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Earth 8

The Living Library’s doorway in your body is your genitals, and if you learn how to use this doorway, it serves as an opening into the records of time. Humans, in general, come together and copulate in minutes. Often, humans don’t take the time to explore each other sexually because lustful pleasure is sometimes associated with deep emotional pain. Many of you have been imprinted with shame around seek- ing that pleasure. Remember, as the story goes, you were given the gift of the gods.

It is interesting to us how many of Earth’s schools of thought proclaim that the height of achievement is to move beyond your sexuality. Be aware of ideas that steer you away from the total essence of who you are. These ideas and concepts sound lofty; however, they take you away from the earthiness and richness of your physical form. Your secre- tions and mysteries are gifts to be explored with dignity, grace, reverence, and respect, through a committed, bonded relationship.

It is our intention to inspire a reinterpretation of sexuality within you. Please understand that as Earth goes through her changes, you will be moved and realigned in all areas of consideration. You need not be afraid of being alone—you have the ability to manifest the deepest bonding of partnership that you desire.

Sexuality aligns your body into a state of healing and opens gateways to the stars. Sexuality in a bonded, loving relationship can be profound and take you into other worlds, revitalize your body, and remind your body of its most idealized patterns.

Sexual expression offers exploration of both the spiritual and physical realms. There is a balance that is needed. You dwell in a physical body that, in essence, came about through sexual expression by your parents. Have ease in your sexual energy; honor and accept that vital force that flows through you. We want to see you enlivened, enriched, and under- standing of the vehicle you are.

You have been kept in ignorance about sex on your planet. To you it is a local event that ideally feels good, when in fact the event is quite cosmic. Whenever you have sex with another person, an energy pattern immediately connects you, and attracts invisible energies. The gods and goddesses are very infatuated with your hormones—so much so that they used to eat you alive when you were in a specific state of hormonal secretion. You may not like this data, because it makes you more responsible for yourself. It makes you look back on what you have done with your life. Ideally, you are not judging what you have done and where you have been, and ideally, you will learn from what you remember you have done—in this lifetime or another.

Using sexual expression to regenerate yourself rather than degenerate yourself is the ideal you will pursue. Dealing with sexuality involves dealing with hormones. Sex excites the very core of your cells—and the light-encoded filaments become entwined with one another. In a magnet, the energies all line up and face the same way. When you become sexual and do the dance that starts in your hormones, your whole body lines up in one direction. When you and another individual are lined up, you are like the north and south poles. Usually, the cells in your body are like a milling crowd in Grand Central Station or some other place where people are moving in all different directions. Then, during sexual activity, it is as if a whistle blows and everybody turns and looks in the same direction. When you reach states of true bonding with another person during sexual activity, you trigger each other off, and all your cells’ energies line up in one direction. Your body turns into a magnet. When you and another individual achieve a heightened state of electromagnetic force, you pull on one another and create a balance between each other. When you get really good at this, you will not even have to touch each other. You can create this web of love between you, and it is through this force field that your inner bodies rise and go into other worlds.

Most of you are selective about what you eat. Be selective about how you want your body to be pleasured. Give yourself permission to discover pleasure, to talk about it, and to feel it. Look at your body—stand naked and see it in all positions to find the divinity in every crack and crevice that you have. Remember, when you drive a car, you don’t say, “Oh, don’t look in the trunk.” You accept the whole thing. Every part of the car works together to give you a ride. It is the same thing with your body.

We think sexuality is one of the most exciting gifts you have been given, and we want to guide you further along this journey so that you can have a better time on Earth. Love yourself and love Earth because they are one and the same, and that means every part of your body. You need to talk about sex. Make a commitment to accept every area of your body and to draw a partner to yourself who will honor every area of your body. Know that your partner will be wanting and willing to pioneer this glorious part of your god/goddess force.

It is essential for us to speak to you about sex. Our ancestors were responsible for steering you away from your own sexuality and assisting you to misunderstand it. The healing that will come as you begin to understand your own priorities of life will occur through understanding this vital force that is called sexuality. It is one of the major key healings that needs to take place on the planet.

We have some suggestions for you. They have to do with how to come together with a partner and honor your body and the body of your partner as you explore the mysteries. Remember, you are exploring how much energy you can hold between yourself and your partner and how that energy will transport you somewhere.

As the hormones of attraction move, you experience exchanges of energy between all your chakras and those of your partner. Your energies become fused. If you raise the energy upward rather than keeping it in your genitals, you can increase the flow of energy and operate with a new consciousness. Learn to lift the energy up each other’s spines and move it through your bodies, holding off orgasm. During the act of sex itself, you may find that you move into a collapse of time.

When you share sexual energy as a couple, you open yourselves up for other forces to merge with you. For outside energies, fusing with humans while you are having sex is a special and exciting part of the Living Library. At one time it was considered the ultimate honor to have a god or goddess merge with you and your partner during your sexual experience. The ultimate experience was to merge with highly evolved beings who honored you and carried the love vibration so that it became a multidimensional sexual experience. How many people do you know who draw high vibrations into themselves before they have sex? Some people get drunk or take drugs or do whatever they need to do to get the courage together to have sex. You have to set out values, standards, and conditions about your sexuality to the nonphysical realm so that only those who meet your standard come to you. Be clear with these energies that want to work with you. Tell them to fit into what you are available for. You call the shots—to the Pleiadians, to all the extraterrestrials, to the gods and goddesses. You decide and say, “Hey, listen, I’m learning about you. I don’t understand. I want to get to know you. These are my standards. I only have sex with someone I love. I honor my body. I honor Earth. Integrity is first and foremost with me. If you can fit into my values, I welcome you into my life to teach you about human sexuality.” This is an approach.

You have learned how to recognize our Pleiadian vibration, yes? If something else were to come in and to pretend it was us, you would know. Yet, perhaps you have not learned how to recognize the other energies, so you don’t know who they are. The higher realms are not beyond deception. How do you know when you make a friend on Earth that the friend is a good person? You have a feeling for the person. We want you to use the same perceptual abilities for the non- physical realms.

We suggest that as you explore working and playing with entities who are looking for a human to help them come into form, you maintain your values and be very clear about what you are available for. Reiterate those values and your clarity over and over again. Honor your body, honor the body of your partner, and have sex only coupled with love—that is a key. The sexual energy in your body is your life force. It is the god or goddess force within you. It holds the secret of secrets—it is the creative force.

Most humans use their sexuality in a way that degenerates rather than regenerates them. A long time ago, the Goddess was so in tune with the forces of nature that she would create vibratory rates that these forces of nature would feed off of. Remember, all things are interlocked—nothing is separate, and everything is connected to everything else. What you do here today affects the whole globe.

You inherit the blueprint of every person with whom you have sex, so you not only have your stuff to deal with but theirs as well. When your body comes together with another’s, your chakras are stirred and your kundalini is moved. If your kundalini is only moved in your lower two chakras and is not a full body infusion, you can have “hooks” in the other person’s auric field, and they can have “hooks” in yours. This is why it is important to be very selective about who you are going to have sex with. Make sure if you are going to go for it that you have some kind of bond and commitment and that you plan on working things out, because in this day of accelerated time and sped-up energy, you can take everything on from someone else.

We advise you to clear all old attachments from your body. See your body cleansed and blessed and all sexual energy from previous attachments released. Do whatever you can to lovingly release former sexual relationships with a hold on your life. Stop talking about the past and energizing old partners. Let that stuff go. If you keep talking about people that you were involved with years ago, you keep energizing their thought forms in your auric field, especially if you’ve had a sexual connection with them. This prevents you from experiencing a new now.

This is similar to possession in that you put out a magnet or doormat for these people’s energy even if you have not been in contact for twenty years. You cycle through their energy. They may not even be anything like what you remember, but you re-create your experience with them. These are very tricky times. Twenty years ago, things were nostalgic. You rode around with the radio on—Sunday after- noons cruising down the strip, Coca Colas, getting drunk, going to the beach, hanging out. Life was just one fast lane, one great party. Things have changed. You had the leisure then to daydream and fantasize. There was a huge gap of time between when you thought of something and when you eventually got it. It took eons to get what you wanted to manifest. Now, that is not so. Now, whenever you think of something, you bump into it when you cross the room. It comes to you that quickly. Be selective. Be in respect of this time capsule you are in. There is a collapse of time, and a shift in the way everyone is going to view reality.

When you use a Kleenex, you pick it up, you blow your nose, and you throw it away. People are not like that. The process is not that smooth and that quick. Whenever you have a sexual relationship with a person, you are bonded to that person. When two bodies come together, even for a one-night stand, you take on a merging of each other’s auric fields. Perhaps until now you did not understand this.

Sex is wonderful. It is absolutely one of the most glorious gifts that you have as a human being to discover your identity. However, you must learn to use it. No one has educated you on the ramifications of the energy link that comes from having sex with people. You may want to do a number of ceremonies or rituals with the intention of releasing people’s energy from your field. Smudging is a very good ritual to clear your energy field. Churches all use it. Many institutions use incense or smoke of some kind to clear energy. Smoke is multidimensional. When you smudge, it is an indication you are taking a step to cleanse, clear, and release the energy so that there are no attachments. You may want to smudge your body and smudge your home.

When you are disengaging from people, you need to invest energy in this process in the same way that you invested energy to come together. You can’t do the Kleenex routine and toss them away; there must be an ending. How do you do this? Especially if the people are being uncooperative? You work with people’s energy on the etheric level. With love, you bless them, release them, and ask them to move out of your field, giving thanks for the lessons you shared together.

It is more intense these days to have sex, in case you haven’t noticed. And if you are not having sex, it is probably an appropriate stage of your development. However, if you have not had sex for a long, long time, we would say: What are you hiding from and what beliefs do you have about yourself that you believe you do not qualify to have sex anymore? The orgasmic experience sends energies of healing and rejuvenation into your body. Many times it can cause an intense emotional release, and you are flooded with feelings.

The endocrine system releases all kinds of hormones and chemical substances in your body. Some of these sub- stances are meant to be disseminated, while some are meant to be held in your body. When they are held in your body, your body absorbs them and comes into a higher order. You become more autonomous, more all knowing. When the life force is consciously directed outward, in the form of semen, it is used to impregnate. Just as women have been sold the idea that they cannot prevent pregnancy if they do not wish to have children, men have been sold the idea that the ejaculation process is the only way to have an orgasm. It is a process that can be held, with the fluids distributed into the body. It is a higher form of sexuality that has been practiced in the East for eons. If men ejaculate every time they reach orgasm, they lose their life force, in one version of reality.

If you are a man, when you have sex you can learn to retain the sperm and not ejaculate. There are certain techniques to do this. Pressing on the perineum, the small area between the anus and the scrotum, holds the life force inside the body, and the orgasm changes. Humans have been tricked into having genital orgasms, which are localized experiences, rather than full-body, cosmic experiences. If you think about how many bodies you are, you will realize that you can experience orgasm in all of these bodies. So as you reconsider and redefine how you are pleasured, you begin to experience different ways of receiving pleasure, and you move out of the locality of the genital area.

Sperm is a catalytic force of existence, and every time a man releases sperm, he is to some extent depleting his body. In the ideal, a man will ejaculate by choice when there is a need for procreation, or the desire for the experience. You have been given ideas that keep you in a very low vibrational state that is degenerating rather than rejuvenating. First you were infused with the idea that sex is bad. Then institutions were created to forgive you for doing these bad things. You have this duality flipping backward and forward. Many men and women, especially in the Western world, do not understand how deeply infused they are with the idea that sex is bad. This is such an overlay of all of their behavior that they rush through the sexual experience, because if they are doing something bad, they don’t want to get caught.

There is a balance, where you find the right place. You have no guilt or shame after you have come out of the sexual event. That is why we say it is essential to have a deep bond- ing of love with your partner. The love that you have with your partner prevents, in general, the shame and the guilt. Without love there is often too much shame and guilt, and the emotional destruction can be great.

There are so many things to explore in the genital area of the male and female. The orifices that you have as openings have different spots, or acupuncture points, that can be triggered. These have very little to do with genital penetration.

There is also tremendous excitement that can come from looking into each other’s eyes, exchanging the strands of DNA. This is the heart connection into the eyes of the soul—the heart of the soul. Of course, you can close your eyes; however, a tremendous amount of eye contact changes the experience. You may also wish to work with your chakras, touching especially each other’s heart chakras. Put your hand on the heart chakra of your partner and keep keep your hearts open.

As you stimulate with your eyes, and use the chakras, and activate the acupressure points in the genital area, these places come alive. As you touch these places, there is a chemical response that hooks you into an orgasm that moves outward into your many bodies. This allows you to climb the ladder to higher knowledge and come into your divinity. It also involves allowing yourselves to explore each other’s bodies—to be completely free with the shape and expression of your bodies. This is the next avenue.

Explore who you are, make an intention of what you are after, and make your time of expressing your sexuality a time of joy. Sex is not about performance; it is about the most intimate bonding and sharing that can possibly be. It is not just about, “Yeah, you were great.” It is about intimacy, about fusing with another as you maintain your own sovereignty. It is about being supported and supporting, because it is going to be essential as you maintain your own sovereignty and rediscover what pleasure and joy are. Your body will begin to remember.

Perhaps you can change your focus during intercourse to not reach climax immediately. Have fun and build to the point just before climax, then hold that frequency, subside to a point, and build it again and again. Take some time with it. When you honor the process, spend hours doing so, because this creates a deep intimacy and the experience will last you so much longer. The rejuvenation or regeneration of the life force occurs when there are hours and hours of intimacy, with your eyes open, and you learning to get your body to do what you want it to do.

An orgasm is not a local event. There are people who can have their ears tickled and have orgasms. There are people who can have their wrists tickled and have orgasms. You can have orgasms when you dream. You can have orgasms when you are out of your body. The orgasm is misunderstood. You think it is a local event of the genital area. It is not. It is a cosmic event that has been interpreted to be localized so that you would miss the point. It is an ongoing pulsation of godhood and goddesshood—of pleasure and of connecting to the pulse of existence. So it can occur anywhere. If you were really tuned into your sexuality, taking a bite of a delicious food could send an orgasm through you if you were that free. It is the height of appreciating the divinity in all things.

There is nothing wrong with masturbation. It is a fine practice if you learn to honor your body and the rightness of stimulating certain feelings within your body. Masturbate without projection, without shame, and without dragging varieties of unknowns into your body through thought. It is tricky, like everything. It is a fine art form, but it is not to be practiced solely as a form of release. If you are using masturbation to release tension, then you need to reconsider. If you have never masturbated, then how can you expect to have sex with someone else and expect them to know your body when you don’t know it yourself?

When you feel drawn to expressing your sexual energy, you may feel, “Wow, if I decide to follow through and practice the art of masturbation, this time it would be simply that I want a release. I want to lessen the tension.” If this is what you feel, then say to yourself, “All right, how am I going to handle this buildup of energy? Well, rather than using my old pattern of masturbating and releasing the energy and feeling good for a few moments, I think I will go for the gold and be a little out of comfort. I will hold this energy. Instead of practicing masturbation, I will sit somewhere, use crystals, do breathing techniques, and pull in the pillar of light.” Pull the light up in your mind’s eye, and feel it flood your body.

This will help you tremendously, because you want to come into knowledge and self value and know what your boundaries are. You want greater relaxation and a broader view, yet you are constantly only taking your energy to certain levels. By holding your sexual energies, you will start using your solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye. Your crown chakra will open and you will go, “Aha, I am getting smarter here. How is it that I am becoming more intelligent?” The answer is, because you are using your life force in a variety of ways rather than simply using one recipe for it. You have one recipe for the energy that you call sexuality. It is your life force. There are many ways to use it.

It is one thing to explore your sensuality and have orgasmic experiences by wanting to feel good and understand your sexuality so that you know who you are. It is another thing to feel horny (to use your terms), to have all this sexual buildup, to simply masturbate to release the tension, and to have a climax. Sex is a sacred offering of the body, something private and sensual. It helps you understand this force within you that brings you pleasure.

Many people these days are practicing celibacy because they realize that the kind of sexual activity they were previously engaging in was draining their energy. Perhaps this occurred because they were sexual with others without love, without a commitment, and without a spiritual connection to bond together. As we have said, your electromagnetic bodies and auric fields get fused together. There is back-and-forth telepathy—”You own me.” “I own you.”—playing out on the etheric level.

If you are experiencing periods of celibacy, wonderful, because what you are doing is containing your energy. When you have a sexual experience and you are not fully integrated in your chakras, it is very draining. Even though it is exhilarating, the energy is only working with your first and second chakras, which work with strands number one and number two of your DNA.

When you stop having sex, you may still feel sexual. You want it, but you learn to contain that energy and let it infuse your body rather than simply having sex to release it. As you infuse that energy in your body, you value your body more because the energy all of a sudden shows you that you are worth more and can do more than you ever thought you could.

The ideal is not to avoid sex or transcend sex. The ideal is to revalue your sexuality—to revalue the very essence of what your physical body does when you have sex and experience orgasmic states. There is going to be a lot more leeway and experimentation with sexual expression. Remember the 1960s? Who could forget them? Women threw their bras away and breasts were in. Over the last fifteen to thirty years, women began to feel more comfortable with nude sunbathing and topless bathing. You explored yourselves sexually, and things of a sexual nature began to cultivate and develop.

In recent years, there has been a pulling back, a fear of sexuality. People are withdrawing from sexuality: “I don’t understand this force. I come together with someone and in the moment it feels absolutely exhilarating. It feels as if I’m having a hundred hot fudge sundaes and not gaining a pound. Then afterward I don’t feel so good.” Intimacy and honesty and commitment are the essential parts of having good sexual experiences. You must be able to be vulnerable and open in each other’s eyes; then sexual activity holds a higher vibration. Just as there was great experimentation as a result of the energy that was loosened in the 1960s, there will be great experimentation with sexuality in the 1990s, and for the most part, it will involve spiritual exploration.

Practicing celibacy is fine as long as it does not mean to you that sex is out. It is good if it means that the sexual experience is being contemplated and reconsidered. It is being put on the shelf for a while because sexuality is misunderstood, and by moving away from it, perhaps it can be observed. If you’ve ever climbed a mountain, you know that it is quite different to be on the mountain than on the plain looking at the mountain. This is what some people are going through. They are looking at the mountain and are not feel- ing deprived by not being on the mountain. They are setting up a reevaluation of what sexuality is, what love is, who they are, and what values they are establishing for themselves. Sexuality is one of the most intimate aspects of your lives.

Yet most people on this planet have sex with no intimacy whatsoever. It is a function, like putting oil in a car: “I need sex, roll over.” Men and women alike. It has always been our contention that the reason you were steered away from your sexuality was because, if you started having sex without fear, you would discover that it is a doorway to higher consciousness. The very life force that you can use to create babies can also be used as a magic carpet ride into other realms of existence. Eventually, the strands of DNA will be read in the iris of the eye. When you are sexual with another person and you look into each other’s eyes, you trigger one another into other realities. You can also use breath and imagery to start cycling energy. The energies are likened unto the force that sends the space shuttle into orbit around your planet—the energy that lifts the so-called space vehicles and sets them on journeys. The energy of sexual expression can release you and set you on a journey.

Sex is the ultimate event to make special and to plan around. It also needs to be very spontaneous but in the spontaneity of it, it has its own ritualistic appreciation and approach.

Love is the ingredient that brings bodies together, whether they be male and male, female and female, or male and female. The body was designed to have male and female mate. That is very obvious—the polarities meet. It is a matter of biology, although we will say that there is nothing wrong with those of like vibration being drawn together. That is what they are working on to learn about themselves; it does not pay to judge The ultimate experience comes when there is love, when the eyes are open, and when there is a commitment. Then you can begin to travel.

Sexuality will take on a whole different value and become one of the most powerful forces discussed as Earth changes become more pronounced. As your society disintegrates, you will want to reevaluate everything. You will want to be close, to be committed, and to have a partner you can count on. As you become aware of life extension, and understand about everything speeding up, you will eventually experience great movements of rejuvenation. The partners that you choose will be partners you know and have known for tens of thou- sands of years.

In most cases, opening to intimacy is easier for women than for men, simply because women are more comfortable with their emotions. As humans, you are forever searching for the vibration of ecstasy, love, and connection that comes through the expression of emotion. You cannot access the sexual frequency of ecstasy and love without feeling, for sex- uality is feeling. Many people are in desperate search of this frequency, and they do not even know that they are search- ing for it. In their naive way, the only way they know is to seek sexual expression.

If you are female, you can help your male partner open up by accepting yourself and your own body and by creating for yourself a standard about the kind of man you are avail- able for. You will magnetize this kind of man because he will be willing to learn and change. The male vibrations, in general, are very confused at this time, not knowing for certain what their identity is. They are going to find out that they need to draw to themselves those who will integrate them into these changes. The more you can be stabilized in your love for your body, and in your willingness to know what you want and what your intentions are, the easier it will be for men.

Too many women for too many years kept their mouths shut and were simply happy to have dates on Saturday night. Women did not create any standard for men to reach for. With the activation of the Goddess energy, and the understanding of the complete female form as it is designed to be, a new standard is created. Women must learn to speak about their feelings and desires in order to create a new standard of experience. Then it will be easier for men to open their feeling centers, experience their emotions, bring their sexual energy up through their chakras, and comfortably experience greater intimacy than they ever thought possible. These things will take time. Women have been so locked into not speaking and men into not feeling that these changes will not happen overnight. Be patient with each other. Have great compassion for all people and for what they are going through. You have many things to share and teach each other.

One of the big taboos in your society has been oral sex. We’ve said that women’s substance of power is blood, while the substance of power for men is sperm. Sperm carries a tremendous amount of data, while blood can be likened to an elixir of healing, a source of life; both offer revitalization and rejuvenation. When you share these substances while in a bonded, loving relationship, it is the ultimate in sharing your secret power. It is the ultimate in blending in your identities so that you can remember who you are and why in this lifetime you have come together.

As women become aware of the blood mysteries, many will do outrageously creative things with their blood. They will learn that it is not a horrible, smelly, ugly, bad thing, and that it has many mysteries. They will play creatively, respectfully, and without shame with this substance to see what they can do with it. This will also be true for sperm.

When you ingest these substances, you create a very deep bonding. It is like drinking or infusing the secrets and sum total of the individuals from whom they came. Again, we will state here that without the ingredient of love, you will never reach this exalted state of achievement.

When you are in a state of love and trust, sharing, ingesting, and using these fluids opens the deepest gates of memory, bonding, and intimacy. You go beyond what is called secret. Most people are incapable of sustaining this state for any length of time. They get close and may experience it; however, they are not able to carry the next phase of intimacy into completion, which goes beyond the physical.

The intimacy that comes from this sharing is profound. What you are experiencing and what is revealed is very deep. It takes love and much preparation to use these sub- stances properly. Be of clear intent as you experiment with these things, and you will open yourself to new avenues of journeying.

We suggest that couples who have sex have an intention around their sexual activity. This does not take the spontane- ity out of it. It does not mean that you have to get organized and structured and make appointments and have all this pro- cessing before you come together. As you develop intimacy, sexual activity does not take place only when your hormones are zinging. Sexual expression takes place continuously. As you walk into a market, you can carry on a conversation about your sexuality. You don’t have to lock that experience into the bedroom or when you are having a drink or within certain little boxes of performance. You are going to be infused with this energy. It is part of what will train you about your divinity. It is essential.

You will not understand what it is to be gods or god- desses without your sexual experience, not completely, because you are humans and it is part of the way your bodies are designed. All the creatures on this planet have some sort of sexual expression—some method of titillating and reproducing themselves. You don’t understand how two flies can simply touch antennae and titillate each other. Creatures on Earth—plants and animals—stimulate one another and bring themselves into heightened states of activity without repro- ducing.

Hold this image. It is needed for you to understand and not be afraid of your sexuality. Do not make your sexuality out of vogue because you fear the very life force you have.

As you come together in couples, there will be much more free talk and discovery of sexuality. In time, you will find that this will be very comfortable. No one will question the so-called moral view around it because you will not even qualify to attend that kind of teaching session if you do not understand what it is about. It is about spiritual sex.

You have many things to look forward to in the sexual arena. Stay open, evaluate your present beliefs around sexuality, and explore your boundaries. Sexuality is your birthright and your heritage as humans. It is your gift from the gods.

Energy Exercise

Take a deep breath and relax. Imagine light charged with particles filling your lungs and moving into your body. Find that place where you are in tune with your attention and find the part of yourself that observes who you are. Now ride the energy through your breath and into your body to a subatomic level. Fill that place with light.

Simultaneously, feel the energy around you as you sit quite still, holding your ideals. Picture twelve chakras blossom- ing with color and light, spinning inside your body and out. Sense the energy that flows between your chakras, and make an intention to open to the sexual codes, mysteries, and secrets stored within your being through the transformational qualities of gold.

Listen very closely to discern any sounds your body reso- nates with. Follow those sounds and picture yourself lying on a table that is made of twenty-four-carat gold. Whatever image comes to your mind, hold onto it. Look at the table in great detail. Feel your body lying on the gold table, absorbing the warmth of the gold. Gold is a premier conductor. Imagine the gold table conveying codes of electrical impulses into the very cells of your body. You are at peace as you lie on this table. Your guides and higher self stand around, supervising and watching you. You are very relaxed, in a place inside your body where there is deep space. In that space, you are feeling the gold light and seeing the pulsations of electricity as they move through a well-lit space in your body as you lie on the gold table.

The four corners of the table, rectangular in shape, act as anchor points through which energy enters. Keep yourself in this subatomic consciousness and experience the transference of electrical energy on a subatomic level. It is as if huge bolts of lightning move from planet to planet. These are electrical jolts that move between the atoms. You are warm and stimulated by a sound that calls you and keeps you in a lullaby-like state. You are enthralled watching this space in your body as if you are watching an electrical storm over the vast countryside.

The lights and flashings of this electrical energy recharge the smallest particles in your body, which begin to come alive and remember their identity, letting you know they have consciousness. Find yourself swirling throughout your body, excitedly meeting the atoms that are waking up. Feel your body decreeing to you willingness, intelligence, and desire to work in cooperation with any direction you set. Feel yourself excited with this discovery as new possibilities endlessly present themselves. Allow yourself to go deeper into relaxation and trust, surrendering to a process that will reorganize you and offer greater meaning and purpose to your sexual, sensual self. Drift into a soft pillow of memory, experiencing yourself as valued and mirroring your value and appreciation of others. At this moment of letting go, picture something that will bring you meaning in your life and that will be a contribution to the planet, stirring many people. Feel the ongoing gentle electrical stimulation, and when you sleep this evening, dream you are on the gold table and travel into the transformational vistas of sexual value.