that Thy Mighty Energy pours through these outer selves so that they are always self౼sustained౼that Thou art the Magic "Presence" causing Miracles to manifest and be sustained each day. We give praise and thanks that this is ever so, Eternally.
My Love and the Love of the Ascended Host flood your being with Joy, Peace, Confidence, and Perfect Operation in all things. I am deeply grateful for your lovely cooperation.
The seeming mysteries of Life are so simple and so easily applied once the True Foundation is established in the consciousness. I assure you no one can proceed far on the Pathway until there is a definite Anchorage in the consciousness. There must be no uncertainty.
The dweller on the threshold: The simple, entire Truth of the situation is that the dweller on the threshold is an accumulation of the misdirected energy of the Solar Force, which is God's Energy. It is nothing in the world to be feared, but rather there is reason for rejoicing that at last the Truth is forthcoming, in order to dissipate so much fear and misconception of a thing that is very simple. Again, the so౼called beast of Biblical description, also understood and described otherwise, is but the misdirection of this Solar Energy౼that has been directed downward instead of upward.
This will explain to you the very great importance of the control of the thought; for wherever the attention is directed, the energy is bound to go. Therefore, if you permit the thought or consciousness of anger, resentment, jealousy, or the dissipation of the energy through the thought of sex, you are but turning that Mighty Current downward.
Free Will: The Power of Free Will is mankind's great privilege of holding the attention of the consciousness fixed on the Divine "Presence" or Principle of Activity that at all times compels the upward flow of the Mighty Solar Energy. This shows you how simple the process is౼at the same time, the necessity of consciously keeping that Energy flowing upward. Therefore, the moment any thought enters the mind that is not in harmony with that idea, take the same attitude you would to a disobedient child who is too young to understand the Laws and say: 'I AM' Master of my own thought! 'I AM' Master and I direct the Energy where I wish it to go!" Anyone who will do this, will find that it will give them easy command and regulation of this Energy in a very short time.
For the home: No matter what the seeming provocation is, shut out resentment, criticism, condemnation, or anything else that is not in harmony with that Law.
Remember this forever: You never deal with persons. The truth is that you are always dealing with a force which you must control before you go much farther. Without this control you cannot go beyond a certain point, because in an unguarded moment you would loose forces that would impair your further progress in this embodiment.
Each one should train himself to always hold himself within his own Magic Circle of the Flame of Divine Love, which he has to build around himself consciously. Speak to each other within this Circle; for no matter where you are, the Magic Circle is there. Whenever anyone fixes the attention on that Mighty Presence of God, he is making a Magic Circle, wherein are performed mighty seeming Miracles. This Magic Circle is ever widening and extending, according to the sincerity and intensity with which the attention is held upon that Mighty "Presence."
At first, I assure you, it does require sincere, earnest guard; but if you should slip once in a while, do not let it bother you in any sense. Come right back with still greater unyielding sincerity and intensity. The mistake of a great many Students is that if they are off guard once in a while, they become discouraged౼which is childish and foolish. It is of very great value in disciplining ourselves to always remember that every time something occurs which would make us desire to strike back physically or in speech or thought౼or cause us to do it౼to take this attitude: "This is but a force to be handled, and these personalities are but an opportunity for me to learn how to control this energy." This takes away the resistance that starts the activity of the discord which seeks to intrude. As you keep up the conscious guard, you will be surprised how the Magic Circle around you will expand until everyone who contacts you, will love and worship you. Such is the Magic Power of Love and Harmony.
起初,我向你保证,这确实需要真诚而认真的守护;但如果偶尔失误,也不要以任何方式让这困扰你。要立即以更大的坚定真诚和强烈的决心回到正确的状态。许多学生的错误在于,当他们偶尔放松警惕时,会感到气馁——这是幼稚且愚蠢的。在自我约束中,记住这一点非常重要:每当发生某件事,让我们想要在身体、言语或思想上进行反击——或者导致我们这样做时——要采取这样的态度:“这只是一股需要被掌控的力量,而这些人格只是让我学习如何控制这能量的机会。” 这样就消除了启动不和谐活动的抵抗力,而这些不和谐试图侵入你的内心。随着你持续保持有意识的守护,你会惊讶地发现,你周围的魔法圆圈会不断扩大,直到接触你的人都会爱你、崇敬你。这就是爱与和谐的魔法力量。
Some of these things may seem simple, but unifying them is the One Great Law. As you begin to think of the Magic Circle, you begin to see and feel It around you; and the more you do this, the more rapidly It builds and expands.
Negative old habits: The strange thing is that, from old habit, people allow the attention to enter into the negative conditions; and the first thing they know they are in trouble. In such conditions the Conscious Demand should be, "Here! thou outer activity! Be silent before the God in me!" The only activity to be concerned with, is the governing and qualifying of the energy in the outer activity.
消极的旧习惯:奇怪的是,人们因为旧习惯而允许注意力进入消极的状态;而他们很快就会发现自己陷入了困境。在这种情况下,必须有一个清晰的意识要求:“住手!外在的活动!在我内在的神面前沉默!” 唯一需要关注的活动,就是对外在能量的掌控和赋予它正向的品质。
When you do anything for the protection of another, there must be some permanent uplift directed to the individual, or it is not permissible for you to do it. Without this, it is a useless direction of energy; and then we do not have the right to use the energy even for the protection. The return of the energy to our own Magnificent Flame. of Almighty God is much more rapid than the downward direction of it, and the ratio is about ten to one.
The intelligent Beings of the four Elements: Mortals little realize how the intelligent Beings of the four Elements are used for their benefit; indeed most individuals and many Students are inclined to deny Their very existence. Everything that is visible to the outer senses is but a passing picture of the outer creation. Back of the outer creation and within this Great God Energy is the Mighty Reality, which is always visible to the Inner Sight. If Students would say to this Mighty "Presence," "God! let me see with Thine Eyes౼my Inner Sight," and follow this by, ''I give thanks I do see now and forever"౼this would many times enable the individual to quickly enter into the Inner Sight, depending on his or her own Inner Attunement. There has not been and will not be anything given in this Instruction but that which will produce absolutely definite results, if applied with an unwavering consciousness.
When Students reach a point where they can be used, it is said that, "Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." Sometimes We feel as joyous as little children when We see one reaching out to the Light who can be attuned and used. When individuals reach to the Light with great longing and intensity of desire, it isn't a drop in the bucket compared to the Ascended Masters' Desire for Students to be able to receive so they can be used. We need the Student so much who is attuned, so he or she can be used. There is so much need for Students who can be consciously used in any way by the Great Ones.
Beloved Mighty Oromasis: Oromasis, the Prince of Fiery Beings, plays a tremendous part in the Life of the individual when he or she comes to a point of this understanding. He is a Prince of the Salamanders who has become Immortalized. You will be amazed and almost dumbfounded when you learn what actually takes place. In the first place, there must be the connection between the Fire Element and the mortals, because the Fire Element does not become Immortalized except by contact with the mortal.
Creation by the Ascended Masters: On the Higher or Spiritual Planes of Activity, all Creation takes place by thought. The thought draws to itself the Universal Substance, producing any desired form according to the quality of the desire or thought. The Ascended Host, in projecting into form the Invisible Substance, do qualify it with whatever Quality They wish to use. If it is to resemble the quality of a jewel, They may produce it in a table: this table can be like one jewel or have a combination of the elements of one or all jewels. However, They do not project things for a bargain counter. The quality of the tables would be in harmony with what the people were accustomed to. When the attention is once given an impulse, it draws from the outer that which is nearest reality.
扬升大师的创造:在更高的或灵性层面的活动中,所有创造都是通过思想完成的。思想吸引宇宙的物质,根据渴望或思想的品质,形成任何想要的形态。扬升大师在将无形的物质投射为形态时,会赋予它任何他们希望的特质。例如,如果希望其具有宝石的品质,他们可以创造出一张桌子。这张桌子可以像一块宝石,或者结合一种或多种宝石的元素。然而,他们不会为了追求廉价而投射事物。桌子的品质会与人们的习惯和需求相一致。 一旦注意力被赋予某种动力,它会从外界吸取最接近现实的元素,将其转化为形态。
The sex activity: The outer sex activity is a perverted interpretation of an original Perfection and Purity.
Very important for contemplation: When you become quiet and get deep, deep into the Silence, say, "Great Self, speak to me." The mind cannot conceive of anything that is not possible of accomplishment.
非常重要的沉思:当你安静下来,深入、深入到寂静中时,说:“伟大的自我,请对我说话。” 心无法想象任何无法实现的事物。
BENEDICTION: Mighty Radiant, Evolving "Presence" of this Center of Divine Radiation! Draw Thy Magic Circle about this home and all its activities. Pour forth Thy Radiant Love, Light, and Activity౼drawing into Its Use, Abundance of Thy Wealth; and give Peace, Joy, Harmony, and Perfection through Its Use and Ministrations. Hold each one within his own individual Magic Circle as he moves in the outer world, giving forth Thy Mighty Everlasting, Self౼sustaining Strength, Courage, and Consciousness of Thy Directing Presence. Let each one feel himself a Mighty Magnet drawing an Abundance of Wealth for everything he needs, wishes, and desires; and know that the Outpouring is flowing in Its Greatest Abundance.