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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Heru has explained that this Creation was never designed to include negativity or evil of any sort. Nor were we created to deal with this phenomenon. Therefore we Humans still have a difficult time understanding the Darkness or even believing that it truly exists, despite massive and continuous evidence to the contrary. Philosophers and religious teachers throughout history have grappled with the problem of evil. In this Chapter Heru discusses the various ways that we have attempted to understand the presence of the Darkness in our world, and in so doing illuminates our true nature.

It is important to understand that while the belief systems and rationalizations described below are generally erroneous, we have truly needed these illusions in order to maintain hope during the dark times we have passed through. Had we seen the reality of the situation at any time prior to the present, most of us would have succumbed to despair. Now that help is at hand we can face the truth and allow these illusions to slip away.


Part 1 - Rationalizing The Darkeness

Elora: Heru, since our discussions of The Darkness and its prevalence in our Universe, I have been wondering about some of the ways that Humans have tried to come to terms with the presence of negativity or Darkness. I would like your responses on them.

Heru: Yes, this is a very important subject.

Elora: Some metaphysicians would say that the challenge and purpose of this Creation was to meet the Darkness. Is there any truth to this?

Heru – (with passion:) This Creation is an expression of Love, an expression of Beauty, an expression of Harmony. Its purpose has nothing to do with Darkness.

Elora: A very common rationalization is that everything is Love and Light. This point of view claims that Darkness is an illusion.

Heru: It would be nice if that were the case but it is not, clearly. There are Dark Forces at work. If this so-called "illusory" Darkness were built into the fabric of Creation, in any way, shape, or form, what would that mean? It would mean that the Creator or the Gods who created this Universe had done a terrible job. For life on this Planet is full of misery. And if that were the intent of the Creator of this place, I would say that person should be fired.

Elora: Of course many Humans are very angry at God for just that reason. They feel that God created this world to be full of suffering. I found it illuminating when you stated that the purpose of this Creation had nothing to do with the Darkness.

Heru: Correct. And in recorded history, your memories have been suppressed to the point that you have no memory of life before the Fall or the Invasion, or whatever words you would like to use.

Elora: When people say that the Darkness doesn't exist, I think they are saying it is only on the surface, something not really real; and when one penetrates beyond appearances, the Darkness is found to be an illusion.

Heru: One factor here is that when a Being has even a partial enlightenment - where they will have an experience of the goodness within everything, the Oneness of all Beings, the God within the Self and the God within everything - there is the realization that this is the truth. And yes, it is more real than what people are experiencing on the Third Dimensional level in the day to day world, much more real. Thus it would come to a person that what they are experiencing of disharmony is not real; and so there is truth in that statement. However, making that statement and believing in that philosophy will do nothing to lessen the suffering of the Beings in this Universe or this part of Creation.

Therefore, yes, a person may experience an injury, go into meditation, and be able to transcend that pain and go into an experience of Oneness with God. Then they can say: my pain is not real, my suffering is not real. But has that injury been healed? Unless a Being then goes into a state of rapid healing, which would be called a miracle, the injury will remain until such time as the body heals it or not, through the natural course of things.

Elora: I think part of what is being said is that what happens on the Third Dimension is not real.

Heru: That would happen when a Being is identifying more with a Fourth or Fifth Dimensional level of their Self, denying the sacredness of the Third; and saying, "I identify more with the Fifth Dimension, therefore I don't need the Third Dimension." That has been a schism perpetrated by religion in order to perpetuate suffering on the Third Dimension. [Elora: It's also true that in the Fallen Universes, the Third Dimension has become terribly dense and not all that pleasant.] True, and these factors work hand in hand. Denial of the flesh, denial of sexuality, denial of the sacredness of the temple that the Third Dimensional body was created to be - all of this has created justifications for not relieving the suffering on the Third Dimension.

Elora: A corollary to the idea that the Darkness is illusory is that whatever we focus on increases. Therefore we should only focus on the Light and whatever is positive and beautiful.

Heru: I would describe that as a Pollyanna philosophy. It is true that what you focus on increases in your life and you draw that to you. If you were too obsessive about the Darkness you could be swallowed by it, so there is a kernel of truth to that idea. And yes, it is important to focus on the Light. However it is also important to be realistic in sifting out and perceiving what is propaganda and what is truth.

Elora: One more rationalization that people use about the Darkness is to say that this has all been like a huge play, and everyone is playing roles. From this perspective, it is said that the villains have done a good job playing the bad guys, and the heroes have done a good job playing the good guys. When it's all over, everyone will drop their masks, have a good laugh, and go home. Can you comment on this?

Heru: What a subtle rationalization! Would that it were true. And yet, it is good that it is not true. For if this were truly how this Universe and how this Creation were designed to operate, what a miserable Creation it would be. It would be saying that the Creator created a Creation of conflict and that is simply not true. It would justify Hiroshima. It would justify all of the suffering of the Civil War. It would justify the concentration camps, and the starvation of the millions and millions in Africa. It would justify the plagues of the Middle Ages, the genocide of the American Indians; all of that. No. None of it is justified, and this Creation was not created for that purpose.

It truly is an either/or scenario. Either this Creation was designed to be an expression of Love, Light, Creativity and Harmony; or it was created to be an expression of Conflict and War. There really is no middle ground there. So you have religious thought that believes in the dominion of Man and that the Creation is a resource to be used as Mankind sees fit, an Old Testament kind of philosophy. And who does that serve? It serves those who would benefit from exploiting, pillaging, and stealing from the Earth, one of the most complex manifestations of the Creator's Love that has ever existed, and reducing it to no more than its elements. It would be akin to taking a Van Gogh painting and melting it down for the small amounts of cadmium and lead which are in the paint. It would be like extracting those elements and saying that this painting is worth nothing more than the ten cents of elemental minerals contained within that painting - when in fact each of Van Gogh's paintings is considered to be a priceless masterpiece.

Therefore if you looked at the complexity, the indescribable beauty of this Creation and this planet, those who seek to exploit it would render it into its ten cents worth of gold and silver and oxygen and so on. And the rationalization that the fight between Good and Evil is just a play, is a pure smokescreen to divert Humanity from understanding that there are exploiters here who want nothing more from them than the gold fillings out of their teeth, so to speak. [Elora: All of these rationalizations are different ways of saying the same thing, which is that the Darkness isn't real, therefore don't pay attention to it.] Exactly. Which allows the Darkness to penetrate further and further into Creation.

Elora: It is also believed that the Darkness exists only on the lower or denser levels of the Universe. We know that it actually extends up through to the Eleventh Dimension. Is the Darkness more prevalent on the Lower Dimensions?

Heru: No. It is as above, so below.

Elora: I have noticed that fact that as I have become progressively more unveiled, I have increasingly seen how bad things are in our Universe. Yet, people who have Near Death Experiences seem to become unveiled when they drop the body, and their experiences are the opposite. Are Near Death Experiences going to protected Realms where they don't see the whole picture?

Heru: Depending on who they are, they may. There are people who have very frightening Near Death Experiences. The shame they feel about seeing that much Darkness would cause them to be reluctant to share. A more evolved Soul would go to the Light Realms, but generally would still not see the whole picture.

Elora: Some Humans try to rationalize the degree of suffering that we have on this Planet by saying it is karmic. A high percentage of Humans on Earth are born into terrible conditions and often have very little hope of improving their lives. This is justified by the statement that it is a matter of Karma.

Heru: No, it is not like that. It is more that this Earth is trapped in a prison not of its own making, and those Beings who are here are also trapped in terrible conditions. Some of them have come here voluntarily and some of them have been dragged here. Actually, those Beings who have the worst Karma are most likely to be those that are the wealthiest and in most control. [Elora: And somehow they are escaping their Karma?] Well, we shall see. They think they are.

Elora: I am wondering about the concept of Original Sin. In a dysfunctional family, where the children are abused, they come to believe it is their fault. Would you speak about the concept of Original Sin, and do you believe that the same type of psychological reversal applies here, where we have taken on the guilt for the things that have been done to us?

Heru: I would say that is only part of the issue, but I do agree with your analysis of it. Actually what has happened is that the Dark has used that kind of emotion as a central controlling feature of their philosophy. This can be seen not only in Christianity, but similarly with Hinduism and the way Karma is used in that system. The blame for the Dark is inserted into each individual, forcing them to carry the burden - really, in a sense, forcing Karma upon every Being. Thus each Being in this Fallen part of Creation is chained by the Darkness, wedded to the Darkness in a way that is very difficult to escape, either individually or collectively.

There are a great many programs which have been designed to keep Humanity chained. One of them is a collective implant that keeps the collective society from wanting to allow others to succeed in liberation or in a good lifestyle. I am sure you can find many examples of this kind of thing. There are a great many efforts to tear down a Being who would find liberation. And Original Sin specifically - yes, that is one of the best ideas for slavery that the Christian Church came up with.

Elora: What do you mean by "forcing Karma on every Being"?

Heru: I believe I mentioned this once before. It is almost as if one takes a pill when one comes into, or is created in a Dark Universe. There is an immediate invasion by the Dark, and there has been nothing that could prevent this. That Dark virus, to use an analogy, is inserted in each Being. And the extent to which it takes root and flowers there is the extent of the Karma that every Being is saddled with. [Elora: Essentially, each Being gets tied into the whole Dark-permeated system.] Yes, and that is, in part, why it was necessary to come up with an offense that was both microcosmic and macrocosmic. [Elora: Is there Karma in the Light Universes?] No.

Elora: Another statement which tries to explain the Darkness regards what is called the Divine Plan. It is said that there is a Divine Plan, and that nothing occurs outside this Plan. Therefore, if this is true, everything must occur within that Plan and purpose and everything is perfect because it happens for a reason.

Heru: That is written into your blueprint because at the time your blueprint was created it was true. However since that time circumstances have changed. Yet still that belief is hardwired into every atom and every molecule of life. It is more than a belief really, and it is very strong in everybody. [Elora: This is very illuminating.] It explains a lot, doesn't it?

Elora: It is also said that, as individuated Beings, our mandate was to experience - to experience everything. Since "everything" includes the Darkness and separation from God, we therefore chose to experience those things too.

Heru: This is similar to the belief that everything is in Divine Order, in that the mandate or impetus to experience is also hardwired into all of life. However, not hardwired into all life is separation from God. That is not hardwired, and that has been created by the Invasion. A Soul comes into this Universe, which is Dark. And written into their blueprint is the desire to experience everything. When the experience is contaminated, that desire does not abate. In other words, the Soul still wants to experience everything. What it experiences is Darkness and separation, yet there is not the ability to turn off the desire for experience. So in a sense a Being starts indiscriminately vacuuming up everything.

Elora: The beliefs that are hardwired into us - for example, that there's a Divine Plan - what purpose did that belief serve initially?

Heru: It is part of the eternal connectedness that all Creation has with Prime Creator. What the Darkness has done is to essentially sever that connection or subvert it. [Elora: Does this belief serve any purpose now?] As a Being reconnects with Creator, yes, it does.

Elora: Some teachers say that the Light and Dark Brotherhoods work together in the sense that the Light is always trying to move things forward towards evolution, while the Dark holds things back; and the final result is that things happen at the correct time. Do you agree with this, or do you feel it's sort of a Pollyanna justification?

Heru: A Pollyanna justification would be my perspective on it, but that would not be everybody's perspective. There are people who subscribe to the idea that the Dark must be there to balance the Light. They equate the Darkness with Yin, needing to balance the Yang, and they are not the same.

Elora: From my own memories of the Light Universes, I would say that Light does just fine without having the Dark.

Heru: Light does fine without it. The Dark Forces have rationalized their actions by saying that they are part of the Yin, so to speak, and the Yin is necessary. But the imposition of anyone's will over another Being is never necessary, outside of the parameters we have discussed.

Elora: Is there a benefit to living and evolving in the Fallen Universes? Does one become stronger? Evolve faster?

Heru: I don't see how. [Elora: The challenges are more intense.] That is true. But if you take a tree and you bang on its trunk and deprive it of water, and rip off some branches leaving open sores, does that make for a stronger tree? Perhaps the scar tissue on the bark is stronger and thicker and calloused on that point, but does the overall health of the tree increase from that? I would say not.


Part 2 - Reality and Enlightenment

Elora: I have observed the fact that people who claim to be Enlightened say that everything is One, there is really no evil or darkness, everything is perfect, everything happens for a reason and is within the Divine Plan, and so on. It would appear that these people are deluded in this regard, yet it also seems that they are more awakened and enlightened than someone like myself. How can you explain this?

Heru: That is a good question. What these people have done is that they have activated their original blueprint. Therefore they are sitting within their original blueprint, and have generated enough of a force field that the contamination which is present in this Fallen Universe is not affecting their consciousness. For them, to a greater or lesser extent, they have created that reality. And it is powerful to do so; it is admirable that they are able to do so. They are able to draw to themselves what they need. To the extent that their sphere of influence carries, they are able to create a space around them where that reality is manifest. For some people that sphere basically ends about as far as their hands could reach [gesturing with hands outstretched]. For some that would have greater power, it would extend into a community or such. In the situation of your friends at Circle of Light [a Community in Arizona] it would be a slightly larger sphere, and would have the ability to draw others into it and transform them enough so they can hold that space as well. It could build on itself to a certain degree, though would have its limitations. For someone like the Kalki Avatar [a Spiritual Leader in India] it would be a much larger sphere.

Elora: And from that place they can't see the Darkness, apparently?

Heru: Right. [Elora: So in aa way they're right and in aa way they're wrong?] Yes. They have created a bubble of uncorrupted reality, and within that reality they're correct. It will be interesting because as the Darkness lifts there will be a great expansion and connecting of those bubbles.

Elora: Is it possible for aa person to live a life of non-duality in a Fallen Universe and yet still recognize or acknowledge the reality of Darkness?

Heru: It is rare, but it has been done. [Elora: Most people either go into a non-dual state, and can no longer see the Darkness even when it's existing all around them; or remain in a dual state, in which case they can see darkness.] Yes.

Elora: If people who are Enlightened are no longer able to see the Darkness, then this must have created some very confusing situations for Humanity at large. Most of the scriptures, as well as bodies of work such as the I AM Teachings by St. Germain, state that all is One, Darkness is an illusion, and so on. However, these Teachings are being read by people who are not in the Awakened state and have not created a "bubble" of that reality around them. I'm going to mention some points that come to mind.

First, Scriptures and Spiritual Teachings would appear to be "airy fairy" and there would be some justification to that, as the Scriptures would be describing a reality other than that experienced by most people. 

Heru: Yes, and other than what is accessible to most people. And you may be able to put that in the past tense, for it is more and more accessible.

Elora: I would also think that people would get very frustrated trying to experience the reality described in the Scriptures, since that isn't their reality.

Heru: Yes, they would be very frustrated. This has actually been used by the Dark Forces to increase people's self-loathing, lack of faith in God, guilt and shame, self hatred, and sense of separation.

Elora: Secondly, I have noticed that people who are in the Awakened state try to describe what it's like. Then others who are not Awakened attempt to mimic these experiences, hoping that this will cause them to become Awakened. However, if someone who is not Awakened tries to act as though there is no Darkness, this could lead to inappropriate actions and choices.

Heru: Yes, I believe that is an accurate statement.

Elora: Many spiritual teachers, including some of the Masters, say that our thoughts create our reality - period. It seems to me that our reality is created by a number of factors, of which our thoughts are certainly one. But I feel that it's also created and affected by other things, such as the following: Our emotions. Our Soul intention, passion, and mission. Our Karma. Our environment, which includes everything from our neighborhood to the Planet and Universe that we live in. The Beings that we interact with. And so on. Can you give your perspective on this?

Heru: In the Divine Mind all of those aspects that you outlined would be part of Divine Thought. Therefore from a Higher Dimensional perspective, it is true that Thought creates Reality. However, I would say two things here. One, you are in a contaminated Universe, and so the natural progression from the Higher Mind to manifestation is broken, interfered with.

The second is that for Humans in the Fallen state, as you are in at this time, the mind is a very isolated and limited piece, disconnected from the Higher Mind. In Unfallen Humans, they would be able to contain the higher thought forms, which would contain all of those attributes that you listed, including karma, environment, and all of that. But in a Fallen Human, the mind is much smaller. It is constricted, disconnected, and does not have the attributes to be able to contain much more than survival skills.

Elora: So for a Fallen Human, does thought create reality?

Heru: On a limited scale. It would limit the thoughts to the survival mode and limit the actions to the survival mode. So in a sense, yes. But what ends up happening is that Fallen Humans are disempowered to the point that they become the victims of their environment, as if tossed around in a hurricane. And that is because they are so disconnected from the greater Mind. Therefore much of what happens would appear to be random accidents. That, for them, is their life. Their life is nothing, for them, more than a random series of accidents.

Elora: Would a Light Worker such as Karen or myself be considered a Fallen Human?

Heru: You would be more considered a reclaimed Human, a Human that has gone through the Fall and has come back up again out of the Fall. [Elora: In other words, somewhere in the middle between creating via Limited Mind and creating via Divine Mind?] Yes, to a greater or lesser degree, and on the evolutionary spiral upward.


Part 3 - Further Questions on The Darkness

Elora: Heru, what is the defining factor of a Being who is Fallen? What does it mean when we say that such a Being is "Dark"?

Heru: I would say that it is: The willingness to impose one's will on someone else.

Elora: Does this mean we are partially Dark, because we may think unkind thoughts about the President, or that we may have wished something harmful to happen to an evil person?

Heru: No. Having a negative thought is not following through with the action of imposing that negative thought on someone else. For instance, you may dislike the President extremely much, maybe even to the point of obsession, but until you actually make the decision to go forward with taking action - to impose your negative emotions upon the President and/or the country - that is not Darkness. It is confused and not the highest form of thought, but not Darkness.

Elora: However, we all have a lot within us that wouldn't seem to be of Light. We all have pain, fear, old traumas, anger, judgments, and so on. If these are not of the Dark, what are they?

Heru: They are more the environmental fruits of the Dark. If you were to embrace the motivation behind the trauma causing elements, then that would be Darkness. We talked about the defining factor of Darkness, in that it is the willingness to impose one's will upon another Being. Is a rape victim Dark because she holds within herself this trauma, and may overreact defensively to situations? Contrast that to a serial rapist. Is he acting out of a trauma that he himself had? To some degree that would be the case. But beyond that it's almost as if he has embraced that evil motivator itself and become identified with it, and that is a whole other situation. Even though the serial rapist may have been a victim to begin with, he has succumbed to the pleasure of perpetuating that disease. Can you see the difference between those two situations?

Elora: Yes, I can. Returning to your definition of Darkness, several exceptions immediately come to mind. One would involve the role of being a parent or a caregiver to a pet. Oftentimes a parent or a pet owner must override the will of the child or animal.

Heru: There is an acceptance in both the Animal and Human Kingdoms of dependency relationships, and that is consensual, even though perhaps not consciously or overtly so.

Elora: That makes sense. The other exception is this. I know that DurgalSekhmet and other mighty Light Beings are incarcerating some of the Dark. Obviously this is against the will of those Beings.

Heru: They have broken laws. It has been a long time in coming for this to happen. There was great reluctance on the part of the Hierarchy of Light Beings to take action against the Dark Beings, because the Light has always honored free will. That which began in one Sector of one Universe was not stopped. And it has created an infection that has spread far and wide throughout too many Universes. For the sake of the integrity of this entire Creation it was decided to take action. Otherwise the entire Creation would be lost.

Elora: Heru, are you saying that Darkness started in a small way in one universe, and spread, simply because free will was being honored to the maximum, and no one stopped it?

Heru: Yes. [Elora: And had it been stopped, back then, the other Universes would not have fallen?] Yes, and other Universes would not have been created Dark by the Fallen Hierarchies. The decision to root out all of the Darkness has come from the very Source of this Creation. It was not done frivolously or lightly.

Elora: Please explain how the adherence to Free Will stymied the efforts of getting rid of the Dark at all levels.

Heru: It put a restriction upon the Light Workers, and especially those that came into these Fallen Universes in an effort for reclamation. In essence they were operating with one hand tied behind their back, while the Forces of Dark had within their arsenal free rein to use everything that they wanted. It would be something akin to a chivalrous Knight in Armor going up against a modern Navy SEAL. I do not think that is too dramatic a gap to convey the difference in attitude, technology, and so on.

Elora: In our discussions with the Creator, it was stated that the walled-off part of this Creation was somewhat analogous to a cancerous tumor. And that, at a certain point, this "tumor" would have exploded and infected all of Creation. How close were we to that point?

Heru: It was not imminent in terms of years or decades, perhaps thousands of years away, but that is not to lessen the feeling that the Light Warriors have come in the nick of time. For even though it might not have been at the point of exploding into metastasis, had the balance been tipped much further some of the Universes within this Sector that are now salvageable would not have been so. Therefore it would have resulted in a permanent amputation of parts of this Sector.

Elora: All true Humans, including the Fallen ones, appear to have within themselves a pure spark of what we might call the Divine Godself. Do the Dark Beings not have this? 

Heru: Correct. Those that have come from outside this Creation are soulless. And that is why they are not redeemable. They have not been created with a Divine Blueprint in the same way that all of this Creation has been created. That is why the Fallen of this Creation can be redeemed, for they retain that “Spark”.

Elora: My friend R. and I did some work a few years back with the Reptilian ET's, the Dracos and others. We found that these Beings generally did have this Spark of Divine Life. Are these Reptilians the invading Dark Beings? Or are they races which have Fallen due to the outside Dark influences?

Heru: They are Fallen Races, but more accurately, they are Races which have been created by the Fallen. [Elora: What will happen to them?] I believe they will be given an opportunity for reform. Every effort is being made to reform anyone that is possible to reform. A great effort was put into reforming the outside Dark itself, with no success. But it is hoped that the Fallen Races, those created by the Fallen, may be able to be reformatted in such a way that it is possible to reclaim them. [Elora: Are the E.T.s known as the Greys one such race?] Yes.

There really are no Humanoid representatives of the Dark. There are no Races or Beings you can look at and say "That is the other." It is almost as if the Dark were a gas that permeates and corrupts and is very hard to define. It did not come in ships, it did not come in soldiers. That is part of the reason it has been so hard to fight, because in a sense it is almost invisible, but its effects are obviously very deleterious.

Elora: Are the Light Warriors able to deal with this invisible presence?

Heru: Yes. That is why they were created in so many sizes, and why they are in the microcosmic arena.

Elora: Beings such as Earth’s Illuminati - they are not of the original Invaders?

Heru: No, they are the Fallen.

Elora: Then what about the Bbeings who are getting incinerated by the Light Warriors? Who are they?

Heru: It is hard to describe. But it is more like the entities that have sprung up out of this gaseous undefined stuff. It's almost as if the Ddarkness has spawned them, the way mushrooms spring up. They use some amount of energy and matter from this Creation in order to form themselves, but they are parasitic in nature. They would be what you call Demons and other types of Dark Beings, and they are the ones who are being incinerated.

Elora: What is it that drives the Darkness, so to speak? What fuels the desire of the Dark Beings to invade, to destroy, to harm and to cause pain, to corrupt other Beings, and so on?

Heru: Again, I do not know. Perhaps when the Light Warriors have driven the Dark from this Creation and go to the Source of the Dark to render it unable to repeat this, they will come back with answers.

Elora: What is their true agenda here?

Heru: I don't know. It looks to be a combination of slavery and destruction; and whether ultimately it is destruction I don't know. 

Elora: Throughout our conversations, we use the term "Darkness" to mean all forms of negativity. We use the term "Light" to denote that which is positive, life-affirming, and in the flow of God's will. Why are these terms selected? Why, for example, do we not use Good v.s. Evil? And what is Light that the opposite of Light is all that is life-negating?

Heru: A very good question. In terms of polarity, Nature has a natural polarity to it - the Yin and the Yang - that I would have people see as separate from the Light and the Dark. The terms Good and Evil are too ideological, too laden with cultural and religious issues; they have a very limiting history. The words Light and Dark are both vague and specific at the same time, and for that reason I believe they serve my purposes best. The Light was, in essence, the first act of creation that Prime Creator generated. The Dark is an unknown. We see its effects but in essence we do not at this time know its source, we only know its outcome. Therefore to paint it with the face of the Devil or something more descriptive, is to limit its scope. It is much more all pervasive than those images.

Elora: How can the truly Dark Beings have so much power, if they are simply parasitic life forms which have no soul? Or is it the Fallen who have power, and who can do these things?

Heru: It is the Fallen who have power. The Dark only gains power by corrupting Beings, and it is the Fallen who do these acts of terrible destruction and harm. The tragedy of it is that these are great, wonderful Beings who have succumbed to something that is not understandable. And once reclaimed, they will take their place among the stars in the sky. It is a great heartache that they have been imprisoned and had their Free Will taken from them by the Dark in such a way that most of them did not even have a chance to choose.

Elora: Those Beings who have gone into the Dark Universes in an attempt to help (those much Darker than this Universe) how do they eventually get out and find their way into a less Dark, or even Light Universe? Do these Beings often succumb to the Darkness and never get out?

Heru: Some of them do. In the case of your friend, there was a rescue mission mounted to extract the group that she was a part of. It was seen that they would have either been killed or permanently disabled. Some people were lost.

Elora: Are they somehow programmed to stay so long and then get out?

Heru: There are agreements made. In that case, it was a specific mission to try to set up an underground network and I believe it was given a set time to determine if it would work or not. This type of mission was attempted with the Dark Universes that were created after the Fall. And when it became clear that there was really no redemption possible and no opposition which could be created by sending people in, it was stopped.

Elora: How do any of the Beings who are native to the totally Dark Universes get out, if they don't know anything else? Or do they ever get out?

Heru: They don't get out, and it is possible that there is no reclamation likely for the Beings who were created by the Fallen Creator Gods in a totally Dark Universe. It appears that there are gradations of being Fallen in terms of how Dark the Beings are. The Fallen Creator Gods who have created the completely Dark Universes would be very Fallen indeed, and their creations most likely will need to be destroyed. The Races of Beings that you were asking about earlier [i.e. the Dark ET's] were created in this Universe by compromised Creator Gods. And that is the difference.

Elora: Was it possible to establish key Planets in the truly Dark Universes, those which were made by the Fallen Creator Gods?

Heru: No, and it appears that they will probably collapse. There is not enough Light in them. [Elora: What happens to the Beings in such a Universe when this occurs?] Those who came from Light Universes to help will be rescued. The others will be transported to a Universe not as Dark as that one, where they will be given the opportunity to make choices.

Elora: When such a Universe collapses, what about the other Beings - the animals, Devas, Elementals - all the Beings that make up a Universe? 

Heru: My Dear, nothing is ever lost. I don't really see where they go; I just know that nothing is lost.

Elora: Those of us who came into the Fallen Universes like this one - even though it's not completely Dark - we ended up getting trapped as well?

Heru: Yes. [Elora: Did we, in fact, expect to leave long before now?] Oh yes. [And it has been about 500 million years that most of us have been here?] Yes, that would be close enough.

Elora: In our case, how is it that many of the Light Workers expect to be leaving this Universe at the same time; is it because of some pre-set arrangement? 

Heru: It is because the Light Warriors have finally come and the Frequency Fence is coming down, so that now passage back to the Home Universes is possible.

Elora: Several of us have found that we have Family here from the Light Universes who have stated that they are here to help us get home. Given what we know of the Frequency Fence around the Fallen Universes, how did they ever get here? And how did they expect to get us home once they arrived here?

Heru: There are, and always have been, a few secret wormholes that have allowed penetration of a few Beings. Any time that a sizeable number of Beings would be detected coming through a wormhole, the wormhole would be attacked and shut down. It has been a dangerous venture. Your Families love you very much to have attempted this.

Elora: Would you say that the majority of Light Workers now have Family here from the Light Universes, who are waiting to escort them home? Or in most cases must they still wait for Family to come in through the breaches in the Frequency Barrier?

Heru: In most cases that will come later. Among the Beings who are assembled and waiting to come and help with the healing of the Universes are also many family members, and there will be many reunions. 

Elora: For the Light Beings such as ourselves who came here to help, there been any progress or growth over these many millions of years?

Heru: I have to say that, yes, there is always growth - there is always growth in understanding, wisdom, compassion, and so on. And for all of you, yes, there has been growth, but it is not what it would have been had you not been in a Fallen Universe.

Elora: Have we fallen behind the evolution of the rest of Creation?

Heru: In a manner of speaking, yes. It is not really seen what will happen once all of the lives within the Fallen Universes are restored to wholeness - all the Beings, life systems, and life forms. There are abundant theories on what will happen, but no one truly knows. There is a predominant theory, however, that once the restoration of wholeness comes to each Being, and the restoration of harmony, full potential, and full power is attained - that even though an individual would have been stunted from being in a Fallen Universe, something new, something never before seen, will be there. Therefore really a qualitative judgment cannot be made.

Elora: Heru, on a personal level, I am wondering how you kept your faith during these very difficult times that our Creation has been through. Did you always have a very strong faith that all would be well, or were there times when you felt deeply discouraged?

Heru: Not so much discouraged or depressed, as worried that this Plan from the Prime Creator would be able to be completed on time before much of this Creation would either be destroyed or need to be jettisoned. I was aware that the Plan was in place and what the Plan was, in a rough outline. But I knew it was a race against time. [Elora: Has Darkness continued to spread up until now?] Yes. [So it's only now, with the coming of the Light Warriors, that the spread is being stopped.] Correct.

Elora: I've been trying to process everything that has happened to us, and it's difficult. I think that I'm grieving for the millions of years that all of us spent here in this Dark Universe and the fact that we really have made almost no progress. Can you offer any insight into this?

Heru: I would tell you first of all that even though it appears no progress has been made, just the fact that this Universe did not succumb is a great victory. Secondly, I would like to express how grateful I am to have those who are able to hear just how bad it has been. For we have hidden from the Light-working Humans just how dire the situation was, in fear that if we disclosed it they would be overcome by despair. Therefore the fact that we are able to tell you this dire Dark news - that in itself is really an accomplishment. It means that first, help is here; and secondly, that the Human Light Workers have matured enough to the point that they are able to see the truth.