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Earth 9

Time is a construct. On Earth, you have been under the assumption that the present springs from the past. We suggest that the present springs from the future as well. Time has many doorways through it, and the past and future both have their own validity and importance. This is all part of the ever-expanding now. The past, in its now, continues to influence its ongoing now. These ongoing nows continue to grow and mature, the same as their future counterparts. The assignment you are on involves changing your past, as you spring from the future, in order to create a different present.

Time is collapsing in upon itself. Right now it seems to you that space implies distance—that it separates you. When you think of a friend in another part of the world, there is space between you. The collapse of time involves a disruption of the boundaries of frequency control that define the world you operate within. As cosmic rays are caught by your sun and energized into your solar system, everything is sped up. This brings more possibilities into the now and bursts the barriers of third-dimensional time that determine the stage on which events must be played out. The structure of third-dimensional time locks and isolates you from your psychic self, the self that moves beyond time. Your psychic self knows things that are beyond what is apparent in the time you are in.

You are ruled by cycles and rhythms. A main influ- ence that designs the pulse of life is the moon. Through the moon’s cycles, and by the revolving of Earth on her axis and Earth’s rotation around the sun, you make and define time. The moon, of course, in orbit around Earth, acts as Earth’s celestial companion on the cyclical journeys. Until the advent of electricity, these were the rhythms through which life was lived and defined for thousands of years. People could watch time pass. Day turned into night, and night turned into day. Time had distinctions. People could watch the seasons pass, and time was based on something that could be verified. With electricity came the breaking of these rhythms, for there could be light past dark. People began to use time differently, for functioning with light while it was dark heralded a radically different approach to the twenty-four-hour day, because electric light provided more moments to expand into.

With the advent of the computer, there was another complete change in perception. Time became condensed to such an extent that, within nanoseconds, billions of separated segments of time were experienced by a machine. The sec- ond could not be divided by the human eye. More and more people worked around computers, and computers began to speed up.

When people first worked around computers, their con- cepts of time completely changed, and they could only handle so much of a distortion. Now that people are trained in computers, their altered time perception is passed on through the generations, and time is more sped up. However, the computer is a third-dimensional manifestation mirroring the collapse and distortion of time, and people fed the results of this into the mass psyche. This permits people like you to weave things together and perceive reality from a significant psychic viewpoint—a different point in time. The splitting of the second and the infusion of the computer heralded the technological boom of this century, completely changing everything and speeding your consciousness toward untold probabilities. The second and the moment continuously hold more events.

Because time is collapsing, the third-dimensional structure is not in place anymore. More events happen per moment, preparing you for psychic breakthroughs. To a large degree, everything is very playful right now. There are many, many energies around you in your daily lives, enticing you to meet them and reinterpret your basic beliefs about reality.

You all share the idea that time can be clocked. Everyone agrees that time is in existence. We say it is a construct. As a matter of fact, every few years you have to make adjustments in your Greenwich Mean Time because of the missing time, or extra time that you are off. One of the things each of you can shift to your advantage is your entire perception of time. Stop letting other people define your time and let go of this business of “I don’t have enough time.” As time collapses, it may feel like you are running out of time. When you send the message to your body that you are running out of time, your body starts to run out of time, as if you had set a stop watch. Many people rush madly these days because they sense the collapse of time, and they don’t know how to interpret it. Remember to go into the moment, the ever-expanding now, to discover yourselves and maintain your balance. This is the direction the cosmic rays provide—an initial chaotic scram- bling, rearranging your perceptions and concepts about the world in which you dwell.

Time has a variable now. It cannot be measured and clocked any longer. You can change, bend, and move time. As time collapses, new concepts, ideas, inventions, and alter- natives are bombarding the mass psyche of the planet every  few moments. Probabilities of the moment are awakening and expanding through your experience of selfrealization. Because you have mastered an affinity to connect with intelligence outside the planet, collectively the planet is beginning to qualify for a higher rate of intelligence and responsibility. Though it may appear your world is reeking with corruption, please be aware that both polarities are going on at the same time. Those who carry light are becoming very empowered, and in a few years you will be amazed at the force of these people, for they are you. One belief you have in common is your belief in a new version of reality in which people express their freedom with respect, harmony, and cooperation, and in which Earth and each form of life—animal, plant, mineral, and human—is valued.

Remember, the Keepers of Time steer your universe along a certain course and are able to move through what would be called the barriers of time. They create slices or segments of your universe that allow your universe to be connected. Energies move from one segment to another, and certain segments are kept separated—this is time as you know it. Remember that energy is in all things and that you are part of Prime Creator. Prime Creator is on a journey of separation so that it can come to a greater understanding of itself. So the Keepers of Time keep the universe alive by keeping it separated.

The Maya called themselves Day Keepers. We call them Keepers of Time. They are associated, of course, with the Pleiades system. They are masters at going into and out of time events. They also are masters at creating time locks—they cordon things off so that events can be directly in front of you and, because of the time locks, you do not see them. Time locks keep your consciousness from perceiving simultaneous time.

The Maya laid the groundwork, timewise, for events that are to transpire today. The Egyptians laid another type of groundwork, the Incas and Native Americans each laid another. Each civilization played its part to create the time locked events that are ready to open now in this kernel or this segment of existence where you are. Atlantis is another civilization that layered a grid of information for this present time frame. Remember, everything is ongoing, and civilizations never end. You think Atlantis was destroyed and exists no longer, so it must be in the past. That is one version of reality. In actuality, there is an Atlantean civilization that was never destroyed—an Atlantean civilization that solved its own dilemmas, found solutions, and did not need to terminate itself because of a misuse of energy. Similarly, versions of your world will find solutions and move into the Golden Age, just as versions of your world will be destroyed.

This is how Atlantis, or any other civilization, can be in the future. Civilizations are ongoing—outside of the constric- tions of time. So, in effect, the Atlantean version of the future that found its own solutions wishes to assist the Atlantean energy of the past, because it is all the same energy and it is all reincarnational versions of the self. The purpose of going back to the past is to heal and make whole and teach the proper use of energy. Civilizations that are quite successful in all versions of themselves always go back—if you want to call it that—to assist the versions of themselves that did not have the same opportunities or did not find the solutions. A successful civilization can be conceived of as a conscious collective aware of its purpose and effect on the great web of existence.

The Keepers of Time that orchestrate events are like balls of light with rays that travel into many different realities and directions. The Mayan Keepers of Time were able to anchor on Earth the data that would make sense to future generations, because they were multidimensional. They could travel backward, forward, and sideways in time, and their civilization was based upon time travel. They left many clues to this story buried throughout the land of Mexico. Their now became more meaningful because it was their purpose to grow a now that would benefit nows outside of their now. The Maya meant to create the paradigm, the description of what is going to occur, the cycles that your Earth goes through, and the cycles of time that are based on cosmic doorways. Earth’s cycles with the sun, moon, and planets within your solar system have a significant effect on your physical electromagnetic body. The Maya understood that Earth is involved in a larger system of rotation than just the solar system. That system of rotation was based on different numerical divisions. The Maya created and defined time in your system based upon their knowing that you were part of much larger cycles.

There were many versions of Maya—many different groups of Time Keepers who came in at different junctures to work and play with third-dimensional time. The Maya certainly did not make their first appearance in the time peri- od that you are led to believe they existed. They were on your Earth many times prior to that, thousands and thousands of years ago. In actuality, they can move to the completion of the universe as easily as they can move to the beginning of the universe. It is their task to make certain that all the pieces of the universe work and come to collapse when the time is right. They also make certain there is not a premature collapse. Feel your connection to these Mayan Time Keepers and open yourself to the keys they prepared for your discovery.

Time locks around realities work in the same way that mechanisms adjust the lighting in your home to go on and off when you want it to. Electromagnetically, consciousness has a pulsation, offering an indication of its presence, no matter where it is. Consciousness is in all things, and according to how it is bundled, it gives off a unique, definitive signal.

There are those who know how to time lock conscious- ness. They change the modulating frequency so that if others scan existence to see where or how certain energies have combined and bundled themselves they would not find them. Because of the time locks that were put upon the portals here, and because the corridors of time are owned, those out in the cosmos are not able to find Earth. Its light of existence was erased. A different electromagnetic spectrum, a harmless one that does not register the kind of consciousness Earth has, was put here so that Earth could not be found. Earth was covered up—quarantined.

The purpose of the Maya was to come onto the planet to establish a paradigm for the future. Different civilizations hold open portals of energy through collective consciousness. Energies that support or sustain other types of realities can, in limited number, be pulled onto the planet. However, a civilization must be prepared and trained to anchor this pillar of light. When there is light, there is information.

The Mayan civilization was one of these civilizations. Today, the Balinese culture is one of these civilizations. These cultures exist in pockets around the world. They can be com- munities within states or areas of cities, where there is great harmony, cooperation, reciprocity of support, and creativity. The Maya were an experiment to affect the future and seed this planet, which was very dark for a very long period of time.

The Maya knew what their purpose was. They knew when their demise would be, just as the Tibetans foresaw the invasion of their country and hid many of their most important documents and artifacts years before the Chinese came in and created a seemingly outrageous slaughter. Because the Maya were Keepers of Time, they were able to evacuate Earth, knowing that their purpose was done. This is one of the deepest secrets of the Maya—they knew the date and the time.

The Mayan calendar precisely indicates the cycles of the heavens and the hells. The Maya knew their day of departure, and they prepared for that closure. From their point of view, they were transported to another physical dimension. In actuality, the Maya still very much exist; they flourish.

The Maya knew that one day their time would come and they would leave the planet. And they knew that one day their knowledge, their keys, would be uncovered and discovered by the Family of Light—by you. We suggest that there are some people who have discovered these keys already. The Maya knew the whole story of their purpose and why they came here to seed clues for a future that is now.

Your keys of consciousness are moving through the time locks that the Maya are lifting for you. Because they are the Keepers of Time, the Maya are opening many time locks all over the planet.

You may wonder how these secrets have been kept from you—how you could have been so controlled and kept so isolated. If all of these other creatures and realities exist, why is it that you have not bumped into them? It is because of the web and the time locks around the web where you are locat- ed. Your civilization has been locked for the most part in the primary web that owns the corridors of time. Your corridor has been locked in 3D.

There are many other ways that this particular corridor could be developed: only one main trunk line could be built, or various smaller routes could be explored, like the numerous roads that lead to your cities, towns, and neighborhoods. If only one road exists in and out, and it is locked, then commerce is forbidden from entering this time corridor, and it is cut off completely from all other influences. In your reality, governments issue sanctions against other countries, most often as a punitive measure, creating isolation and boycott in the same fashion as the time players along the corridor of time.

When the road is opened—when the time locks are lifted—realities will merge and blend and change, and you will be very connected with your higher identity. Over the next number of years, you must prepare yourself for that infusion of knowledge. You are on an accelerated journey, preparing you for the opening of the time locks and the fusion of your identity.

Time locks keep civilizations or realities from blending together. As the time locks are opened and you come into this birthing of the new world, there will be a merging of many realities. If this is done with maturity and understand- ing of the use of light, it can be quite an uplifting period.

All time is simultaneous. A planet has layers of energy grids around it that allow it to be experienced from its vari- ous time frames. In order to enter a planetary body, you must discover the portals or openings that take you to the realities of the planet where sentient life exists. You can land on a world and it can look completely empty to you if you don’t go through a portal. By going through a portal, you access all of the different realities and time frames and corridors that run off this portal. So someone can come back to an Earth that existed two hundred or five hundred years ago—these realities exist.

Layer upon layer of gridworks surround worlds. As these gridworks are shifted and moved, they create different realities and different energies. When you move or shift the grids and pass through a portal, you are able to enter worlds of past, present, and future simultaneously.

Portals are protective devices that are put around planets. The ownership, creation, or making of a portal is an awesome task. There is a frequency energy that must be maintained to hold that portal open. There are many portals on Earth. We will speak of a few. There is one in the Mexico/Central America area. There is one in the Sinai, and there is one over Tibet. These are three major portals through which energies come and depart the planet. Ancient crystal skulls are often discovered or kept in portal areas. When people maintain guardianship and ownership of a portal, they also have the ability to access the corridors of time. Those in Tibet could look into the future and see that they were to be invaded, so they made preparations for the times that were coming. They could see what their very seeds—the sperm of the Tibetan monks—would be used for. They could also see why their artifacts had to be hidden, and that they would have to go into exile.

The portal in the Middle East has been one of the main openings onto the planet. The Bermuda Triangle, the portal of the old Atlantean area, also served as a major gateway onto the planet. However, now the energies are chaotic and confused there, and that portal is not safe to access. You can get stuck or lost because of the conflict and chaos that took place there. Other portal areas include Easter Island, Mount Fuji, Mount Shasta, Lake Titicaca, the Nazca lines, and Uluru.

There are those who can read and travel the corridors of time, and there are those who cannot. Empires of consciousness are forming to take over different factions of existence throughout the cosmos and universe. If they have the ability to ride the corridors of time, they have incredible knowledge about probabilities and how to insert themselves into the variable of electromagnetic portals. If the corridors of time are not traveled with knowledge, many events can blindly trample through what is called time, moving from one place to another like tidal waves pulverizing existence. These events seem not to care which portal or probability they enter; they strike them all without aim. And yet, you know that all events are synchronistically tied to a deep order and meaningful plan—a Goddess-staged show, indeed.

In order to establish a new time line and a whole new web, the event that anchors the web must be a primary event of such profound implosion that it affects all of existence. Otherwise the web has nowhere to go. Those who own the time line to Earth have been keeping Earth segregated, not allowing free commerce to come and go on the time line. There are those in the future constructing secondary and tertiary webs. A secondary web is a second fabric to reroute energy around the main corridor of time. A tertiary web is a third, a catch web in case the second web doesn’t work.

Time lines, the fabric of time, and the tubes that run on this fabric of time are all hooked into primary events. Without a primary event, you cannot hook into a time line. In other words, the secondary and tertiary webs need to be hooked into a primary event, so that other time lines can use it as an anchor. The splitting of the atom was a primary event. So was the splitting of the second. Harmonic Convergence was a primary event. Primary events can be public or private events, and are events through which the course of history is affected drastically. So, in order to anchor a new time line

onto the planet, there has to be a mass event taking place. Your time corridor is being penetrated from outside—from the future—by these webs. When you build secondary and tertiary webs and you want to go into a locked corridor, you must find a primary event. If you do not find a primary event, then you do not have something to hook into. It is like catching a fish. You can throw a hook into the pond. If nothing bites it, you don’t have a primary event.

A primary event is an occurrence that is registered within the prime webwork in the corridors of time as a pivotal juncture around which all of reality transits. It can be considered an event that is a turning point for the domain in which it transpires. Harmonic Convergence was an orchestrated event impulsed from the future. It was sent from the future into the past and then reorganized into the present to create a hole through which the secondary and tertiary nets could be built and find a link onto the planet. What was the link? If these webs needed a primary event to link onto, what was it in the primary event that gave them the hold? The consciousness of the people.

There are those who specialize in studying primary events in certain sectors of existence. They know the leeway with which a specific time can be changed without altering all of time—because of changing sub-times around the event.

There are those who specialize in parallel events happening in different worlds. They create geometric vortexes, taking primary events from various stellar systems and galaxies, hooking them up and creating new highways of communication. It is a magnificent realization, once you liberate yourself from Earth “time.”

The prime corridors are currently being reconstructed in order to offer a greater influx of energy onto your planet. In the future we help build the underlying networks so that when a primary event is orchestrated, the webs can be connected, and everything will change on Earth. This will change all of time. It will, to some extent, rip a gigantic hole in the fabric in which you dwell.

A long time ago, when these corridors were discovered and developed in other civilizations, there were millions of worlds that did not use wisdom. There are areas of space that function as balls of chaos because too many holes were ripped in the fabric that made their reality. It is the same lesson you are learning regarding your environment—misuse it, pollute it, and it becomes tarnished and fades from its original vitality. All of existence is vital, and it becomes a major task to exist within all that is and enhance it, rather than use it and destroy it. There are whole universes like this being worked on and cleaned up. You think you have pollu- tion on Earth? Can you image an entire universe polluted in chaos because all the time lines are not connected? You could leave your house to go to the store and when you returned, your house would be gone because it slipped through a hole. Another reality now exists there. It’s insanity.

One day these will be integrated. This is our challenge: How do we integrate the consciousness of those who created the entrapment in the first place out of disrespect for creation? They didn’t honor the fabric, went through the time corridors, and did whatever they wanted to. We play a dangerous game, yet, as we see it, it is quite necessary to change events. Not that we are completely in charge of this.

We operate under the guidance of our teachers, the Keepers of Time. From a grander perspective, we reflect to you the tremendous responsibility of claiming consciousness. The task to juggle the laws of cause and effect among the time corridors is indeed awesome.

The libraries are on a version of the primary web that is closed down and inactivated. The libraries are guarded. It is not easy to get into a library these days, especially from the future. So the underlying time corridors are being constructed. Many, in order to own certain territories or to have greater influence over them, route specific time lines together. They have as many time lines link onto each other as possible, or they avoid as many as they can, depending on what the purpose is.

From a certain point of view, there are those who own the corridors of time, or believe they do. They are reconstructing the prime corridors and organizing new eras of existence. Once these corridors are built, many forms of intelligence will be able to move back and forth, with the so-called owners of these corridors determining which forces are allowed to enter. This is the problem that Earth is headed for, and is connected to why there has been a great influx of life forms who have been using the human species for experimentation. There are secondary and tertiary time lines built so that if the secondary one is raided there will be another time line still open.

When the secondary and tertiary events are established and built, it means that there will be a major opening in the corridor of time. This opening will allow many to come through the so-called officially approved channels. They will find an underground movement and doorways that simulta- neously open in many other directions.

The Maya, those master tricksters of time, have left you a number of clues with which to play this game. The Mayan calendar is well worth considering, as it marks a time of ending and closure at the winter solstice in December 2012. The Game Masters watch and wonder what you’ll do as the speculations fly! The concept of the end of your time means that a cycle is coming to completion. It does not mean Earth is going to be finished. A particular theme, essential to spiritual growth, is being played out like a long-running Broadway show, and you have less than twenty years to complete the agreed-upon performance.

When that last stretch of time is completed, there will be a dimensional shift upon this planet. Those who are able to accommodate the dimensional shift now are already moving in and out of the fourth and even the fifth dimension. During the next twenty years, the new frequency will become so predominant on the planet that it will catapult one version of your world into a new cycle, and another version into a complete ending and destruction.

In the new cycle, there will be a bursting forth of energy from the Living Library, triggering a unique blossoming of all life forms. You cannot access the other Living Libraries until you are able to assimilate this one. You will feel a portion of yourself reaching, stretching, and peeking in, to see how you are handling your newly acquired awareness. You may also peek to see how others are handling their creations, though you may not understand the life form of another Living Library. The worlds could be very different in another Living Library, with knowledge stored as geometric shapes, looking to your eyes like a vacated cosmic playground. Remember, a playground is only brought to life by players. The Living Library of Earth will ease you into a vibrational shift of sharing and flowing with energy. From nature, Earth’s majestic playground, you will learn how to merge and emerge into the corridors of time.

We discovered that events are coming from the future. Events can spring out of the future, as well as the past. This is the ongoing game. We are here to facilitate changing the past, in order to alter our present in the Pleiades, our version of now. It is being done to reroute and reorganize a tyrannical takeover that exists far in the future. In actuality, your past is racing toward our present, and yet we went into the future to change it.

Eventually, you will perceive a very different set of memories because you will change the past of your universe. This is how things are. We have told you that we come from your future and that we came back to change the past. We are very clever. We are changing the history of the entire universe by making a parallel universe. This is what parallel universes are—plans that shift the mechanisms of time from one point by changing the memory and changing the event. You can do the same thing in your own personal life. You can change your past as well. Be flexible as you learn to play the game.

Energy Exercise

Place your attention on your breath and follow it into your body, picturing your lungs filling with light. See your bloodstream absorbing this charged energy and distributing it throughout your body. With each exhalation, feel your body relax and let go. As you continue to breathe, imagine yourself surrounded by twelve energies that assist in your well-being. Experience a feeling of safety and comfort as you examine their presence. Look deep into the eyes of each energy, then shift your vision and read the surrounding energy field.

Imagine fibers and rays of light dancing from your body as you experience a familiar tug from your belly and heart. Your body vibrates with recognition as the twelve guides offer you a peek into another now. Allow yourself to see into the time and reality that each of the guides represents, experiencing all twelve in full vitality. Let your memories soar, and feel lines of time, like roadmaps to realities, available to point the way. Follow the light fibers from your chakra centers as they move into the energy field of each guide. Where do you find yourself? Experience and observe.

Perhaps you hear the sweet sound of a gentle rain falling, or the howl of a cold wind along a desolate road. There may be jungle, rain forest, snow-covered peaks, deserts, rivers, oceans, and plains. Every corner of Earth holds memories and mysterious clues about yourself. Let the lines of time carry you deep into another now. Experience Earth from twelve lines of time, and ask to be shown that which is most significant toward understanding yourself and your link to the stars.

Feel the web of light that is the vital grid connecting existence, which is everywhere alive. Now, imagine the web lines transporting intelligence, as life seeks out life. Imagine Earth, a blue-and-white jewel suspended in space, holding court in her own realm of time, a gem of a stop along these great light corridors. Look at Earth from space, and feel a tug from times that beckon you to remember. Are they past events you recall? Wonder about this as your concepts of time, space, and Earth become scrambled on the web of light.

Now look through the lines of energy that intersect in space a bit beyond the moon. What do the signposts read? And to what stellar byways do your trusty guides point? Let your spirit absorb the vitality of the moment, honoring Earth and yourself for the unbounded opportunities to express and explore. Pay special tribute to the web of light, that great force of existence with which we all learn to play the game.