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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Part 1 - Update from HERU

Elora: Greetings Heru. It's been a long time, at least it seems very long to me. I have missed talking with you in this way.

Heru: Yes, it has been quite some time - not so much a long time on my part, but there has been a lot that has happened between then and now. It has been quite an eventful time, and I myself have also missed our dialogue. 

Elora: Our readers are anxious for an update, and I hope there is something we can give them. I know that there are things that Prime Creator doesn't want discussed.

Heru: Yes. I will limit my content to what can be shared with the public.

Elora: Also, I would like to note here for our readers and for future reference, that Karen has stated she no longer wishes to channel anything along the lines of a prediction.

Heru: Very understandable in light of what she has been through.

Elora: What can you tell us, even in general terms, about the current state of our Planet and the attempts to rescue the dense physical, correct the atomic distortions, and so on?

Let us go back to the initiative that Horu led in December and January.

[Elora: As a parenthetical note, when he speaks of Horu, Heru is referring to another of his Aspects. While Heru has not differentiated between his various Aspects in his public messages in the past, he is doing so now. As an explanation, each Creator God - just like each Archangel - is composed of a "collective" of many Aspects. This is why you could have a thousand people on Earth all calling upon Archangel Michael at the same time, for example, and all these calls would be answered. All the Beings in a collective share something of a group mind, but each Aspect has a personal name and his or her own history, memories, relationships, and so on. The Aspect whom we have known as Heru in these channelings is the direct Progenitor for Karen and myself, has a long history of working with Earth, and is the one who dictated The Return of Light. He is one of the oldest, wisest, and most powerful Beings in his collective. Horu is a younger Aspect, very dynamic, and it is he who led the attempt that we called the Light Initiative. During the time of the Light Initiative, Heru had gone into seclusion for a period of time. Heru continues:]

While there was not much impact of that initiative on this Planet, it was successful in other places. And of course the fact that it did not succeed in breaking through to the dense physical on your Planet was the heart of Karen's disappointment. I know there was much anticipation on the part of the Readers for that and also for the God Event that followed. Most of what was accomplished with Horu's Initiative was not seen on this Planet but there were parts that did get through. I am trying to decide whether, for your Readers' understanding, to actually let them know that this initiative was led by a different Aspect other than myself. I think that you might want to tell them this, and that I was in a process of seclusion at the time.

What did come through was a small amount of very beautiful refined energy, and there were those who were sensitive, who felt and appreciated that. However, as you know, it did not tip the balance on this Planet towards the Light and it did not significantly contribute to the liberation of Earth. The next Initiative, the God Event, occurred around the end of February and the beginning of March. There was much anticipation about this event. Again its greatest impact was not on this Planet, and only a small fraction of that energy was able to penetrate into the Dense Physical and into this Planet. And again those who are sensitive were able to feel it. I believe you got many comments on it at that time, but again it did not tip the balance on this Planet.

Efforts have been made, repeatedly, to work on the Atomic Distortions and so far they have not met with success. The Beings working on this, including Prime Creator, have not given up however. And let me say here that Prime Creator could come into this world and take over in a very short amount of time but at a great cost of disruption, chaos, and death. Ways are being sought to do this without so much loss of life and destruction and the resulting chaos that it would bring. So it is a delicate line that is being walked here. There are a number of different fronts being worked on simultaneously to change things without the massive loss of life that a sudden Shift would precipitate.

Elora: You said that the God Event and Light Initiative had a greater impact on other places. I thought they were focused on Earth.

Heru: They involved the entire [Fallen] Sector. And they also involved the few remaining Planets that had not or have not been rescued. It was not just aimed at Earth.

Elora: Why, from your point of view, has nothing worked?

Heru: There has been a very concerted effort by the Dark with the intent that if they can't have this world nobody can. They have set many Doomsday Programs in place to prevent a successful rescue of this Planet. Many of those have been dismantled, but not all of them. This is extremely delicate work because some of these have hair triggers and some can be triggered by other events. For example, if one aspect of this Planet is changed it could trigger a Doomsday Program in another place. So it is extremely complex and dangerous work.

Elora: And is it that, more than the density and distortions, which has been the biggest stumbling block?

Heru: The density and atomic distortions are the biggest obstacle, and they are also tied to these Doomsday Programs, where if we initiate a program to correct the density it can trigger something destructive elsewhere. So we are working through this. I know this does not sound hopeful and encouraging, but we have dismantled a good many of these systems and we are continually working on finding ways to dismantle the rest of them. Therefore although it feels like nothing has happened, much work has been done, much progress has been made in coming to the point where we will solve these triggers and we will dismantle these programs. It is just taking us longer than we had hoped. I can't really give any kind of concrete time frame but I believe we're looking at months for some things and a couple of years for other things. We're not looking at decades or centuries.

Elora: When the Light Forces began the attempt to rescue the Third Dimensional Earth, did they not understand the distinction between the "normal" Third Dimension and the Dense Physical?

Heru: I think they understood it, but when they broke into the Third Dimension they thought that they were also breaking into the Dense Physical. Do you remember for so long, how frustrating it was when you would call for an action - how we would say that we had initiated it and would see it coming through to completion, but nothing would happen on the Dense Physical?

Elora: Yes! Very frustrating!

Heru: It was that kind of phenomenon. They saw it happening, and because they cannot see into the Dense Physical they did not have a way to monitor what was and was not happening on the Dense Physical.

Elora: Would you please say a few words about the Dense Physical, what it is perceived to be and how it is different from the normal Third Dimension.

Heru: I'll say what I can but because I am not in it, I can't really see it. I guess I would have to define it as an aberration from what the normal Third Dimensional world would be. So in a sense your whole Planet [the part that exists in the Dense Physical] is living in an aberrant and distorted reality.

Elora: Doesn't Earth have many Dimensions, including a normal Third Dimension? It does. And is it true that the great bulk of the Human population is on the DensePphysical? Yes, indeed.

[Elora: I have clairvoyantly viewed the "normal" Third Dimension for Earth, which contains twelve levels. I have seen very few Humans there, and particularly in the higher levels it is very beautiful and unspoiled.]

Elora: Because we're in dense physical bodies, we can't see the normal Third Dimension. When we look out at the Universe, are we seeing Dense Physical Realms that exist for all the Stars and the other Planets within their Solar Systems? 

Heru: You're seeing what is normally Third Dimensional Matter. If you look through a telescope and you look at a Star or a distant Galaxy you can see it, but you are viewing it through the distorted lens of your perceptions. That is why most of you do not see the ET's who come here who are Fourth and Fifth Dimension or higher. Normally, if you were not in such a distorted place, you would easily see them.

Elora: Does the Moon have a Dense Physical Plane? We know that Humans in dense physical bodies have walked on the Moon.

Heru: Yes, the Moon does have a Dense Physical Realm, and to some degree or other in this Fallen Sector much of the Matter is Dense Physical although not nearly as dense as the Earth. However, things in this Solar System are pretty dense and pretty much the equivalent of Earth. This particular Solar System is denser than most of the rest of the Universe, although on several different higher Dimensions than Earth.

Elora: What is the overall state of our Universe at this time?

Heru: Karen just saw a documentary on the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco, and it took the event through the reconstruction and where they were at several days after the quake, when the City was burning and all communications were cut off. The documentary also took the event through the period when the Army Corps were coming in with relief supplies, when soup kitchens and tent cities were being set up, and so on. In a matter of weeks tracks were laid down to bring in train cars to pick up the wreckage. And then once the massive amount of debris was cleared, the reconstruction began. Within nine years the City was rebuilt and they had a great World Fair that seemed to celebrate the rebirth of the City.

Let us use that image and those timelines as an analogy. Many of the Planets in this Universe were not so devastated or Dark as this one, and I would say that in general the worst of these Planets are at the stage where the relief supplies are coming in, the tracks have been laid down to remove debris, and the beginning stages of reconstruction are happening. Many other places are in better shape and are progressing more rapidly. For instance if we look at where Terah (the Fourth Dimensional Aspect of Karen's Twin) lives, his Planet was never devastated ecologically. The ecological system was impaired and distorted, but was never totally torn up and disrupted as yours is here. Therefore at this time repairs are being made to the ecology, and that is happening fairly quickly and readily.

Elora: What percent of our Universe would you now say is Light?

Heru: Oh, virtually all, in the 90-something percentile. There are just a very few planets that are not Light or not in the control of Light, such as your Planet. There are not many of these left. 

Elora: And how about all the Fallen Beings? Are there still a great many that haven't been restored toe Light?

Heru: True, and they are in holding areas. Here and there are a few who are still loose, but very few. The Fallen Beings will be worked with to reform them and they will be given certain choices.

Elora: Will they be forced to reform, so to speak, by the Deca-Delta Squadrons, or given a choice between that and being melted down? [Note: the Deca-Delta Squadrons are groups of Angels who are able to work on Beings and restore the Free Will of Beings who had succumbed to Darkness.]

Heru: They will go through a process where their Free Will is restored; the Deca-Delta Squadrons will do that. From that point on they will then be presented with choices. And there will be some who will prefer to be melted down rather than go through the painful process of healing and correcting and in a sense atoning. I do not mean atoning in a sense that there is blame assigned to what they have done. They, like the rest of you, have had all or part of their Free Will stolen and are not considered to blame for what they have done. But in the process of healing, atonement, and restoration, reparation to those whom they have harmed is part of that healing. And there will be those among them who will be so heartsick at what they have done that they cannot face that process. Therefore not out of cowardice, nor out of evil, nor out of resistance would they choose to be melted down, but more out of sorrow.

Elora: And then will they be brought back?

Heru: I'm sure some of them will. I don't know about all.

Elora: Has a tremendous amount of Darkness been removed from the entire Dark Sector, just in the past few days?

Heru: Yes. I believe we talked about how the Light from the Godverse [the Omniversal Energy], was sort of like a strobe light or a light in a lighthouse, and that each time it would come around it would penetrate more deeply. Progressively, each time that Light comes through, it dissipates more and more of the Darkness. And that beam of Light is, I believe, pulsing through at a rate of every 5 or 6 weeks and lasts for about a day each time. So you may wish to set a calendar and watch as things change. And oftentimes with these pulses Prime Creator is adding things to the Omniversal Energy, so that embedded in it are Beings and energies that may not have been on the pulse prior to it.

[Elora: According to this conversation the last pulse from the Omniversal Energy occurred about April 19-20, 2006, so the next one would happen around May 25-June 1, 2006.]

Elora: What is the status of the Twin Flame Rift?

Heru: That is a very, very complicated issue. For some Twin Flames reunion is happening. For others they are approaching it but are not quite there and still others are further apart. But progress is definitely being made there.

Elora: Progress with the Rift itself? Yes. But not a full healing? No, not yet.

Elora: Is it correct that the Source of Darkness has been completely destroyed?

Heru: That is my understanding. It's not something I can first hand see or attest to, but that is what I have been told.

Elora: What was the Source of Darkness? We were told that it was an entire Creation System way out in the Void that had gone Dark.

Heru: That is my understanding. Again I had no personal contact with it, but that is what we are being told.

Elora: How did destroying that Dark Creation impact our Creation? Or did it?

Heru: In some respects yes, it affected things immediately. It sort of took the wind out of quite a few of the Dark Beings. Some of them just disappeared, some of them were weakened.

Elora: Is it correct that it is now understood what the Darkness is, and can you say anything about this?

Heru: What I can say is that Prime Creator does understand what the Darkness is and is working day and night, ceaselessly, on eliminating it from this Creation. It will be a process, it will take time to do so, but all of it will be eliminated.

Elora: And this understanding will help Him to get rid of it? Absolutely.

Elora: One last question - many Channels state that for the Pole Shift to truly occur here on Earth a certain percentage of the population must wake up, throw off the veils of ignorance, and raise their vibrational rate. Is there any truth to this?

Heru: It's much more complicated than that because the Pole Shift could happen at any given time - Prime Creator has the power to make it happen. But what He wants, and what we all want, is to have this happen with a minimal disruption of life. It could happen in a very severe way, a very traumatizing catastrophic way, and we wish to avoid that. So the more people on this Planet who do wake up and do shift their consciousness, shift their allegiances really, the easier it will be for us to come in without the severity in the predicted Earth Changes and so on.

Elora: That completes our questions for today. Is there any statement that you would like to make for our Readers?

Heru: Just that it is kind of an odd time for the Light Workers, for many of you are feeling a greater influx of the Light and yet this is not reflected in the world situation. For those of you who are distraught and depressed by the world situation, I just ask that you be a little patient and to maintain hope, because really there is much to be hopeful about. Those of us that are working from the other side to reach you are very confident and hopeful that it will be soon.

The Light Forces in this Sector are all working very hard, and there is also a sense of them holding their breath until everyone is rescued. When everyone in the Dark Sector has been liberated, when that day happens a celebration beyond your imaginings will commence. There are preparations being made for this, and nobody is really celebrating until that happens.


Part 2 A Letter from Karen about Channeling

Dear Friends and Readers,

It has been some time since I have spoken publicly or channeled any of the precious material we have been blessed to receive. I apologize to all of you as information at this time is so very important. I needed to withdraw myself from this for a time in order to process some very intense personal items. These involved some health issues, family issues and karmic issues. I will speak some about the latter. Before I do, I want to talk about what was happening right before I took my break.

Prime Creator and the Light Forces were preparing for the Light Initiative to be launched sometime between mid December 2005 and mid January 2006. We were all very excited about it. I went on the Meria Heller Radio Show and channeled Heru's predictions, so this was a very public statement for me. I felt a little out on a limb and a little insecure about making these predictions. When the Initiative failed to make a difference on Earth, I crashed. I experienced not just disappointment, but genuine rage. Rage at the ineffectuality of both Heru and Prime Creator, and rage at having been made the fool by predicting something that didn't come about.

As I examined and processed what I was feeling, I realized my emotions were out of proportion to the event. I knew I needed to dig deeper, and so deeper I dug. Through a series of sessions with John Crawford, Elora's Husband, I was able to access the memory of a long ago event that the current failed Light Initiative had triggered - the Okessa Battle. This Battle was spoken about briefly in The Return of Light. When Elora asked Prime Creator why we weren't rescued, he talked about a failed initiative. The Okessa Battle was the Battle between the Forces that Prime Creator sent to rescue us and the Forces of Darkness. That session held so much sorrow for Elora, Prime Creator and myself that we never asked for details. I remember seeing the look of eternal doom and despair in the eyes of those members of the Rescue Team that were captured. At the time I didn't explore that image. It was too heart breaking.

What I have now learned is that I was the Herald who announced the coming Initiative from Prime Creator. As with this time, there was much fanfare and excitement about the impending rescue and liberation of this Dark Sector. When I saw the meager forces of Light marching up to meet and challenge the Dark Forces, my heart froze. Do you remember Tiananmen Square? It was much worse than that. I don't have much more memory of this event except that it was so shattering for me that I felt if I let go of my anger, I would lose my identity.

The fact that the Light Initiative failed in January 2006 triggered within me all the unresolved anger and pain from that Okessa Battle. If any of you were there, you may also need to clear and heal the searing pain from that event. I went through a period of a couple of months of intense Atheism. This Atheism wasn't that I didn't believe in God or Heru, but that I didn't believe that they could affect anything in the physical world. I couldn't go into meditation because all I could do was to yell at Heru! I am very happy to report that all those feelings are now resolved.

I say above that my emotions concerning the failure of the Light Initiative were out of proportion to the event and this is true, but I don't want to downplay my feelings of the importance of the immanent rescue of this Planet. I really do feel that our dear Earth is in a "now or never" dire need to be liberated. How long that "now" stretches I can't say. I do feel strongly that everyone is doing their best and working very hard to get to us. I feel very certain that they will succeed. I deeply hope the breakthrough is this year.

I want to take this opportunity also to tell all of you a little about what it was like to bring forth The Return of Light. The channeling in the book took place mostly from June through December of 2004. What a time it was! I was channeling almost every day, sometimes twice a day. We felt an intense desire to bring through all this information very quickly. There was a genuine feeling that this was sacred material. We were both excited and humbled to be a part of this. Elora has told me several times that of anything she has done in her lifetime, this is what she is the most proud of. I have to agree that the same is true for me. At the same time Elora and I also came under the most intense attacks from the Dark we have ever experienced. I don't want to dwell upon this, but I want to mention this because I think there was an element of burnout for me that contributed to my needing this prolonged rest. There was a very concerted effort to prevent this work from coming to Light.

I have a couple of notes of what to expect in the up coming channelings. First, after feeling pretty burned by predicting things that didn't come to fruition, I have asked Heru not to make that type of prediction through me. Secondly, good things are coming out of this somewhat difficult period for me. Heru is talking about a second book. He is also preparing me for a download of new meditation techniques. He is working with me and teaching me a new healing technique. Before some of this happens, however, Elora and I have a lot to catch up on. We have the revised and updated Second Edition of the Book to get out and mountains of reader questions to get caught up on! We also need to spread the Good News as far and wide as we can. So far only a small number of people have heard Heru's message. Those of that have heard his words express being deeply moved, but there are many more people out there that have yet to hear about this work.

To all of you, my heartfelt love and blessings, Karen Kirschbaum