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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


The topic of Ascension is an important one. In order to get answers which would be most useful to Humanity at this time, we chose to speak with Sananda. Sananda went through the Ascension process more recently than Heru did, and he has also been working closely with Humanity as an Ascended Master. We also spoke with Heru about Ascension and have included that material at the end of this Chapter. Most of the questions posed to Sananda were submitted by Shakura Rei, and we thank her for her input on this subject. The term "Light Worker" in this material is used to denote a Being who came from a Light Universe to this Dark Universe, with the purpose of helping transform this Universe to Light.


Part 1 - Definitions and the Different Types of Ascension

Shakura Rei: Before we begin, Sananda, I would like to say that we realize we are currently in a period of rapid change. I know that things will probably be different a few years down the line. We would like your answers regarding the Ascension, as much as possible, as things are today. With that preamble, would you please define the term "Ascension"?

Sananda: I would define Ascension as the reunification of all of the Aspects through all of the Dimensions and through all space and time. For a person in a state of Ascension, it would not matter if they had a form in the Third Dimension or not. It would only matter that all of their Aspects be in harmony, in communication, and united with both the Monad and God. At that point, there is no barrier between the Dimensions or between time and space; and everything that Humans would call miraculous is possible.

Shakura Rei: The forms of Ascension that we are most familiar with are what Heru has called "Fiery Ascension", which I think is the type that you underwent, and Ascension through union of Twin Flames. As I understand it, in Fiery Ascension the person arrives at a state of spiritual awareness in which they have mastered their emotions and body, experience themselves as God, become active in their bodies which correlate to the Twelve Dimensions, and are no longer restrained within any level or Dimension but can travel within any level or place within this Universe. Please comment on this definition.

Sananda: This parallels the original definition I gave, except that in a Dark Universe complete freedom does not exist, even for Ascended Beings. That is soon to change.

Shakura Rei: I have yet to find any information on Ascension via Twin Flame union. Please describe it.

Sananda: I know Karen wanted to write about the vision that she had, and that might be the best description to give. Perhaps I will let her do that.

[Karen:] Using the Third Meditation technique given by Heru, I went into the Void, the space from which Heru creates. Without having any particular intention for the session, I invited Prime Creator to join me in this space. Prime Creator began speaking to me, and as He/She spoke, I was taken into this experience and became one with it.

Prime Creator spoke of the fact that the Twin Flame dynamic is one of the most powerful creative energy sources in the entire Creation. He/She described how so much of this Creation's movement is based on the magnetic flow of energy that comes from this dynamic. From the microcosm to the macrocosm, this is the engine that moves so much. Even this Universe has a Twin.

I was taken into this energy. It looked something like a multidimensional, undulating Caduceus [Ancient Herald’s Wand, such as carried by Messenger-God Hermes]. Two images came to me to describe this. The first was of two trains that are on the same track. They leave the station, going in opposite directions, traveling some distance from each other. At a given point they reverse direction. When they meet, instead of crashing they begin to merge and pass through each other. As the two trains go through this process, they exchange experience and energy atom by atom - each particle finding its mate, and merging and exchanging energy. The trains complete this process yet their momentum never slows. They reach the point of separation; they continue until the appointed distance is reached; and again they reverse and repeat. It is somewhat similar to the oscillation of a pendulum.

The other image I received was of two dancers doing a Tango. Again there is the back and forth motion. But in this metaphor, the dancers always maintain at least a finger of contact. They swing out as far as they can go without losing touch, then the magnetic energy pulls them back in towards each other. As they swing back together into an embrace, they again pass through each other, with each atom and each molecule exchanging energy and experience with its twin.

In this vision Prime Creator became my partner, as my own Twin is not available. I had a direct glimpse into the power of this magnetic pull and saw that this weaving, undulating dance was being played out in all the dimensions of my Being. It is like a giant organic machine that creates much of the movement throughout all the Dimensions.

Shakura Rei: Returning to our discussion with Sananda, we asked: Does Twin Flame Ascension involve personal mastery of this plane?

Sananda: No, that is not required.

Shakura Rei: How is it accomplished? Is it a process of surrender more than of will?

Sananda: What occurs to me to say is: how can it not be accomplished? It is a matter of a magnetism that is so strong it is irresistible, inevitable. [Elora: So basically all Beings with Twin Flames, at least when things are set to rights, will go through this process.] It is inevitable.

Shakura Rei: Are the results the same as Fiery Ascension?

Sananda: Yes. For the magnetic energy is very similar. The pathway that the energy travels is different. The pathway of Twin Soul Ascension leads through a dance with the Twin. The path of Solitary Ascension or Fiery Ascension would have Prime Creator as the partner. It would look somewhat different, but the end result would be essentially the same.

Shakura Rei: Is Fiery Ascension more difficult than Twin Flame Ascension?

Sananda: It is not, if that is truly the path that a person has been made to walk. One is not easier than the other. [Shakura Rei: I somehow envision it as a magnetic pull v.s. an ascent up a mountainside] But is there not in every Soul the longing for Union with God? [Yes, there is. That is magnetic pull for Fiery Ascension?] Yes. I'm not sure I like that term however; it sounds as if one is going to place oneself in a fire and burn up. Let's use the term Solitary Ascension.

Shakura Rei: Are there other forms of Ascension relevant to those incarnate on Earth? If so please describe them.

Sananda: Yes, I would name one. Let us call it "Peaceful Ascension". That would be where a solitary individual, rather than having that magnetic energy focused on Prime Creator, is focused on seeing Prime Creator in all of Creation. It is where someone would be in Nature and experience the Unity with all that is.

Shakura Rei: Is Peaceful Ascension what is usually referred to as enlightenment?

Sananda: Yes. And I would add that there are different degrees and stages of this. A person can have a momentary but very profound experience of enlightenment and inner union which will change their whole life. The experience then goes away, and seemingly becomes covered up by daily life. Yet even so, the experience will continue to work on that person, and will oftentimes bleed through into daily life in small ways. These are ways that a person would perhaps not notice. They may think that they are not growing or progressing towards their goal, but it is there nevertheless.

Shakura Rei: Heru describes Enlightenment thus: "Enlightenment would be a dissolving of the barriers, or the removal of the Dark, that keeps one separated from their Highest Self, and the certainty within that the connection with God is eternal." How would you describe it?

Sananda: I believe Heru's definition is more than sufficient.

Shakura Rei: How does Ascension differ in the Fallen and Unfallen Universes?

Sananda: In the Unfallen Universes, Ascension does not exist separate from life itself. For everything is ascended, and there is no disconnect between the higher and the lower Dimensions. It is a seamless flow of constant communication and energy. 

To bring it to this current time and space: It is a confusing mess, very much so, because this Fallen Sector is in a state of chaos, disconnect, and disunion. As the Light Workers came to this Sector that was fallen, they experienced the disconnect and separation from God, from their Twin Souls, from their Higher Selves, and from all that was good. But fortunately their self-awareness and memories could not be completely erased. There was a memory of union, a memory of the transcendental experience. Therefore throughout the time since the Fall, there have always been Beings on this Planet and throughout this Sector who have both sought to re-establish the full connection and to teach that to others.

What does it mean, in this Fallen state, to Ascend? And have I indeed even achieved it? For you must understand that even though through the greatest of alchemies I was able to resurrect my body, and make that body of Light - a body that was re-connected with my Highest Self or Monad, I am still imprisoned by several things. I am imprisoned by the Frequency Fences around this Planet, this Galaxy, this Universe, and of course this whole Sector. Therefore my love and I are unable to return home, just as you and many reading this have been.

I am also imprisoned on this Planet by the collective emotional chains set up by the religious beliefs surrounding my time on this Planet. Every person who wears a crucifix around their neck or carries it in their pocket adds another link to that chain, and keeps me tied to that cross. Believe me, I will be very happy when that is dismantled. And it is a burden, for what people do is seek to heap their suffering upon me in exchange for their idea of salvation.

Now back to your questions about Ascension. For many of them come not from the Western traditions; many come from the Yogic traditions of the East which I did study and which gave me the foundation for the Resurrection.

Shakura Rei: At this point, we would like to speak of your own Ascension for a moment. First, are you and the One whom we know as Jesus essentially the same Being?

Sananda: We are one and the same. Sananda is my name on the Higher Planes, and how I am addressed by Masters on the Inner Planes. And Jeshua was the name that I bore in my last incarnation here. However at his Ascension we essentially merged. Before that time there was some degree of separation. There was a great deal of back and forth communication, but there still was some degree of separation between us. 

Shakura Rei: Heru stated that your Crucifixion was a demonstration of what happens when an Ascended Master attempts to introduce Light into this world. Did you not plan to be crucified and did you not agree to such a death?

Sananda: I knew that it was a probability, and yes, I did come willingly, knowing that was a probability. Would I have preferred a different outcome - yes, you bet. I could have chosen a more private ministry, but it was asked of me to do a very public ministry in which the teachings and the miracles could not be wholly denied. And for that it was deemed that the risk and the sacrifice were worthwhile because of the benefit of the teaching. 

Shakura Rei: Was it your plan or your hope to have a much longer ministry, teaching and healing and spreading Light? 

Sananda: It was my hope. Plans were laid out for me to have an extended and extensive ministry. However it was not thought that I would get very far.

Shakura Rei: Did you, in fact, die on the cross and resurrect your body? Or did you go into a deep coma from which you recovered, and then Ascend your physical body by transmuting it into a Light Body?

Sananda: I was fully dead. I came back into a somewhat decomposed body, and resurrected it. And then Ascended it.

Shakura Rei: Some say that you lived on for many years and bore a number of children, who founded some of the Royal Houses of Europe. Is there any truth to this?

Sananda: I bore one daughter. And yes, she founded some of the Royal bloodlines of Europe. She was conceived before the Crucifixion and was born after.

Shakura Rei: Thank you; now we will return to our more general questions. Many people who talk about Ascension really mean getting to a place of spiritual development where they no longer must reincarnate into physicality, and will instead incarnate into a Higher Dimension where they believe things will not be as difficult or dark as it is here. Do you agree?

Sananda: I actually do not, and that is again going back to the difference between this world and a world in the Unfallen Universe. In an Unfallen Universe, it is an absolute joy to descend into the Third Dimension. It is like a plant that puts forth all its energy into the blossom, and the Third Dimensional bodies are that blossom. They contain within them the beauty, the fragrance ... it's like a crescendo, the culmination of a beautiful symphony. It's glorious, and there is no reason to not want to be there. Therefore on this Fallen Planet, I believe that the teaching of Ascension, of graduating from the wheel of karma, of no longer incarnating, is a concept fostered by the Dark in order to further devalue life in the Third Dimension and deepen the disconnect to all of the higher aspects.

Shakura Rei: Are you saying that the teaching of Ascension on this Planet is not a favorable thing? It seems that by making one aware that the Ascended state is a possibility, one begins looking inward to their Source and recognizing their own Divine Self.

Sananda: It is the nature of the Dark on this Fallen Planet to mix the truth with falsehood. Therefore in many of these teachings there is a kernel of truth. If you would take the example of Karen and her relationship with her former Guru and the teaching that he gives, the basic teaching came from a wonderful and very high lineage. But it was stolen and corrupted, and used to enslave people into devotion to falsehood. Yet within all that, there still is enough of the truth of the original teachings that there is some benefit received in practicing them. So it becomes something that is almost like a beautiful apple with a lot of strings attached to it. And the eating of that fruit has many unintended consequences.

Therefore the ideas of Enlightenment, Ascension, graduating from the wheel of karma and so on, are basically sound and good ideas, founded in truth. However I would say that most of the pathways existing now have been tainted, and one must use the greatest degree of discernment in order to separate the truth from the falsehood. And this stretches across all denominations, all cultures, all religions. A person would then ask: how do I know a path is true? How do I know a path is uncorrupted? This is a most difficult question to answer, because I have to tell you that basically all the paths have been corrupted, just as every atom on this world has been tainted. That is a very upsetting piece of news. And yet the acknowledgement and the facing of this truth are perhaps the only avenues to attain the necessary discernment, with which to be able to pick up the mighty Sword of Truth and to cut through this jungle of confusion.

My advice to those of you reading this is to go deep in your heart, to find within you the bedrock of your soul, and to sit there in place very solidly. Then humbly but firmly demand that the Creator give you discernment, and that the Creator give you the desire to act upon that discernment to the extent that you will not succumb to temptation and lies. For you are in a deep and treacherous maze, yet there is forever that golden thread of Truth. It stretches from your heart to the heart of Prime Creator. And whether it goes through the Twin Soul path, through the path of Enlightenment and merging with Nature, or through the Solitary Path, that thread cannot be broken. In spite of the efforts of the Dark, in spite of the treachery of the maze, in spite of the degree to which Humanity has fallen and lives in a state of utter degradation: just as I have said that every atom in this Universe is degraded and dirty, also every atom in this Universe contains that golden thread. And this, my friends, is a miracle, an absolute miracle, how the Light has survived.

Shakura Rei: Returning to a previous question, is there a point at which we can choose not to keep reincarnating physically? It seems to me that we are drawn back against our will.

Sananda: Yes, that is true. In an Unfallen World, that choice is always there. [Shakura Rei: And in our World?] Because of the disconnect from Source, and the Frequency Fences, generally it is nearly impossible to manifest that choice not to return. [Shakura Rei: You have done it though.] Yes. [Elora: What does it require to manifest that choice?] It requires a cleaning up of all karmic threads and actions, making everything right, so that no one has a hold on you. And that is the beginning. The next stage is to have a solid enough connection with all of the Aspects and the Monad that this connection is more real than the connection a Being has to their Third Dimensional life. When that is attained a Being can manifest the choice to return or not, the choice to turn their body into a Light Body, and so on, for then there is the possibility to manifest anything. Many choices open up at that point.

Elora: About how many Humans have reached that point?

Sananda: A few thousand. [Shakura Rei: But that is to change very soon.] Yes, it is. And I would also add to this that there have been, especially from the Eastern traditions, false teachings of Ascension. These teachings create an avenue for a person to believe that the Ascension and liberation process is in place. This Being then becomes trapped in a place, generally between the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, where they will no longer incarnate, but they are not completely aware of their fullness of their consciousness and Being. And growth does not happen there. It is a somewhat static, pleasant, but stultifying environment.

Shakura Rei: The common belief is that we don't leave this Dimension until we've experienced all there is or all that our Soul desires to experience. Some would say that we don't leave until we have learned all our "lessons", a concept which I have never been able to agree with. Would you comment on the truth or fallacy of these beliefs, please?

Sananda: I agree with you 100% on the fallacy of lessons to be learned. As for the first part [i.e. not leaving until we experience everything there is]: As Heru has said, this Creation is built upon an insatiable desire for experience, an insatiable desire for manifesting diversity. Therefore a Soul really never finishes fulfilling that desire. How many more ways can a lover tell her partner about the love? It's an infinite thing, an infinite expression. It is never finished, and it is a very sacred thing.

Shakura Rei: Sananda, it seems that there are not a great many people right now who are consciously on the path of Ascension.

Sananda: All Humans desire something. In the Fallen state, generally there is a sublimated desire where people look for peace, satisfaction, and all that they seek for in the external world. Essentially everybody desires to go home; they just have forgotten what their home is, or have been misled and brainwashed that their home is a false home.

Shakura Rei: When we Ascend, specifically in Solitary Ascension, does our physical body dematerialize or does it remain as if we had simply died?

Sananda: Most of the time the body is left behind. You will see this with many of the Tibetan monks. They pass out of their body, and their bones will carry the electric charge of that Ascension, and so are held as sacred tools. [Shakura Rei: When the body is left behind, the Soul essentially just leaves the body?] Yes. [So what some teachers call "Ascending the body" is not necessary for Solitary Ascension?] Not at all. [Is there a choice in this?] There is somewhat of a choice, but I would say that taking the body along is a far more challenging and demanding process. It is felt that unless there is a compelling reason to do so, it is not worth the effort.


Part 2 - What it takes to Ascend

Shakura Rei: The common belief is that before we can Ascend we must first master our emotions.

Sananda: In essence this is correct. Somehow the wording rubs me the wrong way here, for it implies that a person take a "top down" approach to controlling the unruly beast of the emotions. I would see it more as attaining an equilibrium and a harmony emotionally.

Shakura Rei: It is said that we must master our bodies, i.e. heal them and not be slaves to them.

Sananda: In some cases yes, but there have been many afflicted people that would still have a great experience of God. Elora's acquaintance y. would be an example of that. She does truly suffer on the physical plane but has attained a very beautiful state of consciousness, so that is not always necessary.

Shakura Rei: And it is said that we must know ourselves as God.


Shakura Rei: After accomplishing all that, we are apparently Light enough to experience a full kundalini rising, which activates the brain and brings us into a full God-realized and Ascended state.


Shakura Rei: On the other hand, I have also read of Masters bringing a person to Ascension just prior or after death. These people had not necessarily mastered themselves nor were in states of enlightenment. Does this happen, and if so what are the circumstances in which a Master would do this?

Sananda: Let me differentiate here between the Ascended Masters or Earthly Gurus. For the Ascended Masters, the time of leaving the body is a time when the great portals do open, opportunities do present themselves, and unexpected blessings happen at that time. For the Earthly Gurus, I would question the veracity of the experience, cautioning people that oftentimes these lead to the sort of bubbles of false Ascension where a person no longer incarnates, but they are trapped. 

Shakura Rei: There have been many Gurus in recent times who have proven to be lacking in integrity.

Sananda: Yes. I would say that it is not a good time to be a Spiritual Leader, especially one of wide renown. It is a time for individuals to forge their own paths directly with Prime Creator. And because of that, I do believe a certain amount of grace has been removed from these Leaders and returned to individuals. And so truly the most direct path would be one of solitary exploration.

I would also say that anything these Masters or Gurus or Priests offer can be attained without their help. [Shakura Rei: By going directly to Creator?] Yes. [So someone could ask Creator for an Enlightenment activation?] Yes. My recommendation would be to use Heru's Third Meditation technique, ask Prime Creator to join you in Heru's world, and ask the Omniversal Energy to also join you there. This is a wonderful platform from which to manifest your Soul's deepest desire. If an individual is unsure of which path they are destined to take, they may find the answer there as well. Remember that Heru said this direct communication with Prime Creator would change everything.

Shakura Rei: Is Enlightenment necessary before Solitary Ascension?

Sananda: I do not see a separation there.

Shakura Rei: Is Enlightenment only bestowed upon someone via brain activation, such as Kalki and Amma [two Spiritual Teachers in India] are doing?

Sananda: No. [Shakura Rei: Then how does one become Enlightened?] I would say that there are as many paths to Enlightenment as there are individuals. You will not hear from my lips that there is only one way, although many would take my name and use those words.

Shakura Rei: Please give a couple of examples as to how a person can become Enlightened.

Sananda: There are many kinds of activations. Some are spontaneous, some are generated by Teachers on this Planet, and some are activated by Ascended Masters. Many of them are what you would call Partial Enlightenments, stages of Enlightenment. One example I would give is when Melchizedek came to Karen and gave her an Initiation. He said to her that she had done a good job of seeing God in some things and some people, and now it was time to see God in everyone and everything. And he did an activation with her that was quite deep and profound, and was life changing for her.

Regarding an example of Enlightenment through a person, it is hard for me to say that a person may receive Enlightenment from this teacher or that, because I would caution people that in general there are strings attached. Each one of these Teachers brings more or less of the integrity of the original teachings to the students, and there is some measure of benefit to that. But I would, at this time, caution people about relying upon a Teacher.

As far as spontaneous awakenings, these are generally orchestrated by the Monad, and have been planned for more than one lifetime to bring together many components to bear upon a single moment. Therefore people might find themselves in the midst of a favorable astrological configuration, in the midst of a favorable environment in nature, and at a time in their life where a feather could push them into it. There is no real way to orchestrate that from the Third Dimension and make it happen at any particular time.

You could petition your Monad for an awakening. However, if you are ill prepared for it, some disruption can occur. Mental hospitals are full of people who have had premature Kundalini risings. Perhaps some of you know of people in this situation, or have experienced yourself the disruptive, out-of-control feeling that this generates. Therefore I would caution that great care be taken in that request. But if you are a person who has done a good deal of work and you feel that you have a good handle on your whole Being, it may be safe to proceed. Look within to see if you feel psychologically sound and stable, if you feel integrated, if you know something of your past, and if you have looked at your shadow enough that if anything surfaces with this awakening it will not be a total shock. If you feel to be in that position, ask your Monad now.

Shakura Rei: With Enlightenment, sometimes there is a Kundalini Awakening and sometimes not. Is that true?

Sananda: That is true. [Shakura Rei: But one should be prepared that it could happen.] Yes. Those whose journey is that of the Peaceful Enlightenment and merging with Nature would be the ones least likely to have a Kundalini experience. It does happen, but it is more rare.

Shakura Rei: Is it necessary to have the experience of BEING God flowing through all of Creation, before one can Ascend?

Sananda: Not necessarily. For the path of the Twin Soul Ascension, a Being would see everything as the Beloved. For the path of the Solitary Ascender, they would see only God. And for the path of Peaceful Enlightenment, they would see God in everything. It is more a matter of flavors and focus.

Shakura Rei: For those focused on Peaceful Ascension, to what degree must they experience God in all of Nature? Is it a matter of experiencing oneself as God within all of Nature, or is it a state of appreciating and having some sort of connection with God in all of Nature?

Sananda: I would say it is both. There ceases to be separation. It is an experience of Oneness.

Shakura Rei: Regarding Twin Flame Ascension, let's say a person feels strongly drawn to this path, but does not know her Twin Flame. What can she do?

Sananda: The best course of action would be to establish contact with her Monad, and express the desire to have contact with the Monad of her Twin. That would be the first step. [Shakura Rei: Following this request, contact in some way could be established?] Yes. [Shakura Rei: Can this path be followed through if the Twins are on different Dimensions, or if the contact is only on the inner?] Yes.

Shakura Rei: What if the person knows her Twin but there has been conflict or disharmony?

Sananda: That person may establish a strong enough connection with the Monad of her Twin, and with certain of the Higher Aspects on the ladder of her Twin, and the work could proceed very far. It would be somewhat difficult to complete in this way, but it could be done.

Shakura Rei: Is it necessary for Third Dimensional Twin Flames to be intimately involved on the Physical Plane, to follow the path of Twin Flame Ascension?

It is not.

Shakura Rei: How can we know that we're on the right track? Once we're on the Ascension track, feeling the magnetic pull, is there then no way that we can be on the wrong track?

Sananda: One can certainly be diverted from that track and distracted. I would say that any time you feel that you have been distracted from this process, simply go within your heart to the bedrock of your Soul, find that Golden Thread, and just finger that Thread, so to speak. And doing that will re-focus you. I would use the analogy of a big epic movie that sweeps you away so completely that you forget about yourself. You come out into the sun and you are blinking, disoriented, and emotional about something that is not real. It is just an image, a story. If you find that something in your outer life sweeps you away in the same way, just do the exercise I have outlined.

Shakura Rei: Are there signs that tell us our Ascension is assured in this lifetime?

Sananda: A measure of that would be the intensity of the desire for Ascension. Does it supersede the intensity of desires for things of this world? 

Shakura Rei: The crux of my questioning is: How do we go about Ascending? How do we get there? There are so many techniques and teachings; how do we find our way?

Sananda: In a simple sentence: Ask your Mmonad. [Shakura Rei: The monad will guide the process?] Yes. The Monad will make it happen. [So contact with the Monad - direct contact - is extremely important.] Yes.

Shakura Rei: What about people who are not that active in their Ascension? They just seem to think it's just going to happen, while others feel a need to work at it and get beyond the spiritual and emotional restrictions of this world. Are both correct?

Sananda: Yes. Again there are as many paths as there are people, and one does not always see the work that another has done in other lifetimes to set this up. [Shakura Rei: I would guess that as many cycles are closing now many people have set up Ascension for this life.] This is true.

Shakura Rei: To Ascend, must a person first have descended through all the levels within the Universe?

Sananda: No, because there are well nigh an infinite number of levels and things to experience. No one Being could experience them all, or at least no one has yet. [Elora: I think Shakura is referring to the belief that you must go all the way down, to then go back up.] No, it is not necessary. 

Shakura Rei: Can Ascension only occur from the Physical Plane? Or can we die, go to another level, and Ascend from there?

Sananda: Yes, that is possible.

Shakura Rei: To Ascend, do we need all our Aspects to be of the Light?

Sanada: Yes. [Shakura Rei: If they all need to be of the Light, what can a person do to bring them into Light?] The techniques that Heru has outlined for working on the Light Filaments and the Aspects are very good. [See Appendix, "Tools for Returning to Light. "] I would also add that working with the Masters is helpful; they are great facilitators.

Shakura Rei: For the Light Workers going back to their “Home” origins, but not Ascending, must they also have all Light Aspects?

Sananda: Yes, for as the Frequency Fences are dismantled, Light Fences will form that will preclude the Dark Beings or Aspects from crossing one area to another. [Shakura Rei: Can some of the Light Workers go “home” while their Dark Aspects stay here to be healed and turn to the Light?] Much of this is new, for we have never dismantled a Dark Universe and reclaimed it. But I believe that things will be set up such that when one encounters a Frequency Fence that cannot be gone through, there will be plenty of assistance. Beings will be there to help. And so not to worry; I believe it will not be a lengthy process. It is best for all Aspects to return together.

Shakura Rei: Sananda, as we embark on our homeward journeys, and as people reclaim their memories, the issue of self forgiveness is going to be a huge one. We have all done things, terrible things. How do we forgive ourselves? I find it far easier to forgive others who have hurt me than to forgive myself for hurting others.

Sananda: That is an excellent question. Understand first that Prime Creator has no concept of non forgiveness. And so using as a platform that Unconditional Love, that total acceptance and forgiveness, that total nurturing of the Cosmic Parent - use that as your platform for self forgiveness, for you are a part of that which created you. I think in essence it's that simple. It is understanding that you are not separate from the Creator. Even though you may have lost your awareness of that connection, it is still there.


Part 3 - Heru speaks on The Ascension

Elora: Heru, Ascension seems to refer to the process of "rising up" through the various levels, after one has descended all the way from the Twelfth Dimension.

Heru: On the Descension process, I would like to interject that, in general, it would take eons for the Descension process but that the Ascension process has various short cuts encoded into it so that at any time the whole may be opened up. There are no short cuts in the Descension, but the Ascension always has the potential to be instantaneous.

Elora: Thank you. Regarding Ascension, are you yourself an Ascended Master?

Heru: As well as being a Creator God, I am an Ascended Master. I am also able to traverse all of the Twelve Dimensions.

Elora: Did you undergo Ascension in some other Universe?

Heru: Yes. I came here fully Ascended. In fact it would have been, at the time, very difficult to have Ascended in this Universe. Not many Beings who came to this Universe would have been able to Ascend here, if they were not already Ascended. At that time, Ascending through this Universe was almost impossible. There is, furthermore, a minor Descension process in being born into a Universe. The “Veils” are much thinner for an Ascended Being but they still must go through an Ascension process. However it can happen fairly quickly and easily. [Elora: Did you go through Ascension in this Universe?] Yes, and I have manifested a physical body on more than one occasion.

Elora: I do not seem to have the drive to Ascend my body, as you and Sananda have done. Why is this? [Ascending the body refers to the process of transmuting the physical body into a body of Light.]

Heru: For you, this has been a very difficult place to be, and there would be a great deal of effort in going through the Ascension process. And you feel that it is not needed.

Elora: Why do I feel it's not needed?

Heru: There are many different ways to Source. And it took so much for you to descend, especially since you have no intervening platforms [i.e. no Higher Aspects between the Third Dimensional Self and the Monad] that you have really nothing left to give for the Ascension. You came bearing so many gifts for this level of Creation that you left no fuel for the return trip. [Elora: Or for Ascending my body, for example?] That is correct. And your return trip is being taken care of. You really did not come with fuel for the return trip, and for that reason intervention has been necessary. You sacrificed much in coming here, and were in a sense prepared to sacrifice everything to be here.

Elora: Is it correct that Ascending the body gives a mastery of all the levels, one that cannot be achieved otherwise?

Heru: It gives a full Mastery, indeed, of all the Dimensional levels. However, is that the only way to attain such Mastery? No. And, as I said, in some ways what you have done is far less common than the Ascension process. It required far more sacrifice and courage, because you were giving everything up to come here, including even the path home. There was no guarantee that you would succeed, and there was no guarantee of the intervention which would allow you to return. However, your success is now assured. And it seems as if you had to walk a tightrope without a net, that almost no one else could have walked. Without that journey, things would not be as they are now on this Planet. So a Hero's welcome awaits you. This is not something anyone would have asked of you because the risks would have been too great.

Elora: What was it that I achieved?

Heru: You brought with you the uncorrupted DNA blueprint for the Life Forms on this Earth. And in so doing, you held it in place here long enough that when the intervention for the life of this Planet itself began, and the New Earth was to be established, there was the information available so that as the New Earth was to be created, it would not have the same flaws within it. For where there is one tiny flaw in the beginning, it will magnify and magnify a problem. You came with the perfected elemental genetic material. And this has implications far beyond Earth.

Elora: It seems that people have various drives and desires when it comes to Ascension. Why is this?

Heru: Each BSing has its own specialty, its own quality. And not every soul burns with the same fire. Just as there are many different colored stars, there are many different paths to union. Some of them are solitary, some of them require Ascending the body, and so on. And some of them are through the Union of Twin Flames. But for many, once a Being has descended into the Third Dimension, the path to Union with God is the path of seeing God within everything. This is the humble, invisible path of being in non-duality and enjoying being here. It is my observation that many more Humans would fall into this last category than for the Fiery Ascension or the Twin Soul Ascension. And they are all wonderful. There is no one that is better than another.

Many of these decisions as to what kind of path would be taken are planned at the beginning, meaning at the time of one's birth into each Universe. Prior to that, the planning for the full Cycle would be made. Some Beings come into this Universe and never descend. Some will descend part way, and some will make the full Descension. Whichever level a Being chooses to go is their own choice; there is no right and wrong in it, no better or worse or higher or lower. It is the infinite variety of creative choice, and each is integral to the whole. It is a beautifully woven, intricate, infinitely complex web. These systems are as intricate as the biological system on this Earth is intricate.

Elora: Is it possible in the process of Enlightenment in this Dimension to return to one's original magnificence, prior to the Awakening of the entire Planet and Universe?

Heru: To a great degree, yes. There has always been a fraction of energy coming through from the Godverse and from Prime Creator, and thus there have always been a few Beings on this Planet who have been able to maintain an enlightened and liberated state. They will increase exponentially; they are increasing exponentially because the frequency Fences are in the process of collapse.

Elora: How Enlightened do the Light Workers have to be to go back to their original home?

Heru: As the Frequency Fences continue to deteriorate and fall, a process of Instant Enlightenment is becoming widely available. There will be no particular amount of Enlightenment needed to Ascend. It will be happening for many, and was foretold in the Bible by the Rapture. 

Those Beings that are greatly fallen, the ones that we have had to incarcerate, will take some time to heal and clean and reclaim. But if you look again at Majaron's progress, it can be quite rapid, almost miraculously so. And what I must remind you is that what you call Enlightenment is your natural state. It is hardwired into every cell of your body. It is in the blueprint of your Soul. Everything that is not of the Light is unnatural to you. In the coming days it will become harder and harder to resist Enlightenment.