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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Elora: Greetings to all. This is our first Update for May of 2006. Prime Creator and the Forces of Light have made excellent progress with the "Doomsday Programs" which were mentioned in our last Update. Heru recently stated: "As far we can tell we have dismantled everything. We have not come across any new areas of Darkness for a couple of days and that is very good news." This will enable the efforts of the Light Forces on behalf of our Planet to move forward more rapidly.


Part 1 - "Speak up and say where it hurts"

[Elora:] The material below came out of a discussion with Heru where we were asking about making requests from Prime Creator. Heru spoke about this subject with great passion and asked that we include it in an Update. We began with the following question:

Elora: Why doesn't Prime Creator take care of all these things without our making requests? What is the benefit of our being involved, or the necessity of it?

Heru: I think to some degree it has to do with the fact that the details of the Dense Physical Plane are still obscured from Prime Creator's view. Let me give you an example from myself. I am actually finding it emotionally very hard to channel through Karen because prior to her recess from channeling in December and January, I was not able to see or fully be aware of the extent of the pain and the damage that she had suffered in this Sector. It is just very hard for us to really see the details of what has happened; it is very much obscured to us. It is dark. So I just did not know. And Prime Creator is not able still to see into the local Dense Physical Plane. Therefore it is important for you to contact the Higher Beings and to make these requests, because they are coming from your need. Prime Creator [in the current Dense Plane situation] cannot see or anticipate your needs. It is as if you were to go to the doctor, and the doctor would not have the technology of X rays or MRI's. You would describe your symptoms, but all the doctor could see would be the surface of your skin and he could not diagnose from within. So it would be critical for you to voice the entire range and scope of your symptoms to the doctor in order for diagnosis and help to be given.

This is something that is important for people to understand, why this whole work of restoration has been so difficult. For we have been looking at this Planet, we have been looking at the Dark Sector from the outside, and we have been unable to penetrate into the entire spectrum of all that is wrong. We will do this, and it is going to be you and me, Prime Creator and Shakura - each one of us, and each person with his or her own individual connections with the Divine, really communicating in this way. This is a crucial point that everyone needs to know: that everybody needs to speak up and say where it hurts. And that will involve some shadow work and really digging into old stuff.

Elora: So when we make these requests, do we need to detail in specifics what we need to occur rather than making general requests?

Heru: Yes, I think that is very helpful, the more details the better. And it really has to be mostly personal. For as passionate as you are about this Earth, for example, there is a personal element that needs to be injected there - where you connect with how it's affecting you, where your pain is - and not just the passion but also the pain that you feel for the destruction that has happened

here. Be very specific about it, and when you communicate with myself or with Prime Creator, project to us that disgusting sick-at-your-stomach feeling that you get every time you see a Chemtrail, that pain in your heart when you see trees destroyed. The more personal you can make these requests the more effective they will be, the more it will allow us to actually see what is going on. So when you make these requests, really connect with the visceral feelings in your body and your emotions and project them to whatever Beings you are working with.

What I would like you to do is to get this information out, because the more people who really understand how to do this the quicker things will go, the quicker people will evolve, the quicker these connections and this information will come forward.

People who are praying for World Peace, for instance, tend to abstract this issue outside their own bodies. If we can get people to really delve into themselves, get in touch with the lack of peace: what war does to their heart and mind and body when they see the images on TV or when it impacts them directly, personally, that will help a lot. They need to understand that when they make those prayers for World Peace it is vital that they personalize it and express that to Prime Creator and all the Beings that are helping Prime Creator. For all of you who are praying for assistance and praying for help for this Planet, make it intensely personal.


Part 2 - Reader Questions

[Elora:] We still have many questions which have not yet been answered, and we will post more answers with our next Update.

Reader: My friend and I are Vegetarians because we wouldn't treat animals differently from Humans and we have equal respect for all life forms. We're proud not to contribute to the mistreatment of the animals on this Planet, as the vast ignorant majority of people do. But we are confronted with the (I'll put it bluntly) stupidity of a lot of people every day, who eat meat and just don't care how it is produced as long as it tastes good. They appear to have no idea of the consequences of their behavior. This makes it difficult for us to love other people, let alone like, and it probably prevents us from Ascending because of these bad feelings. And isn't the overall ignorance of people a factor that can prevent this Planet from healing?

Heru: Yes, there are several questions here. First I would applaud you and your Partner for being able to adopt this life style. And I would just ask of you, and all the Readers, to look at these areas in your life for which you have this kind of emotional judgment. And suspend your judgment for just a little while, understanding that to some degree or other everyone on this Planet has lost the use of their Free Will. The fallen vibration that exists on your planet is so severe, the distortions so great, that most people have no choice but to regard meat as an essential nutrient in their life. And were they to attempt to change it this would actually make them sick. Now this is not to say that it is good to eat meat or not good to eat meat. In an Unfallen World all of the Humans are vegetarian, and there are only a very few animal predators. The situation here is just very, very different, very distorted. Therefore forgive them because I don't think they really have a choice at this time.

Regarding your question about whether these judgments would keep you from Ascension, I don't know how completely wrapped up you are in the emotion of that. If it consumes your daily consciousness I would say yes, if it is a passing thought I wouldn't worry too much about it. Any negative emotion that consumes you will be an impediment. Even if it's judgments against lawn mowers and the whole concept of grass, you could wrap your whole life around that as being against Nature. And if that consumed your emotions and mind on a daily basis then yes, that would keep you from moving forward in your evolution. So it's not so much the what but how you process this emotion. And I would like to add that once this Planet is restored all life will be held as Sacred.

Reader: I have read the Book and all the Updates. I have a question and it deals with crystals. Is there a use for crystals in helping to anchor the Light Energies?

Heru: Yes, very much so. I would caution that as everything on and in this Planet has been distorted, crystals themselves do not contain unsullied matter, but they can help amplify the new Light that is coming to this Planet. So before you use anything, I would recommend that if possible you take a container, a glass bowl or whatever, and pray over that water. Invoke the Light from the Omniverse [the Omniversal Energy], ask that this water be filled with that crystalline pure Light, and that anything placed within that water be purified and brought up to that vibration. Then immerse your stones in that water and place them in the sun or full moonlight for several hours. And that should facilitate drawing to the Earth more of this beautiful clear Light.

Reader: Are you aware of the Law Congress passed in March of 2000, and President Clinton signed on October 10, 2000, titled the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - NESARA (which has yet to be introduced due the sabotaging efforts of the Dark Forces), 

Heru: I'm aware of the attempt. I am not aware that it has been passed.

[Elora:] We also asked Sananda about this last year and he stated that NESARA has not been passed.

Reader: In materials I have been following for the past two years St. Germain is playing a big part in helping us here on Earth. But I do not find him mentioned in your materials. Could you check this out for me and many who have been following the NESARA information?

Heru: In the circles in which you Elora and Karen travel, and this Reader as well, St. Germain is far better known than myself, and he is indeed active in the process of restoring this Planet. Some of the people channeling St. Germain are quite good channels and some are less so. St. Germain also has a number of different Aspects. Some of them seem more involved [in the restoration process] and some of them less so. So there is a definite mixture of what is coming through and what must be sifted to come to clarity.

[Elora:] Heru is referring to the fact that many of the Ascended Masters have multiple Aspects; that typically Archangels have 200-300 Aspects in each Archangel Collective although Archangel Michael has many more, and that Creator Gods like Heru also have many Aspects. Ascended Masters can create multiple Aspects at will. Sananda, for example, has about 7000 Aspects because his "job" is so enormous. Each Aspect is a separate, individuated Being.


Part 3 - What is The Darkness?

In a previous Update, Heru stated that Prime Creator now knows what the Darkness is made up of. I will give a short discussion on this topic for those who may be interested.

As discussed in former Updates, the original Source of Darkness was an entire Creation System, far out in the Void, that had gone Dark. This Creation System would probably be as far away from our own Creation System, relatively speaking, as the nearest Star would be to Earth. It was created by an entirely different Prime Creator, and we would probably never have known of its existence except that, in the larger scheme of things, it was one of our nearer neighbors. This fact enabled Fallen or Dark Beings from that System to travel through the Void and to enter this Creation. Thus Darkness entered our Creation and began to spread.

According to Heru, the Darkness was essentially created by accident. It was an attempt, on the part of the Prime Creator of that System, to reverse the Codes of Life. Unfortunately that attempt succeeded. Heru stated: "It was an experiment that went wrong and then ended up consuming him in insanity." We asked about the purpose of this experiment and Heru responded, "It may have been just to see if it could be done." Subsequently, the entire Creation System made by this Creator became Dark.

Darkness, Heru says, is therefore essentially a reversal of the Codes of Life - taking those Codes and running them backwards. This is why Darkness turns Love to hatred, purity to corruption, perfection to distortion, and so on. As we have stated elsewhere, Darkness acts somewhat like a computer virus and also somewhat like a disease virus, of which Heru stated: "It in itself is not alive; it is not a living thing. It uses the host's DNA and the host's fuel and energy to destroy the host."

Regarding these analogies, Heru stated:

"Both of those are very good analogies that people can understand. Let me see if I can come up with anything else. The destruction of Atlantis came about by applying that reversal to the crystalline energy structure, the crystalline structures that were being used in Atlantis pretty much as a basis for the entire civilization. Their energy, their religion, their commerce - all of that was built on the use of these crystals. When the codes in those crystals were reversed Atlantis fell, although corruption had already been building for some time. But I think your Readers will be able to remember that feeling. Remember how these early days of Atlantis felt, when things were still pure, how the corruption came in and how it caused the Fall." 

Many years ago, I belonged to an organization called the Pathwork. The Pathwork was based upon a set of lectures channeled by Eva Pierrakos from a Being who identified himself only as "The Guide". In some of the early lectures, entitled "God: The Creation" and "The Fall", the Guide spoke with amazing clarity about the nature of Darkness. To quote:

"So, Spiritual Worlds did exist for a very, very long time where all created Beings lived in a state of bliss, in a way that is unimaginable .... The one Spirit who succumbed first generated a power running in the opposite direction to Divine Law, but it was still the same power, only used differently. With this power the Spirit could affect and influence many other spirits, little by little. But not all spirits were affected. There was a division between those who succumbed and those who did not. With the former, the 'Fall of the Angels' began. In this process every Divine Aspect turned into its opposite nature: harmony turned to disharmony, beauty to ugliness, light to darkness, wisdom to blindness, love to hatred, fear, or egotism; and union became separateness."

A Reader recently wrote to me: "When one ponders the implacable opposition of the Dark to all life ... its pernicious patience as it sinks poisonously into a life affirming host ... its enormous success in the Universes and up to Creator God levels ... one must stand back and wonder who or what would hate Prime Creator so much as to develop a venom of this potency? ... Who could have that level of power to counter Prime Creator?"

Elora: I feel that there is a very important point here. How can Fallen Beings have so much power to do harm? How can they be so filled with such an intensity of hate and destructiveness?

Heru: Their power, their hate, their destructiveness, their inventiveness in doing harm, are in exact inverse proportion to the strength and to the depth of Love, Light, and intelligence that was intrinsic to these Beings before they fell. Darkness turned the power, Light, and vast creativity of this Creation against itself.

If you take a very low number numerically, such as two or three, and make that negative two or three, these are still not very large numbers. But if you take a number such as a trillion and make it minus one trillion, you have an enormous negative number. That is how we ended up with the degree and intensity of Darkness that we have had in this Creation. Prime Creator created Beings of such glory and magnificence that when they were subject to the reversing of their Life Codes, their fall was correspondingly far and their desire and ability to do harm was correspondingly great.

[Elora: ] To quote the Guide once again: "Let us suppose, for instance, that a Being in its perfect state had the particular characteristic of great strength of Love, the fire of Divine Love. This Love Force would turn around into its opposite and create a great fire of hatred and wickedness .... Let us suppose that another individual in his or her perfect state of development had the particular characteristic of wise judgment, calmness, and wise reflection ... Directed to its opposite force, this power would create ... icy coldness, icy darkness, and desolation .... Since one of the most important Divine aspects is Free Will or Freedom of Choice, this had to turn into its opposite too ..... [Therefore] the opposite of God and his Laws must be the prohibition of Free Choice and the domination of the stronger over the weaker ones."


Part 4 – Update from Heru - May 12, 2006

Elora: Heru, can you give us any kind of update to be released to our Readers?

Heru: Yes. Dear Readers: I'm very happy to announce a new phase in a Project that we have not spoken publicly about before. We mentioned in some of the Updates that there were certain Projects which were classified and this was one of them. We are de-classifying this Project today. Prime Creator has called forth many thousands of God Warriors to tunnel into the density of Earth’s distorted Third Dimension. They started from the outer reaches of the Solar System, and about ten days ago they reached the surface of the Earth. We stopped them there in order to defuse many booby traps, doomsday programs, hair triggers to bombs, and so on. At the point that the God Warriors came to the surface of the Earth, an Etheric Water that we are calling God Water was then released in 15 minute interval pulses. This God Water has many programs and frequencies in it to dissolve and dismantle anything that is a threat to the survival of Gaia. Just as water on your Planet is called the Universal Solvent, the God Water has that same property as well. This programmed Water came through the holes opened by the God Warriors.

[Elora: I clairvoyantly observed the God Warriors when they were in the process of tunneling down towards the surface of Earth. It was as though they literally turned their bodies into drills and cut holes through the density. It was very much like watching someone drill through solid rock - another demonstration of the incredible density that we live in and consider as normal. We were told that these God Warriors carried the Program for the Atomic Correction within their bodies and would in a sense become Atomic Correction Generators. Heru resumes:]

This has been going on for about a week. Last night, May 11 at Midnight, the God Warriors resumed their drilling into the Earth, into the greatest of the densities, and they will all meet up at the core of the Earth. We estimate the time that it will take to get there will be five days with one day of what Prime Creator calls "set up". So in six days time [about May 1-7] they will be ready to merge all of their energies and become Atomic Correction Generators. They will bring forth energy to correct the distortion at the atomic and subatomic level, radiating out from the core of the Earth to all matter on this Planet - and then, once this Planet is complete, to extend out into the entire Solar System. We feel that this will have a tremendous effect on opening up an influx of Light to this Planet. This will happen first through the channels that they are digging and through which this God Water will continue to flow. And once we have stabilized Gaia to the point that there is no threat to her life, Prime Creator will then initiate a series of different programs aimed at world leaders, environment, and all of the different issues that you have. There will be many happening at once and some will occur before others. I think at this point it's premature to list what the priorities are. We can come back to that once this phase has begun.

Elora: Can you state any more definitively where the God Warriors are, Dimensionally speaking? If they were on the Dense Physical we'd see them, and if not how is the correction going to work?

Heru: They are in the [normal] Third Dimension. They are still in the process of tunneling from the Third Dimension into the Dense Physical, and it is our belief that once they get to the core of the Earth and begin this generation process that they will be fully on the Dense Physical. I cannot guarantee that but this is our definite idea and hope.

Elora: Several of our Readers expressed outrage at the portion of our last Update which I entitled "Speak Up and Tell Us Where It Hurts". I’m sure you recall that discussion. I'm going to read a very impassioned letter from a woman in this regard:

Reader: Ihave been an avid reader of The Return of Light material for awhile now. II have found it compelling, and felt it has some very solid truth to it. BUT this last message has made me feel quite outraged. I perhaps am not understanding it, but here is my take:

It was said 'details of the Dense Physical are still obscured from Prime Creator's view .. .' Here is MY question. How many weeping mothers with babies dying of disease and starvation do you need to hear from? How many sobbing women who have been raped need to cry out to you? And how many anguished tortured young men in Iraq and other places of insanity need to callout before you get a picture? Are parents on Earth more advanced than the so-called Higher Beings? We can anticipate the needs of our children without their specific requests, without their spilling their guts. We sense when something is wrong, and help without knowing all the details.

I don't understand why a Creator God would not have the technology or the Team on the ground to understand in intimate detail what the hell is happening here. He hasn't called me or he would know. Can he watch CNN? Are you implying that we haven’t been speaking up and saying in gruesome detail where it hurts ???????

The pain we feel is so enormous - it seems voyeuristic to me that Prime Creator would want a parade of misery in all its forms so He can finally 'get it' .. .'Not being able to see' seems like a lame excuse to me. Sort of like George Bush not knowing about conditions in the Super Dome after Hurricane Katrina. It is his damn job to know. There are plenty of people who have been in the worst darkness who are capable of reporting. What more does Prime Creator need to know, except we want the violence stopped now!

Heru: Thank you, that is very moving. The truth is that Prime Creator does not have a Ground Crew. Those of you who speak to me and speak to Prime Creator are the closest thing that we have to a Ground Crew. My apologies if the effect of that message was to convey insensitivity to the plight here. But the truth is that in many cases we don't see clearly what is going on. And the greater the detail that can be uploaded to us, from each person's perspective, the more we are able to hone in on each particular problem. 

Elora: Heru, maybe it would help if you told us what you actually see when you look at the dense physical? What is your experience? 

Heru: I see smoke, dark shapes. I'm looking through a smoky glass into a vista that has places where you can see fires burning, and in between it's just smoke. So my ability to see detail is very obscured, and I believe it is the same for Prime Creator.

Elora: What do you mean by fires?

Heru: Fires of war, fires of famine, fires of distress - but again this is from some distance. So we are not able to get down to the point where we can see an individual home or an individual person. There are clusters of trauma. For instance if I were to focus on Cairo, a very polluted and impoverished city in Egypt, I would see the fire of the pain. It's almost as if the center of the city, where the wealth is concentrated, is not on fire. But with the rings of slums surrounding it, it looks like successive rings of fire surrounding the city. I cannot see individual people or individual buildings or individual conditions, so it's hard to discern what aspect of misery I am seeing.

Let me just double check with Prime Creator and see if that corresponds with His vision. He says yes, and that because of the density we are still some ways away from your Planet. And it is not that the prayers of everyone are not being heard. But, much like the Ring of Fire that surrounds Cairo, it is more of an indistinguishable chorus - indistinguishable between the lack of sanitation, lack of health of heath care, prevalence of disease, lack of good water, violence and abuse. If I look at this Ring of Fire I cannot discern whether there would be all of those problems or maybe all but one. So for instance if there was plentiful good water there, I couldn't tell if there was or wasn't. And I want to add one more thing, that part of the gift that the Light Workers have is the personal connection with different Higher Beings - with Prime Creator, with myself, with the Archangels and so on. The Light Workers have a greater ability to communicate, to hear, and to articulate as well. And this is very valuable to us. So when the Reader asks if I can watch CNN TV, I cannot.

[Elora: I believe that Heru is describing the general challenges that the Higher Beings have when attempting to see into the Dense Physical Plane, for we all know of instances where they have been able to pinpoint individuals and situations. It may be that the Creator Gods and Prime Creator are in a sense "higher up" and are less able to see details than others like the Positive ET's, for example. An interesting example from my life is as follows. I have a cat who is a great adventurer and has been lost on a couple of occasions, having wandered quite a distance from home. We have called upon the Angel of Animals to guide her home, and this has worked well. There was one occasion, however, where the Angel told us that he was having a very hard time locating my cat because she was obscured from his view. He would find her and then lose her again for long periods of time. The other Beings I work with were having the same problem - they just couldn't see her. My cat did make it home, but this was an illuminating event.]

Elora: Would you say that these more detailed communications will help the Higher Forces to lay their plans for when they get in here?

Heru: Very much so. So I would ask everyone to dialogue with whomever they feel the clearest communication, whether it be Sananda, Michael, Prime Creator or others, to begin to upload to us what is happening in as great detail as possible.

[Elora: I feel this is a very important point. It's as though the Higher Forces need to create a detailed rescue map, and we are being asked to help by providing specific information about conditions in our locales or conditions as we know them. Until the breakthrough with the Atomic Correction occurs, we may not yet have the response we are seeking. However, the more the Light Forces know about the situation here, the better prepared they will be once they reach us. Imagine a city which has been devastated by an earthquake. In some areas there are fires. In others, water or gas mains have broken. There is looting and violence in certain places, and so on. Rescue teams have not yet arrived, but if a few people can call out on their cell phones and explain just what is happening in the city and where, then the rescue teams will know how and where to get to work when they arrive.]

Elora: People here have been taught that God can see everything - He sees the sparrow fall, and so on.

Heru: Someday that will be true. On other worlds it is true, and it is what should be. That is what we are working towards. And I would once again like to apologize for not having stated this more clearly the first time.

Reader question: Greetings, I have just read and article that was excerpted from the Salt Lake Tribune from Isis. The title is rather long: Test Blast in Nevada: A Nuclear Rehearsal (Pentagon apparently looks for an optimal size of a bunker buster). It is called Divine Stake! Yech!!! Has this been observed by Heru? I am horrified that once again no regard for Gaia is on the Administration's plate. It supposedly entails 700 tons of ammonium nitrate and fuel in a limestone tunnel. The tectonic plates is this area are already moving, my Heavens what are they thinking. Any suggestions for Optimal Light Warrior Intervention? Any suggestions at all?

Heru: At this point I don't see that we can stop the Tests from happening. But there are Light Warriors and God Warriors on the Tectonic Plates, monitoring and hopefully preventing any or most of the severe damaging earthquakes. I can't say that we will get all of them, but I don't foresee anything coming out of this. 

Reader question: In the November 2005 Update, there were some things said having to do with nuclear weapons being fired at the First Contact Ships if they decided to land too early. The result would be destruction of those ships and great damage to Planet Earth. In the Matthew Ward Books channeled by Suzi Ward, there is much mention of Prime Creator overriding just one area of Free Will that has to do with the detonation of atomic weapons on Earth and the rest of Creation because of the extreme deep level damage it does to the Soul of anyone unfortunate to be in the proximity of such an explosion. This is partly or mainly being managed by the advanced technology and high level, diligent survalence of some of the benevolent ET's. I have also heard this referenced in other channeled material.

In the November Update, the reference indicated to me that no such declaration of Prime Creator that I just described had ever occurred. I understand that not all channeled information is to believed or even entertained, and all indications are that yours is one of the authentic ones. I find most of the information from you and Suzi Ward to be very much in alignment with each other, but this is a very huge discrepancy. Is there anything you can tell me to clear this up?

Heru: There are several points here. First, as far as the declaration by Prime Creator that no nuclear weapons will ever be fired, I know that attempt is in place. However I can't vouch for the 100% effectiveness of it because of the failures of other things so far to come through. I'm not certain that it is totally a matter of overriding Free Will. Secondly, in a situation where there would be the Mass Landings of the Positive ET's with a tremendous number of the Space-ships coming in, it is not known whether it would be possible to avert any detonation of nuclear weapons. However if any detonations are made, they will be contained. The technology is there to contain detonations and greatly reduce their effect. Beyond that, any information as to whether there could be detonations or not is, at this point, classified information. But I can say that at the point of the Mass Landings of the ET ships, the technology is there to contain the explosives, so that whatever damage might occur would be greatly limited and contained.

[Elora:] I thought the ET's would only land when it when it was safe and they wouldn't be fired upon.

Heru: I'm checking with Prime Creator - and all He is saying is that they're coming.

[Reader question:] I have been in the Engineering, Construction and Materials business for 35 years and am wondering how all the Changes are going to effect how we do things. Will we still use sand, gravel, cement, copper, steel, glass etc. in the way we build things? Our current methods of construction using bricks and mortar seem very basic when compared to space ships and space technology.

There must be better ways of getting raw materials other than mining, drilling for oil, or cutting down all the trees. Our transportation and power systems also seem to be in total need of replacement.

Would you be so kind as to offer some information on how these basic needs (food, heat, clothes, and shelter) will change after the Dark is removed and ET support is provided.

Heru: Yes, I'd be very happy to. If you were to look at a Third Dimensional planet in an Unfallen Universe, you would find that it is a much more low tech culture - much closer to the Earth, much closer to Nature. The climate is far more amenable to comfort. And the other thing is that population density is not as great, so it is more a matter of villages than large cities. There is technology but it's an organic technology, so instead of a computer being made out of plastic and running on electricity it would be made out of organic compounds. As far as building and roads and so on, everything would be much more organic with less need for transport. Things are much more localized. And there is also the ability of those Third Dimensional Humans to create matter and create life. If you wanted gold you wouldn't have to mine for it, you could create it. If you wanted a glass window you wouldn't have to gather the sand and melt it and purify it, you would simply create it. And it is within the grasp of a Third Dimensional Being to do that - to create food, to create clothing, create whatever they need.

[Elora:] On an Unfallen Third Dimensional planet the size of Earth, what would be a normal population density?

Heru: It would depend on whether it was a watery planet. Some of them have very little solid ground and some of them have a great deal of solid ground. But let us take a planet the size of Earth with roughly the same proportion of land to water. It would accommodate several million comfortably, and more comfortably than your Planet currently because you have climates where there is land but it is really not suitable for living. I am thinking of the Antarctic land mass and the lands up around the Artic Circle which are very sparsely populated. This would not need to be so were the climate more even. And because of the difference in diet, there wouldn't be the need for large meat manufacturing and all of the plant material that is grown primarily to sustain the meat industry. There just wouldn't be the need for farms like there is on Earth. People would be eating much lighter, primarily a fruit based diet.

[Elora:] There are some Standing Stones in Georgia somewhere, and they have sort of a more enlightened Ten Commandments inscribed on them. They say that the Earth's population should not be more than 70 million.

Heru: It could be that. I don't think it would be that high. With a normal planet I'm thinking more along the teens to twenty million. It could definitely sustain 70 million but I think people would choose not to have so many children, and it would be more like 20 million.

Elora: Here is something that a Reader sent us. It is material said to be channeled from Hatonn on February 7 of 2006. Would you please comment on whether this information is true:

Beginning on Saturday there was an event that rocked the Underworld. Five hundred years ago an event set into motion the culmination of what took place on Saturday. This was an event that seemed like a bombing of the underground Bases in many parts of the world. In actuality it was the extinction of many of the Off-Worlders' Secret Bunkers in which they had stored vast amounts of data that would lend itself to the extinction of the Human Race.

No longer is this available to any species or to any Life Form. In fact, the Off-Worlders no longer have access to that part of their experience, which means that there is no chance that they can retrieve it for their purposes. What has taken place is that in a series of returns to the 'timeline' in which this data was created and stored, we have been able to completely and forever erase this data and knowledge. It is as if it never happened, or was created from the coffers of the intent of this species of Off-Worlders.

Heru: Yes, that is true. That has been accomplished.

Elora: Regarding your various Aspects, this Reader asks: Are we reading communications of Heru Sa Aset or another Heru?

Heru: No, I am not Heru Sa Aset.

Reader: If another Heru which Dynasty did this Heru serve and what was contained in his/her terra cotta envelope [body] prior to Transfiguration?

Heru: There is no written record of any of the teachings that I gave in the Founding of the Egyptian dynasty. They were prior to what is known in Egypt at this time. There may be some buried records that will surface at some time. I believe that there are.

Reader: I was wondering, are some of the ships from the Galactic Federation able to come into our World at the moment, in the dense physical, or is it too dense for them? I remember reading a channeling saying that a few months ago there was a meeting between Galactic Federation people and some allies on Earth, and that they picked them up in Africa to meet on board the ship.... If that's true, then I guess they probably can come in our World ... Any comments from Heru about this?

Heru: I don't believe that happened on the Dense Physical Plane. I think that happened on another Dimension.

[Elora:] We see these Space-ships from time to time - doesn't that mean they have entered the Dense Physical Plane?

Heru: Most of the times when people are seeing UFO's they are either the back-engineered government spaceships, where the military has been able to take some of the ships of the Greys and so on and copy the engineering to replicate that technology, or ships from the negative ET's. Most of the ships that are being seen have nothing to do with the Light Forces. There have been moments when in certain sacred areas - I'm thinking of the Peruvian and Tibetan mountains - for brief moments of time the density is reduced to where a Portal will open up and the ships have been able to come in. But in the last ten years this has become less frequent as the Dark has sought to make an ironclad prison of this Planet.

[Elora:] And are the Negative ships more able to get through?

Heru: Yes, they are.

[Reader question:] I have a few questions regarding the latest Update. Has a reason been given for classifying or limiting the information given to the public?

Heru: It is to keep the Government from knowing what is going on, and also for protection for Karen and Elora.

Reader: With the challenge continuing for our Planet's vibration to rise without disrupting life, is there a chance the decision could be made to simply disrupt life? - Or - as I hope, is the commitment firm to not give up the slower but less costly effort?

Heru: We are firm on it. Such action would only be a highly unlikely last resort.


Part 5 - Karen’s experience with one of the "Atomic Correction God Warriors"

[Elora:] This experience of Karen's occurred late in the evening of May 11, 2006. Note that the God Warriors actually appear to be made of a pale golden, semi, metallic substance - the same material that the Light Warriors are made of. Karen's perception of how this particular God Warrior looked was, I believe, more of a metaphorical sense of his state of consciousness.

[Karen:] I was reading and waiting to be sleepy enough to turn out the light. I saw a blue light out of the corner of my eye. I felt someone was in my room, so I turned out the light and asked who was there. There was a God Warrior named Elf-Ranion. He looked/felt (I do not see too well) something like a tin soldier, except that his head looked Human. He had a sturdy face with curly thick dark brown hair. I could immediately feel that he had pain in his heart. He told me that he was among the God Warriors who were about to begin to drill into the center of the Earth starting at midnight. He told me that all of these God Warriors would be sacrificing their individual identities in this mission.

His sadness came from this sacrifice. He told me that ever since he had been pulled into the general area of Earth, he had been watching and studying me. He expressed a great deal of love and admiration for me, and also a longing to become Human. It felt like the longing that the artificial boy had in the movie "AI." There was a willingness in him to sacrifice himself in the rescue of Earth, but there was also the deep sorrow of a life unlived. He requested that if there was any way, could I petition Prime Creator to restore him at the end of this Mission? I said that I would make this request on his behalf. I hugged and kissed him, and begged him to stay a little while longer with me. It was only 11:30 and I wanted to be near him a little longer. He said that no, he had to get "suited up" for the Mission. As he left, I felt the presence of dozens of other God Warriors who had the same longing as he did.

I called in Prime Creator and told him that I knew he was very busy getting all this in place, but was there any way he could grant this request now, and let them know before they began this work. He said “Yes”, and he told all the God Warriors the good news. He then told me not to go. He wanted me to join hands with Him as he pushed the button to begin this project. I got the feeling there was some ceremony around this. I then noticed that there were other Beings around us, and I realized that we were at the gathering of the Masters for the Wesak Festival. The formal ceremonies didn't seemed to have begun, but everyone was getting into place.

At midnight Prime Creator counted down, "Three, two, one ... " and we pushed the button together. The God Warriors then began to drill themselves towards the center of the Earth. Prime Creator said it would take about 5 days to get there and another day to do the set up for turning them into Atomic Generators.

Then we withdrew from the center of the gathering and I heard the Buddha say that this wasn't time for celebration and ceremony, but the time for action.

Elora: The following day we asked; Heru, I would like to know why Prime Creator didn't decree from the beginning that these God Warriors would be restored. Why would Karen have to make that request?

Heru: What apparently happened was that the God Warriors are not fully individuated Beings on the level of a Third Dimensional Human, but as they began to come closer to Earth and interact with the Earth frequencies that individuation process began. So when they were first invited to do this task, they were in almost a mechanical state without much emotion and without desires such as Karen experienced. At that time, this consideration was not really a factor in the equation.

Elora: So initially, the plan was that they were all going to be reabsorbed back into Prime Creator? [The God Warriors are all manifestations of Prime Creator, in bodies made of the Light Warrior material.]

Heru: Yes, of course - nothing is ever lost. Therefore when Karen saw a God Warrior last night, and she described how his head looked Human but his body looked like a tin soldier, this is an expression of the fact that he and the other God Warriors were in the midst of this process of transformation and individuation, and becoming somewhat Human-like. It was a situation where the issue never arose, and it was not really foreseen that this would happen. It's exciting to me because I feel that once the densities are removed and the God Warriors are walking freely on Earth and interacting with Humans, a whole new wonderful relationship will be established, something similar to what happens between Angels and Third Dimensional Humans in the Unfallen Sector. There will be another opportunity for Humans to interact with a new Divine Being in a very personal way. This is a new development, it's actually something that's very exciting.


Part 6 – Conversation with Heru on May 22, 2006

Elora: Heru, can you give us any updates on the Atomic Correction?

Heru: All of the God Warriors are in place and the Generator [i.e. the God Warriors collectively forming an Atomic Correction Generator] is functional. It was turned on Tuesday, May 16th and is operating at a low level. If people want to tune into it they can feel a hum in their bodies that will make them feel good, harmonious and high. On a scale of one to a hundred it is at about a five. Every day we will increase the intensity, and probably we will also increase the speed at which it intensifies. So if from yesterday to today it went from a four to a five, between today and tomorrow it might go from a five to a seven. Unless there is an impediment or a reason not to, each day that increment will increase.

Elora: I guess there is no way yet to know if it is working.

Heru: It is working. How much, and the effect of it, is not known. But let me see if there is a tone or way for people to tap into it if they are having trouble. What I'm trying to come up with is a chant or a frequency that people can chant that will tune them into it. Spell this out: MMMMAAAAAEEEEEYYYYYAAAA. [This word is pronounced in a long drawn out way. The first "A" is long as in "say" and the second is short as in "ah".]

Tell them to almost let their lips buzz with the M, and as they chant that to focus on feeling the vibration of life in every cell of their body, feeling the life that flows through the whole body. People will be able to tune in and experience it as the Atomic Correction grows. How it will affect people and how quickly it is not known. But it definitely has reached the surface of the Earth and beyond and it is available for everyone to tap into. And I think in the future once this Correction is more established and stronger I will come forth with techniques to direct the energy.

Elora: Is Prime Creator doing another huge clean-up of Darkness and the Dark or Fallen Beings in this Solar System?

Heru: Yes, we have been very disturbed at what we have heard about the attacks. Each time we think it is going to be the final clean-up and then there is more. We are hoping that this will be the final clean-up of this size but I am not totally optimistic that it is the last one.

Elora: Is there anything else you can tell us?

Heru: We're continuing to program the God Water to stabilize Gaia, but shortly we feel that we will able to move on to other programs. There will be that constant underlay of the program for the safety of Gaia, but then added to that will be the additional frequencies of the programs that we will release for the rescue and regeneration of the Planet. So that is coming. It looks like we will begin the next stage in about four days and in about six days [about May 28th, 2006] Prime Creator will be releasing another very big Wave of Light. Its primary purpose will be to eliminate the Darkness. It is white and will feel very much like a wall of water. It will have a lot of pressure and force behind it.

Elora: Thank you. Would you talk about the Micro God Warriors?

Heru: About a week ago, the Micro God Warriors were released. They are like the Micro Light Warriors and they work on the atomic level. You can petition either the God Warriors or Light Warriors that you are working with to bring them to you. Both of them have access to the Micro God Warriors, as do the Archangels, the Creator Gods, and of course Prime Creator. So if people are working with any of these Beings, they can ask for what are termed "packets" of the Micro God Warriors to assist in any work that you are doing on the cellular, molecular, and atomic levels. They do not go to the sub-atomic level as yet, but I will petition Prime Creator to see if that is being worked on. Their properties on Third Dimensional Humans are not really known. Again feedback is encouraged - tell whomever you're working with if it is working or not working. We have high hopes for this being a valuable healing tool to help with any distortions and muck on any of those levels.

Elora: We noticed a new group of Light Warriors who have recently arrived. Would you speak about them?

Heru: Yes, there is a new group that has come in. They are called the Zranalians. You would perceive the original Light Warriors and God Warriors as being somewhat cool in nature. These would have more heat to them. They have more red in their field, they are more fiery.

Elora: I perceive them as radiating a tremendous amount of Light. They appear to have the best vision so far of any of the Light Warriors or God Warriors. We also noticed that, to some extent, their presence alone can dissolve implants and repel the negative Beings.

Elora: Has at least one of the Zranalians been assigned to every Human on the Planet?

Heru: That is in the process of being done. We have started with the Light Workers, to make sure that they all have at least one. And we are moving out from there.