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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter TWENTY-ONE: Sananda & Heru’s Update for November 2005

Part 1 - Sananda's Update for November 2005

Elora: Hello Sananda. It has been some time since we had an Update. The last news we had of the greater picture was that the Fourth Dimension was going to be cleaned up around Earth. Is this complete now?

Sananda: No, it is in process. There is quite a lot of density to work through. Let's see if I can give figures to this ... I would say it is about 60-75 percent cleaned up, with some hardened pockets where the Dark have built fortified bunkers. We are wishing to move this process in a somewhat orderly fashion, for there is enough chaos on Earth at this time that we do not want to add to the misery that is happening for so many.

Elora: How long will this process take to be completed?

Sananda: By the end of the year, it should be virtually completed. While I know that may sound like too long a time, this Darkness and all of its structures in various forms have been in place for millions and millions of years.

Elora: What still remains to be cleaned up? Are there still pockets of Darkness with some type of guerilla warfare going on, so to speak?

Sananda: Yes, you could call it that. There are fortified bunkers - these could be in form of Space-ships on the Fourth Dimension with quite a bit of cloaking and defense capabilities as far as weapons. As for the Fifth Dimension, there are a couple of small areas that are still being worked on.

Elora: What are the ramifications of having these Dimensions cleaned up?

Sananda: First for the people that live there, they will begin the process of restoring their lives to the perfect harmony that they were designed to live, especially on the Fourth Dimension. It seems that the Fourth Dimension is even Darker than the Third. Souls have been trapped there, and even the prison guards are trapped like the prisoner. And there have been countless animals held in misery and distortion. I am sure that this kind of thing bleeds into horror movies and artwork where you see these fantastic distorted creatures. The depictions of Hell came from the Fourth Dimension, and what numerous religions perceive as Hell all are derived from the Fourth Dimension. Beyond cleaning up those Dimensions themselves, if we look at the Third, the majority of the Dark structures that have been in place have had their source of power and support in the Fourth. The all pervasive Darkness which has been so encompassing around the Planet has been very concentrated here in the Fourth.

Elora: There was no way for the Light to fully penetrate until now?

Sananda: When the Omniversal Energy came in last year, most of it did not get through. It was deflected, but the little that did come through had a great impact. As the Fourth Dimension continues to get cleaned up, greater amounts of Light will penetrate.            

Elora: We notice that things are still as bad as ever here on Earth.

Sananda: Two things will be happening. Perhaps the first will be the most dramatic, and that is if you can imagine shining a light into a nest of roaches. The more Light that comes, the more the Dark will be revealed. And there is so much to be revealed. Many people still refuse to acknowledge the extent of the Darkness. But as the extent of the corruption that is in the governing bodies of this Planet is uncovered, and the extent to which they have no one's interest in their heart but their own selfish greed is revealed, things will be begin to change. It will take a little while longer before the critical mass is to happen, although the house of cards is beginning to crumble as we speak.

Elora: Heru stated that the big changes, such as the crumbling of the negative power structures of Earth, would start to be visible by the Winter Solstice. Do you agree with this timing? 

Sananda: Yes, and actually right now this month is a pivotal time. Karen informs me there may be more indictments against government officials. The climate is changing rapidly and the tide is turning against those in power. Between now and January there will be significant resignations.

One thing I would like to talk about is the mood in the US. It is as if the blow from Hurricane Katrina has wounded the psyche of this Country deeply and made people connect it emotionally with the blow of 9/11. There is feeling amongst the people that these may have been fatal blows. And so there is a growing sense of national despair in regards to the identity people have with nationhood. For some people it is very deep, for this is very painful process. For some people their sense of self worth and pride comes from living in a nation or a city that they can call number one, just as they would wish their college team to be number one. And for those people this is an extremely painful process. [Elora: Is it their competitive nature?] It is that, and it is perhaps a state of maturity. I think that many of the readers will have a somewhat more evolved sense of self that does not depend on flag or group identity. But I want the readers to understand how most people of this world, through feelings of inadequacy, will attach themselves to groups for security and status. And as this breaks down much anguish and fear will occur.

Elora: One of our Readers asks; What will happen after the Battle in September [in other words, the battle to clean up the 4th Dimension]? Will we see the exposure of the Secret Government and the dynastic rule of the Bush Family? Will citizens move away from Republican and Democratic Parties? Will they begin to embrace Independent Parties and Progressive Parties like Greenpeace?

Sananda: Basically, the answer is yes to the all of the above. I don't know specifically about Greenpeace, but there will be a lot more activity in the US. There are the beginnings of a lot of grass roots efforts and up until this time, basically they have been monolithically ignored by the media and governments in power. In the year 2006 this will no longer be possible.

Elora: I know that tentative plans were laid to have a Public Landing of the positive ET's in November. Is this landing still planned for that month?

Sananda: No, that has been delayed until at least next year. I believe March is the timing that is tentatively being looked at. [Elora: What is the delay?] The cleanup has been taking longer than expected.

Elora: I am sure that much thought and decision would go into something like these Public Landings. However, I would like to state that the people of Earth desperately need hope. We need to know that we are not alone and that help is not that far away. 

Sananda: The main reason for the delay is for the safety of those in the Space-ships. They will not come in weaponized ships as invaders or conquerors - although they could, they will not. If they were to come now, they would be attacked and destroyed. So yes, I appreciate the desperateness of the situation on this Planet and do not wish to delay it longer than necessary. I feel reasonably sure that early into next year they will be able to come.

Elora: Will this Landing be covered up by the media?

Sananda: I think there will be an attempt from the mainstream media to discount, discredit, disregard and ignore it. But it will bleed through because there will be so many worldwide.

Elora: The last month or so has brought some terrible tragedies to Earth. We had Hurricane Katrina which struck New Orleans, and then a devastating earthquake on the India/Pakistani border. How can we make sense of such tragedies in this time?

Sananda: This Planet was created as a most valuable gem, one of the Twelve Bio-libraries in this Universe. It is highly sought-after territory and the focus for the last of the great battles between the Light and the Dark. As the Forces of Light and Dark tug, push and pull and fight for control, the Planet itself cannot help but shake and convulse. You will notice at times that some of the areas of greatest convulsion are areas of disputed borders or autonomy. Some of these are Indonesia and the Hindu Kush Mountains of Kashmir (the disputed borders of Pakistan).

There has been much prayer and effort to lesson the degree of trauma and misery on this Planet. Control is being wrested from the Dark, and while it has been lessened considerably, it may appear to the Readers that things are terrible beyond enduring - and they are for many. However, it is not as bad as it would have been without the many prayers for the last twenty or so years and the work that has been done by the Light Workers on this Planet. You are all to be commended on your work. You have perhaps cut the terrible disasters of this time period in half, and the worst of it should be over with some time in 2007.

Elora: Is there any way, besides direct material assistance, that we can help those people caught in these disasters?

Sananda: Yes, prayer, meditation and focused intent. There are many Beings available on the Inner Planes to help. There are masses of Angels and Archangels beyond your ability to count, there are Light Warriors and God Warriors as well. If you will ask them and point them in a direction through your focused intent and prayer, your help can then more easily reach those areas.

Elora: It is our understanding that the Atomic Correction, though very effective on the Higher Dimensions, has not been fully effective in reaching the Third Dimension. Is this correct, and if so can you explain this?

Sananda: Yes. There are many barriers on this Planet, much of which we are in the process of correcting. It is not fully known what the solution is to this, but is definitely being worked on.

Elora: It is also our understanding that Prime Creator is currently working with a task force on doing the atomic and density corrections from a more fundamental place. Can you elaborate on this?

Sananda: I am not part of that Committee so I don't have a lot of information. I just know that it is being worked on.

Elora: When is the Breath of God going to be released again?

Sananda: We are hoping early in the year of 2006.

Elora: What is expected that the Breath of God will accomplish?

Sananda: When unimpeded, it restores everything to its original structure and purpose. If you look in your everyday work at how many life forms are distorted, sick or damaged or less than vibrant you will get the feeling of what that will do. Let me give a small example. If you have ever seen two trees that have fought for the same space in the sun, they lean, twist, damage, and often kill each other. This would never happen in the Light Sector. And so the Breath of God sets those kinds of things to right, those fundamental disharmonies. Just expand that to cover not only life forms but inert or inorganic forms as well. The key here to the success of the Breath of God is locating those Fallen programs and obstacles that are preventing it from coming through. And that is fundamentally the same work that is involved in rectifying the atomic distortions.

Elora: Have the God Stones and the Portals back to the Light Universes been opened up again?

Sananda: Not yet. I believe they will be in perhaps a month. There may be one to two open now but by and large they are closed.

Elora: I sometimes wonder whether everyone, both in the Light and in the Dark Sectors, will ultimately know the truth about the Invasion of Darkness and what happened here in the Dark Sector. To start with, do most of the highly sentient Beings in the Light Sector - the Angels, Archangels, Humans, and Creator Gods - know the true story and full extent of what has occurred?

Sananda: They do, for most of them have through their Relatives or Aspects in the Dark Sector. Everything is connected ..

Elora: How about the Humans and other Beings in the Fallen Sector, as it becomes rehabilitated? Right now, if you look at Humans on Earth, almost no one has a clue as to what has really been going on. Even most Light Workers are still of the belief that the Darkness is an illusion. Will all Humans on Earth eventually know and understand about the Invasion, the Fall, and the Rescue that has occurred?

Sananda: I believe so. They may not in their lifetime. They may end up leaving their bodies before they are able to comprehend, but yes.

Elora: Is there anything you would like to add that would be a helpful perspective regarding the current situation in and around Earth, and what we can expect in the next few months? We are coming very close to the time when we have been promised that we would see changes on our Planet, and I feel it is important that people be able to experience something that is tangible.

Sananda: First, I want to say that Earth is like a pressure cooker. It is the most uncomfortable that it has ever been or ever will be. This will max out and ease up early next year. So, at this point in time for everyone it is most important to remain safe, alert and protected - but to not do so in a fearful way, but instead remain in a state of Peace and Love and Light. Then next I would say that one of the most wonderful things which is happening at this point is the access available to everyone for the help of these great Angelic and Celestial Beings, and to please call on them. There is no lack of help. The relationships that are formed with these Beings are very heartfelt and wonderful in so many facets.

Elora: Sananda, do you have any words to say in closing?

Sananda: Yes. To the dear Readers: I extend my blessings to everyone reading this. My heartfelt hope is that you are in a safe environment on all levels-psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Call upon me at any time. Call upon me out of need, out of love, call upon me in any way and I will come. I have the deepest regard for the courage and bravery that you exhibit in just merely making an appearance on Earth at this time. I applaud all of your efforts for I know many of you have sacrificed much. My blessings to all of you. Farewell for now.


Part 2 - Heru's Update for November 2005

Elora: We know that there is perfect genetic material stored within a secret chamber in the Earth - that which was brought here from the Godverse in order that the corrupted genetics of life forms of Earth can be corrected. When is this going to occur? When will this material be brought forth and used?

Heru: When it is safe. I can't give a time more than within a very few years. I would think certainly within five years there will be the beginnings of the release of this material.

Elora: Now we have some Reader questions from someone who has recently read The Return of Ught. The following questions were submitted by Ankur Patel. Ankur, thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful queries!

Ankur: I do not fully understand the part about the Aspects. According to other esoteric material I've read, I learned that in addition to our Physical bodies, we also have Astral bodies, Mental bodies, etc. So is my Astral body an autonomous Aspect with a life of its own? If so, then how is Astral projection possible? I’m sure there is something I do not understand correctly.

Heru: These are two separate things - the Dimensional ladder with the Aspects, and the subtle bodies like the Astral body and so on. Everyone that has a Third Dimensional body has an Astral body, but everybody does not have an Aspect on the Fourth Dimension. So the two can exist simultaneously [i.e. the Astral body and a Fourth Dimensional Aspect] but they actually have very little to do with each other. When a person is in the Astral body in their dream time they are not in the body of their 4D Aspect [assuming that there is one.]

Ankur: Since the battle is now being fought mostly in the Fourth Dimension, is it safe to do Astral projection work or should one wait until 2007 after the battle for Earth is complete?

Heru: That will vary from individual to individual. People carry with them greater and lesser degrees of protection. People carry with them implants and Dark programs that would attract Darkness in some cases more than others. If an individual has been doing Astral travel and feels safe doing it they may continue, for that would be an indication that they have sufficient protection around them to avoid any of the pitfalls that happen with that work. If a person tends to be attacked or implanted by the Dark, or has frightening dreams or sees ghosts - any of those negative things that happen on the Fourth Dimension - then that person should steer clear of that and seek other ways of meditation and other ways of travel. There are other ways of travel on the Inner world other than Astral projection.

Ankur: Such as traveling in the Mental body for example?

Heru: Yes, and going into the Inner Realms, going more in than out. Asking to meet with one's Aspects, wherever they are, can be an enjoyable trip.

Ankur: Heru teaches us two techniques to affect the weather: one to cause rainfall and another to stop rain. Can this or another technique be used to stop hurricanes or other "natural" disasters? Earthquakes are difficult to predict, but we can see the progress of hurricanes - my question is, can we stop them? If so, is it a good idea to assemble a group of Light Workers who would try to do this?

Heru: The answer is yes, and it has been done. This year there were attempts to slow down, stall, and weaken Rita and Wilma, and both of them did less damage than Katrina. And that was because there was much more of an awareness of needing to stop them and slow them down.

Ankur: So would groups be helpful in doing this?

Heru: Yes, groups would be very helpful. The Light Warriors and the God Warriors, if you would call them in, are very powerful allies in this. But any kind of group prayer will soften an event like that.

Ankur: Is time travel possible? If so, can Prime Creator go back to before the Darkness invaded and prevent it from ever happening?

Heru: Yes, time travel is possible; it is done quite a bit. Many of the Readers here are actually visiting from their future in an effort to pave the way for that very thing to be done. Much work will need to be laid, much groundwork needs to be laid, in order for Prime Creator to do this - but that is the eventual plan. [Ankur:Really?]? Yes. And as I say, many of you have come from your own future in order to assist in this process.

Ankur: Discovering the Return of Light web site and book changed my worldview significantly. Before this discovery, I was convinced that the Negative Extraterrestrials and others were working through the Illuminati, and their elaborate network of conspirators on Earth, to keep the Planet in chains. But I had no idea that the problem was of such a grand scope as to involve entire universes! The Return of Light expanded my worldview by a thousand-fold. I had planned, after my own healing was complete, to do whatever I can to make people aware of the Illuminati's conrtrol -I'm not sure what, but I realized that any effort to change the world would be useless unless we addressed how people think first. It's not enough to provide truthful information, but to break people from their hypnotic spells first. So I was primarily going to work on the Internet for all this, in the beginning. My question is, since the Light Warriors are now here to take down the Illuminati, is any such project worthwhile? Is it useful to place any effort on liberating people's minds at this time? Any major effort on my part would need to come after my own healing.

Heru: Indeed, such work would be very useful. The programming that has happened in Human minds has been so complete that, just as the Return of Light book turned your perspective around, so you too can reach out to people with your own words, your own efforts, and do the same for others. It is a very effective tool and a very needed and worthwhile one.

Ankur: Do Heru and the other Light Beings foresee the disappearance of such things as war, disease, and poverty in our lifetimes - or within the next several decades?

Heru: Yes. With the advent of the Positive ET's to this Planet, that work can happen with relative swiftness.

Ankur: Would you say this will occur in the next several decades?

Heru: Within the next several decades much progress will be made. I cannot say that everything will be finished, but there will be a significant increase in the welfare of all life.

Ankur: We now have direct and intense intervention from Prime Creator, Light Beings, and the Light Warriors ... is there anything the people of Earth can do to significantly accelerate the cleansing and healing?

Heru: There is quite a bit. The first thing that people must do is to work on themselves. That is not to say that they should not be active in social programs or political outreach, but if a person is out of harmony within the self each action that they will take will then have a ripple effect causing disharmony. So the first action would be for individuals to make sure they are cleared of entities and the Fallen programming so that they then can see clearly. And then they should embark upon what is passionately singing in their heart. For some it will be the environment, for some it will be political reform, for some it will be health reform, and so on. There is much to be done. In embarking on the external action, invoke as much help as you can, be it the Light Warriors, the Archangels, Creator Gods such as myself, and so on. Invoke all of us to walk with you as much as possible, and invite us into your world, into your reality. In so doing you will not be changing one tyrannical master for another tyrannical master as has so often happened in political revolutions in the past.

Ankur: I want to know about the so-called Lower Astral regions - places where demonic life forms are found. My question is, who created this Realm?

Heru: It was not just one individual that created it. It was a concerted effort by the Dark to create what almost constitutes a World surrounding this World, so that anyone trying to leave or Ascend would run into this World first.

Ankur: Also, I read that the Lower Astral Region is energetically sideways to the Main Dimensional structure - so a Third Dimensional Human does not have to pass through the Lower Astral in order to travel to other places. Is this correct?

Heru: If they are able to, yes. They can travel to other places without going through the Lower Realms. [Ankur: Also, now that the Light Warriors are here, will this Realm be cleaned out?] It is being cleaned out.

Ankur: What is the current status of this Lower Astral Realm, and does it still prevent ascension?

Heru: It is 65% cleaned up. There is still quite a bit to do.

Ankur: Is it preventing people from Ascending? Yes.

Ankur: How much longer will the cleanup take?

Heru: I think in two to three months things will look quite different.

Ankur: Is there anything the people on Earth can do to help with the Atomic Corrections - something that would make it significantly easier?

Heru: The more people that invite for the Atomic Correction to come into their Being, the more energy it will have to come through. At a certain point there will be a critical mass achieved.

Ankur: Who is the audience for the Return of Light material? Is it just Light Workers or all of Humanity in general?

Heru: I hesitate to put a separation between Light Workers and the rest of Humanity. I would say it is for anyone that who resonates with this material. The majority of those people would be what are commonly termed Light Workers, but there will be others as well who respond to this message.

Ankur: If the latter, then how does one go about spreading information that will be perceived as radical by most people?

Heru: As time goes by it will seem less and less so.

Ankur: Who are the Starseeds? Are they part of the Light Worker group mentioned in the book? Three years ago, a psychic mentioned that I was a Starseed. I once had a dream about Starseeds, then woke up to see "9: 11" on the clock. 

Heru: Yes, Starseeds are beings who have come to this world from other worlds. And that would encompass all of the Light Workers. There are actually not that many native Earthlings; almost everyone has come here from somewhere else. So in essence just about everyone here is a Starseed. Not everyone here came in that wave of Beings who came to help when the Fall happened. Some came before, some came after. Very few came after, but some did.

Ankur: It is said that there is on Karma in a Light Universe, and that Karma is a kind of poisonous pill that one takes when living in the Fallen Universes. But then who are the so-called Lords of Karma? Do they manage the Karmic system? And if so, and if Karma is a creation of the Dark, then aren't the Lords of Karma serving the Dark side? Please forgive my ignorance in this matter.

Heru: There were great battles when the Dark first invaded for control of these Sectors and there were some uneasy truces and agreements that were made. One of them was this whole concept of Karma, because it was seen that a person couldn't rape, pillage, and burn in this Dark Sector, and energetically be able to cross over into the Light Sector as if nothing had happened. So one of the uneasy truces and agreements that was made between the Light and Dark was set up to be a check and balance on all of that. The Lords of Karma were brought in as neutral mediators on this. Now whether they have in truth remained neutral is another issue. Therefore Karma is an effect of the Dark, but the whole system of balancing or releasing Karma was put in play by both sides. It has not always really best worked to serve the Light because basically once a person is entrapped in the wheel of Karma they don't ever get out.

Ankur: Have the Lords of Karma remained neutral? I have worked with them and they seemed very loving. Also there have been many times during our work on various issues where it has been suggested that we bring them in .

Heru: . I think they are basically Light oriented and neutral, but they perhaps have distortions. I'm sure scanning needs to be done on them as well as on everyone else. My fundamental feeling is that the whole system needs to be dismantled. I don't like it.

Elora: This completes our Reader questions, and now Iwould like to pose some further queries. Please give us an update on the rest of the Fallen Universes. How are they doing compared to this Universe?

Heru: Roughly everyone is in about the same place. There are a few, maybe less than 1%, that are significantly ahead of what is happening in this Universe, and maybe 10-12% are lagging in any kind of significant way behind where this Universe is. But overall they are fairly evenly bunched together in what is happening.

Elora: I have a question on what is called the Schumann Resonance. I have a paragraph here which summarizes this phenomenon:

The Schumann Resonance is a measure of the vibration rate of the Earth, more specifically a measurement of naturally circulating rhythmic signals in the space between the surface of the Earth and the Ionosphere. These frequencies are thought to have a profound effect on all life on the Planet. One writer stated: The frequencies of naturally occurring electromagnetic signals, circulating in the electrically resonant cavity bounded by the Earth and the Ionosphere, have governed or determined the 'evolution' or development of the frequencies of operation of the principal Human brain-wave signals. In particular, the Alpha rhythm is so placed that it can in no circumstances suffer an extensive interference from naturally occurring signals.

From the time it was first recorded, the Schumann Resonance was stable at 7.8 cycles per second. Recently it has been rising. There is controversy about this, but recent reports from some quarters have set the rate at over 11 cycles and climbing.

Some people say that this is the negative effect of the disruption of the Ionosphere by massive ELF from the surface, as well as from the installation called HAARP, and that the rising of the Schumann Resonance is very dangerous and potentially disastrous, that this adversely affects the brainwaves of Humans and other life forms and so on. Others say that the rise in this frequency corresponds with the rise in Human consciousness, and that when it reaches 13.0, the Planet will reach what is termed "zero point" and take a great evolutionary leap forward. What is the truth of this matter?

Heru: It is more complicated than just an either/or. First I would like to say that regarding the second theory, that the rise in the Schumann Resonance represents or creates a rise in consciousness, I would want to dispute that. If you look at the overall vibrational level of Humans on this Planet, it is currently still descending rather than ascending. Humans are in a very stark state of misery and fear and are very shut down. And this intensifies the more they are urbanized. I'm thinking of this in the Third World countries as people leave their farms, leave the earth, and go into the mega cities where they are living in poverty cut off from the earth. This is a further degradation of their net awareness. What more can I say on this? It is inevitable that the Schumann Resonance will rise. It is in part the technologies that you have listed, but it is also a necessary component in the transformation of the Planet. So I can't say that it is either harmful or beneficial. It just is at this point, and it will continue to rise. Once the Earth has gone through its Changes, it will drop back to a more harmonious and restful vibrational level.

[Elora: I had the sense that Heru was speaking here about something analogous to a person whose body is invaded by pathogens. That person develops a fever and burns off the illness. When the body returns to health, the temperature drops to normal. It's almost as if the rise in the Schumann Resonance, in part, is like the Earth having a fever.]

Elora: Much has been written about a phenomenon called the Photon Belt. The Photon Belt is reportedly a band of intense photon (light) energy that is on a collision course with Earth. When it gets here, things are predicted to change dramatically. There have been predictions of five days of darkness, no more electricity, mass UFO landings, photon energy conversion devices, psychic abilities for all Humans, transformation of our Human bodies into Higher Dimensional forms, the demise of the Illuminati, and much more. The Photon Belt was first predicted to arrive by the end of 1996 but none of these predictions have occurred. You previously stated that the Photon Belt was a highly charged area of space and that the chemtrails were to some degree a defense against this phenomenon. Would you speak about the Photon Belt - what it is and how it affects our Planet?

Heru: Yes. The Photon Belt is a highly charged area of higher energy particles, and the Solar System has entered this Belt. I think perhaps those predictions are somewhat extreme but not that far out of the range of the things that are and will be happening. I don't think we will see five days of darkness, but we will be in this Band for some perhaps ten to fifteen years, and over that time much of what has been predicted will happen. But it will not be like turning on a light switch where the Earth wasn't in the Photon Belt, and now it's in it and everything is different. And the chemtrails, yes, are [in part] an attempt to keep out that energy.

Elora: The best known book about the Photon Belt was channeled by Sheldon Nidle, apparently from the Sirian arm of the Galactic Federation. Was there, at one time, a plan on the part of the Galactic Federation and/or the Sirians to intervene on Earth when they saw that we were about to enter the Photon Belt?

Heru: That was hoped for. ET intervention has been continually delayed due to the fact that, as I stated earlier, there is not a wish to have armed intervention. There is a wish to have peaceful intervention. And until such time as the Space-ships can come without being destroyed or without engaging in a firefight, this has been delayed for safety reasons. If they came today the governments would fire nuclear weapons on them and not only would those Space-ships risk being destroyed but much life on this Planet would be destroyed as well. There is much fear in the Dark ruling bodies because they know this would be the end of their rule, and they would rather burn the Earth than give up control.

Elora: Please give us some information on the Galactic Federation.

Heru: The Galactic Federation is a body of many ET's, the Leaders of which are Ninth Dimensional Beings, but they encompass Beings from the Ninth down through to the Fifth Dimension. And their mission has been to work towards liberating the Earth from the Dark Forces. They have worked towards this for many centuries, setting things in place, infiltrating when they can in small areas.

Elora: How is the Ashtar Command related to the Galactic Federation?

Heru: The Ashtar Command is a wing of the Galactic Federation.

Elora: One that more closely concerns Earth? Yes. 

Elora: You stated earlier that the Negative ET's, such as the Greys and the Dracos, are Races created by Fallen Creator Gods. We know that the Greys in particular have been responsible for millions of abductions of Humans who were used in their genetics programs. What is the current status of the Negative ET's? Have most of them been captured?

Heru: Yes, I would say upwards of 80% of them have been captured. It has not been formulated what would be done with them, so they are being held in an area. Work is being done, negotiations are being made and some experiments are being done on whether it is possible to uplift their vibration to where they are able to be integrated into the rest of the Fallen Sector as it returns to Light.

Elora: They do have souls, do they not? Yes.

Elora: Couldn't those souls be worked with, and then incarnated into Human type bodies? It is believed something of that nature will happen, yes.

Elora: Regarding the capture of the Negative ET's: Does this mean that people who have suffered from abductions, including repeated abductions, will now be free from this?

Heru: The abductions are diminished quite significantly in the last year.

Elora: And will ultimately stop? Yes.

Elora: I have heard a good deal about the E.T. Underground Bases on Earth, such as those in the vicinity of Dulce, New Mexico. It is believed that these bases are staffed by Beings such as the Greys, Dracos, and other Negative ET's, and run by them in conjunction with the Illuminati. There are people who have gone into these Bases and lived to tell - and they have seen these ET's present in dense physical form. What is the status of the E.T. Underground Bases at the present time?

Heru: They are still intact; the ET's that are there have not been captured. Of those who have left there to travel outside the Earth's atmosphere, many of them have been captured. So they are in a hunker-down mode, trying to stay sheltered from the Light Beings. Also one thing that has happened is the communication and flow of supplies and so on to the Bases has been cut off. The Beings there are isolated and in a state of fear and panic - they know that their days are numbered.

Elora: Is it correct that there was a major attempt on the part of the Dracos and others to capture Earth in the Fall of 1997? Yes, it is true.

Elora: That completes our questions for today, Heru. Thank you for this information.

Heru: My love and my blessings to all of you.