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Earth 3

Think about this: Earth is alive and holds the knowledge you seek, and your consciousness affects what Earth reveals. How do you access this knowledge? Where are the keys to unlock it and make it yours? The information is stored in stone and bone.

Times have changed. It used to be that each individual who evolved and studied the mysteries had one teacher, and knowledge was passed down from teacher to apprentice in a long line of tradition. Today this is no longer necessary because what you seek is being released from storage inside your body. Light openings and genetic mutations are bringing about unprecedented change within the human form. You become your own teacher by activating what is inside you, through clear intent, and by following the impulses and knowledge that accompany the process.

All people who penetrate and discover the realms of the unknown and the domains of the mystics have unique experiences and interpretations of reality. If a person comes from Tibet, it does not mean this person is more holy than someone who comes from the Bronx. The spiritually evolved can spring from any geographic location. You teach and learn from a unique stance designed to develop your beliefs and character as your individual consciousness moves through whatever experience you select at that moment. Honor those who have been your teachers and continue to recognize yourself and all that you create as a part of your growth process, without overinflating anything. It does not do to put teachers on pedestals; they only fall off.

Our teaching is designed to produce an accumulation of energy that will motivate the collective, impulsing multitudes to reach new plateaus of experience and creating a series of simultaneous global awakenings. For this reason, your own spiritual process is tempered by both the progress of global consciousness and the individual blueprint of your purpose. Even though you are sometimes frustrated because you would like to be further along than you are, be patient, for you are bringing yourself closer and closer to what you want. When you share what you know, it is broadcast around the world. Codings are fired, and masses of people evolve. As a species, you are time coded and interlinked to respond to patterns of awakening to your greater identity. You are triggered to move with the masses, waiting for a large group to gather on a certain plateau of consciousness before you can move along yourself.

Humankind is coded and, as you evolve, you follow a pattern. Your blueprint leads you into a concealed library of knowledge within you. The gods who formed Earth planted devices called chronometers that measure the evolution of human consciousness. When enough people awaken and trigger the chronometers, new data is opened on the planet. It is like the millionth person walking through a turnstile and winning a prize. Only instead of one person winning the prize, the mass consciousness is suddenly opened because enough people on the planet are able to follow their blue- prints and respond.

The ancients who lived on this planet built libraries of a very different nature than you build today. Prior to building temples, tribal wizards and leaders of certain cultures journeyed to places that were known to have a special stone. This stone was cleansed and prepared to hold data and information that would be transmitted telepathically from people’s minds into the stone structures. A form such as a temple was designed, and the builders used the natural geomancy and energy flow of a location to store the total of what they knew into the very stone of the construction. Information was stored in stone and bone, with stone being the bones of Earth.

When you visit ancient sacred sites that you call power places, you experience electromagnetic formulas for higher consciousness. You often pick up what you left there thousands of years ago for you to reclaim. By journeying to these places, your body is exposed to these energies and accesses the blueprint along which you can evolve.

The ancients built temples and megalithic structures in particular places to utilize the accumulation of energy in vor- tices. Each of these sites had a specialty. The great stone circle of Avebury in England was used as a dimensional doorway for various star systems, particularly Sirius, the Pleiades, and Arcturus. The stones were placed in a specific configuration that used light as a key to draw these stellar energies to Earth. Thus, an exchange of information was possible through a human-Earth-stellar linkup. Such sites offered the energy of fertility, and couples would journey to make love at the sites in order to conceive, creating lives energized and characterized by the vortices. Other locations were designed as broadcasting stations, as calendars, or as oracles to read the future and expand reality.

Most civilizations have stored data in stone. Earth reads you as you live and breathe on her, and she knows the stage of your development and your ability to accept responsibility. Sacred sites, therefore, become activated by individuals who use their own keys of consciousness to unlock the sites, remembering and releasing the knowledge stored and experienced in them. When you enter sacred sites and intentionally imagine your chakras as doorways of energy opening to your personal memories, the sites become activated. Imagination is the most powerful force available to humankind. The ancients had the ability to feel the abundance of energy in these locales. They tapped into and used these enhanced places where lines of energy joined forces and there was a merging and meeting of dimensions and other worlds.

Every time you visit a site, you bring about a quicken- ing and activation. At the same time, you assist in triggering events that will propel the people of the world to recognize and value themselves as spiritual beings, or face catastrophic annihilation. In these next few decades, the pace is going to quicken. You will think there is a frenzied drummer calling the beat of Earth. This is because you are within a cycle of evolution that is pressuring the spirit to be born and known in all humans. To recognize that you are a spiritual being is a key to the corridor of the future you seek.

If you never get to go to a sacred site, and you spend time only in your backyard, you are not going to miss out. The intent to open your memory banks and to activate collective memory, plus your exposure to the frequency of materials and artifacts from others who have been to these places, are all you need to experience your own awakening of the energies.

Stories were built into the stone structures that were tempered and fed with sound. Individuals capable of broad- casting specific frequencies implanted these frequencies into the stone structures. Today, the stones continue to hold the frequencies, not merely the written forms. There are countless sacred sites still below the surface of Earth, waiting for a dimensional merge to take place. In the region that is now the United States, there have been numerous ancient civilizations who left remnants of knowledge. These remnants were buried and covered over quite cleverly, often with great purpose. They will begin to break the surface during the next twenty years. Innumerable discoveries will be brought about, more than in any other time period of your recorded history. Earth is an exceptionally vital place, and she is revealing her very essence to you as you are able to perceive the keys and redefine yourself.

You have a great advantage because you are aware that a process of spiritual evolution is occurring. Reality is crumbling, and that is disturbing and upsetting to many. As visitors at sacred sites, you are opening the time locks with keys of consciousness and triggering the energy combinations that have been holding memories of events until you demonstrated that you were ready to receive them. When you infuse yourselves with energy and surrender and work with intention in sacred sites, you literally send bolts of great change around the globe.

All people have the opportunity to decide where their values lie. Unfortunately, very few select honoring the Earth Mother. Therefore, they will find their greatest challenges manifested before them. You have been given the great gift of being on Earth at this time—a gift which you have given to yourselves. Trust your inner guidance, for it will lead you along the various paths toward self-knowledge, revealing the purpose of life and the basic meaning of existence. In these days that are unfolding, you will find your inner guidance to be a most handy tool that you have created for yourselves. Use it. Benefit from it. Do not judge those who are not as impulsed as you. You are different, yet there are millions of you all over the globe quietly holding a new meaning and understanding of reality. You are in a world with a system of belief that is dying, just as you are symbolically going through the process of releasing what no longer suits your lives. Reconsider the very essence of what you learn and how and why you think. Challenge yourselves to seek communication and the sharing of knowledge with the Earth, for she offers many an untold mystery and has unique ways of speaking.

Since the early 1980s, crop circles have become conspicuously abundant in and around the Wiltshire and Salisbury Plain areas of Great Britain, where numerous stone mega- lithic structures remain to this day. Mysterious markings appear as if by magic in the grain fields throughout the English countryside. They are synchronistically aligned to the sacred sites of Stonehenge, Avebury, and Silbury Hill—all widely recognized as places of celestial attunement. The forms of intelligence that make these geometric shapes do so in a very playful way. Geometry involves more than a subject you take in school; it is, in fact, a form of intelligence. You will discover that higher intelligence often has a wonderful sense of humor. The crop circles are made with sound and have a definite purpose, for they silently speak to the mass consciousness. They impulse themselves onto Earth to alter dimensional possibilities and open doorways and portals for other energies to enter.

These crop-circle glyphs hold their own symbolism and are encyclopedias of information. Your body holds a far greater recognition of the message of the crop circles than your rational mind can currently grasp. The crop-circles speak of many things and truly make symphonies of preparation for Earth’s people. They speak of what is coming and of the great choice that you all must make—the choice of which world you will choose to dwell in. The crop-circle glyphs speed up the evolutionary process and the evolving DNA, calling your spirit to awaken.

Part of the purpose of the glyphs is to pave the way for the mass consciousness to grasp what is inconceivable at the present time. You are not alone. The complexities of the markings will become more pronounced as the glyphs accelerate your awareness of other life forms. Ancient prophecies speak of signs upon Earth and signs in the sky. There is a plan within a plan within a plan. There are friends in the sky and beyond, orchestrating layers of influence over and above what you can conceive of now. There are combinations

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of forces within the crop circles, and you will see them as light geometry dancing around in the air. The glyphs create shifts that will bring data to you. Then your challenge is to comprehend this new knowledge and to have your feet on the ground and your head at the top of the universe all at the same time. Can you hold that imagery? You are vast, and you are capable of connecting with the deepest cosmos and grounding it into Earth.

If you look carefully into historical records and manu- scripts, you will find that the crop-circle glyphs are not a phenomenon found only in this century. These glyphs of sound and light geometry frequently come and go from the Earth plane. They are one way that communication between life forms is gently being introduced. The glyphs do more than a ship landing with strange beings saying, “Hey, we are here. Let us give you the scoop.” They confound your scien- tific community and make them look foolish, which is abso- lutely necessary—with humor, of course. Your scientists are in a rut, and it is time for humanity to question everything. In particular, it is time to question those who claim to have all the answers. Realities are merging, and Earth is hostess to many unusual events as the ancient sacred sites, the calendars, and the libraries in stone speak. The crop circles act as a herald and accelerator, announcing with intricate and elegant simplicity, “The paradigm shift is upon you.”

Geometry and mathematics, coupled with planetary and star knowledge, are the basis for the construction of dimen- sional doorways. Knossos on the island of Crete, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, the Acropolis, Delphi, Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, and many others serve as doorways to other dimensions. These structures, built through the use of sacred geometry, totally confound present-day science.

Light can create certain distortions in realities, and in order to work with light one must bend geometry. What is missing in modern-day architecture is the combination of light and geometry. In other words, the influence of light on the third-dimensional form is not taken into consideration. Your buildings collapse because light is not factored in when they are built. After a while they erode or are destroyed, even if there is no war going on.

There is a mental distortion that prevents geometric structures from anchoring themselves more permanently on this plane of existence. Because your human capabilities are incomplete as linked through your DNA, you cannot men- tally assist a structure in maintaining itself into being. All influences, both inner and outer, must be factored in. The ele- ments of earth, air, fire, and water are as crucial to consider as the element of human thought.

Geometry conveys its own teaching as it manifests into physical form. It has an impact, and there is an instant trans- mission of energy from the forms of geometry into the physical body. This is a gift of the gods to the humans in order to create a higher ideal. The geometry of the gods is transduced into a geometry that exists in third-dimensional form. Shape and size radiate the essence of sacred geometry, creating knowledge transmitted from dimension to dimension.

Perhaps you do not realize that you yourselves have dif- ferent physical shapes. For example, dolphins are another version of humans. Dolphins exist not only in water, but on land and in the air; they exist in many dimensions at once. A joyous nature is one of their most outstanding characteristics. It arises from a very highly evolved consciousness that knows it is never destroyed, a consciousness that has a deep bonding with its human counterpart who has forgotten and believes that it is destroyed. Dolphins and whales create specific sound vibrations to hold your planet together. Like you, these creatures are descendants of ancient beings from the stars, and they are here to transfer to you, the people, the ancient wisdom and truths for maintaining and loving your planet.

Dolphins and whales are members of the Family of Light, and for eons they have carried frequencies from some of your ancient civilizations. The dolphins of your Atlantean culture were coded before the demise of that civilization and were given much information to retain and pass on genetically and telepathically. They are presently transmitting that information to the human species. They are also giving you a message that is clear: Their quality of life is in question, and if their quality of life is in question, so is yours. They are a mirror for you at this time.

Dolphins are leaving your planet in great numbers. Not only do they beach themselves upon your shores, they also catch themselves purposely in the fishing nets. Dolphins are very smart creatures; they are not victims. They are leaving the planet to you because it is time for you to take stewardship. Animals trust themselves and know that they simply change form when they die. They know there is a new world forming, so many of the species that are becoming “extinct” are actually moving through dimensional frequencies and advancing onto a new Earth as the old Earth is dying.

Countless numbers of you seek to swim with the dol- phins because you respond to an inner coding that creates a new vibrational frequency as a result of your contact with the dolphins. This frequency connects you with your heritage and your right to know who you are.

It has not always been easy for assistance to come to Earth. Yet, by hook or by crook, there have been energies from the stars who have seeded various cultures, offering teachings to the biogenetically rearranged humans and encoding them with light for the purpose of holding fragments of knowledge upon the planet for 500 or 5,000 or even 10,000 years. When each civilization was finished, its artifacts were passed on or submerged into Earth. Each civilization that held a vestige of light always, in some way, created artifacts that told stories. These artifacts were sequestered for epochs of time, to emerge only when they could be properly interpreted.

Earth stores many remnants of civilizations, some of which spring from a point you would call the future. Your “now” can be seeded and influenced from many directions. Some of the so-called “foundation stones” of your current world beliefs are not remnants from the past. Distortions can be constructed in the future to plant in the now and appear as if they came from a point a long time gone. Planted artifacts can purposely divert you from understanding the identities of “invisible” rulers that you perhaps call gods.

If you can reach the point of understanding that the material realm is a symbolic representation and not get lost in hoarding, then there are many magnificent artifacts that can reappear. Your planet has numerous changes to go through over the next twenty years, and these ancient artifacts laden with coded knowledge will begin to reemerge. At the end of these times, in December 2012, as decreed by the Mayan calendar, there will be an anchoring of many dimensions. This will reveal the mystery behind existence, and it will be as if Earth suddenly blossoms overnight, even after some portions are seemingly destroyed.

You may have visions of these happenings. People will be drawn to specific places and will see forms appear. Perhaps no one else will see the artifacts because a particular aware- ness is necessary to pull them into this dimension. In order to be completely anchored in third-dimensional reality, there will have to be an agreement by the mass consciousness to call this kind of energy into existence once again—to welcome it back by showing that you have respect for Earth. As you learn to value your home, her mysteries will continue to unfold and fill you with awe.

Various cultures have left their imprints all over the world, permeating and peddling their vibrations through language and sound, as well as by artifacts of stone and gold.

In the United States, there is an influence from Greek civilizations, particularly on the eastern seaboard. The state of Rhode Island, for example, is a land unto itself that parallels the history of Rhodes. Syracuse, Ithaca, and Utica are ancient Grecian names, and there are many Spartas and Athenses. Names carry an imprint of influence that will come alive and convey more meaning as your inner and outer knowledge unfolds.

There were codes of conduct by which people lived in ancient times. In Delphi, to “know thyself” was considered a key to living. Knowing thyself embodied the concept of going within and exploring versions of the multidimensional self, discovering questions and answers and access to other worlds. The codes of conduct concluded that you were to take nothing in excess, and that you were to always show respect and properly value what was around you. Today, you are pushed to consider codes of conduct and communi- cation in order to reestablish a world in which all things are significant. Your uniqueness lies in your diversity and the innumerable ways in which you, as humans, have sought to experience and interpret reality.

Tibetans understand many of Earth’s cosmic keys. There is a portal in Tibet, a huge energetic opening. When visitors wish to come to your house, they can come through the window; however, it really is easier for them to enter through the door. Planets also have doors through which you enter. Portals are composed of corridors of time. So, when you enter a planet, how do you know which era you will end up in when all time is simultaneous? The ability to locate events in time takes great mastery of self within the moment, and it is no easy task to perform. The Tibetans, basically up until the 1950s, diligently maintained an energy doorway. Over hundreds of years, they have acted as guardians and emissaries for those who ventured through.

The Tibetans have been working with extraterrestrials for eons. At one time, the region known as the Himalayas was at sea level. Under the mountains of Tibet there are huge veins of gold and caves filled with crystals. There are artifacts stored there that indicate the ancientness of civilization. Included are many physical bodies that have been preserved. The Tibetans had a predilection for preservation just as the Egyptians did, only they had a different method involving gold. The Egyptians employed the mummification process, which involved memory from Atlantean times when people were rejuvenated and restored if their DNA was intact. This possibility is currently being rediscovered and applied today.

The ancient Tibetans did something different. They were not looking to rejuvenate the body so much as preserve and maintain the frequency of consciousness that the body had achieved in a given lifetime. They would mummify—we use that term loosely—the body in gold, outside and inside. It was a complex process that took many months to complete. If a person achieved a rare state of consciousness and maintained this frequency throughout life, then, when that life- time was completing, a summons appeared, requesting the person’s retreat deep into the formidable mountains. Called by the masters, the person sat and awaited the time of death in a certain position. When death came and the spirit evacuated the body, couriers immediately began a procedure to preserve the body, layering it with gold to stabilize and hold the rare frequencies of consciousness that were prized above all things. Hundreds of these “statues” exist underneath the mountains of Tibet. Today, those privy to this information understand that they can blend with these preserved vibra- tions and access particular frequencies of consciousness.

One of the greatest Mayan secrets was their hidden gold caches and their understanding of how gold functioned. The Maya were not foolish and did not flaunt their gold. They made it seem as if they did not need gold.

Gold is part of what allows dimensional doorways to be opened. It anchors portals and brings about transmutation, and is reserved for more than costumes, crowns, masks, and jewelry. It holds the highest vibration and is a premier conductor of electrical current. When gold is stored or created in great abundance, light portals can be opened and access to other dimensions unfolds.

The gold caches around the globe are not made to be spent or hoarded. They contain great secrets that are utilized to open doorways and anchor energy. There are huge veins and rivers of gold conducting frequencies throughout Earth that are an essential part of life. The ancient Egyptians believed that the veins of the gods were made of gold. Throughout medieval Europe, the pursuit of alchemical gold intrigued many a man and woman. Within Earth, gold is most often accompanied by quartz crystals, which are modern-day founding stones in all your communication devices. It is important to understand that gold is a cornerstone for civilizations. They are brought into being through the influence of this substance. Remember, in the ancient records of your race from Sumeria, stories are recorded of the gods who, tens and hundreds of thousands of years earlier, ventured here in search of gold.

The Maya had many secrets. The clues they left for the outside world were clues to lead you, deceive you, and trick you—to have the archaeologists see one thing and the spirit eyes see another. The true essence of many cultures is just beginning to be discovered. There are groups of government and university people who decipher codes and come up with new pieces of the past. They do not always pass their new views on to archaeologists because they may not want the public to know about the latest discoveries. An area closed down and off limits is often indicative of something going on. Remember, the codes of value and intent broadcast in your being will determine what will be discovered, deciphered, and understood.

Understanding the communication process, both inner and outer, is a key to a peaceful Earth. The inner you communicates continuously with a you that can be called your higher self, or your inner teacher. It is a version of you, invisible to your current perceptions, that nonetheless has a powerful influence. Your higher self is connected with a vista of reality in which there is a purpose to all you select to experience. Ideally, your higher self communicates this grander view to you by way of impulse, synchronicity, and emotion. It is up to you to translate your own messages and realize that, as you decree, reality conforms. This is shown to you by your higher self over and over again. In addition, you have your own thoughts, as feelings and beliefs, that are constantly broadcast in your field by the very essence and presence of you. As your psychic awareness increases, it becomes easier to know what someone is about because it is energized by their being. You are able to read energy as your communication skills expand to consider new ways in which to translate meaning.

A form of communication that can free you from the traditional interpretations is toning, the process of allowing sound to move through you, playing you like an instrument. Toning is a key to releasing stored knowledge. It unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into your body.

We recommend that you have toning ceremonies for your crops and gardens. The plants feel what you do for them. If you walk in the garden and touch a tomato plant, it gives off a communique as its plant hormones fill the air waves and say to the life in the garden, “The tomato plant has been touched. Humans are here.” All the plants know before you get to them that you are coming. Animals do the same thing. When you dedicate your toning to animals, plants, and Earth, you are reciprocated with phenomenal responses, re-energizing and realigning your connection to Earth as an intelligent being.

If you listen to Tibetan toning, you find that each person simultaneously makes a number of tones. The toners are able to carry a variety of tones and notes in one sound. These overtones tend to open and unlock energy doorways, changing your perceptions. Basically, this is what toning does—in a very subtle way, it changes your perceptions.

At a power site or energy vortex, you can tone with the intention of releasing energy that has been stored or trapped there, and you can tone to merge yourself with the site. When you tone, you create various vibratory rates. At sacred sites of stone, the sounds that you feel trigger data stored in the stones and in your bones. The stones work very well with your bones—the stones feed the bones and the bones feed the stones, sharing data.

In this age of information, you are steered away from the natural sources of gathering knowledge for yourself. You have been sold the idea that television is a great source of information. This so-called tool has been touted as one of the greatest inventions of this century. However, your media is owned and controlled by those who wish to keep you enter- tained and unaware. They peddle chosen versions of reality and completely ignore others. Television slows down your evolutionary process and limits you, especially as a young child. When you are young, early impressions and imagination play a key role in how your life unfolds. Television keeps you in a very narrow band of emotional expression—basically chaos and fear. Today, more than ever before, there exists a great campaign to sell televisions, to have free cable television, and to entice people to stay glued to the latest version of scandal and violence, as if what is broadcast is the most important issue at hand. Learn to observe how you feel if you watch television. It is a form of frequency control. This control is being tremendously accelerated as fear is rapidly being promoted all over the planet through television.

The large majority of people on Earth are being hypno- tized by television right this moment. Our campaign encourages you to experience life firsthand—not only through the image making and ideas of others. You damage your own consciousness and the potential that your consciousness has when you give over your time to television. You suppress your imagination and do not use one of the greatest gifts you possess. It will be understood centuries from now how in the latter half of the twentieth century people were induced into dazed states and made to behave, to be asleep, and to be sick through television.

You are wasting your time with any kind of television watching. It keeps you from life and acts as a substitute for experience, which, dear friends, is the primary way you learn. Some of you may say, “Well, there are some good programs on, and I only watch educational shows.” We ask you: What is being beamed over or under the “good programs” that you do not consciously see? If you insist on having a television in your home, keep it unplugged. Frequency waves are transmitted through your television even when you do not have it on. Have we made our point? Reconsider what you’ve learned about life and choose to listen to nature’s broadcast—the voice of Earth as she speaks.

You are on assignment throughout all your days. It is what you have agreed to do as a part of your essence. You know you can expect things to get challenging, for this is how you learn, and no one said it was going to be easy or guaranteed that things would always be effortless. Perhaps you are beginning to understand the degree of commitment that is needed to transcend the boundaries of realities. As you approach those boundaries, you can feel what it is like to have your foot in one world, your finger in another, and your nose and toe in yet another. It is quite an unusual feeling to have the energies from many worlds meet in your physical body.

Joy, safety, harmony, and clarity are very fine words.

Sometimes, in order to really understand a concept, you must go into its polarity, for in this world of light and dark, shadow defines light. So it is that we explore polarities with you. Remember, you always have choices, and the more you understand the various opinions and influences on Earth, the greater your choices become.

When you are on the journey to know yourself, there are many paradigms from which you will break free. These para- digms are like boundaries and fences that you had not realized surrounded you. Ask for a grand enhancement of your identity and learn what it is to feel expanded—to experience yourself on many levels of perception. Most of all, learn what it is to trust the process. Communicate your intent for being alive at this time and let Earth feel it. If, by chance, you are uncertain, then it is most definitely a priority to create a pur- pose and to believe in yourself. We cannot do this for you. Only you have the ultimate effect on Earth, your life, and your version of the illusion.

There are not too many manuals written about what you are doing. Many people feel as though they are tiptoe- ing through the land of strangeness. Well, there is a certain strangeness, along with an exhilaration and joy within the eccentricity. There is also a charisma that you carry and with which you vibrate.

You all know you are here for a reason, which is grow- ing as you discover each other’s talents. The puzzle pieces and threads are weaving a tapestry of meaning together. The story that is unfolding for yourselves is a story ahead of its time in many ways. You each desire to live a life of significance, to claim a territory of consciousness, to become adept within it, and to go where no one has been before. We would say you are on that course. Often, when you first begin a trek, you do not always understand all of the implications involved. On the trail to higher consciousness, you are in the midst of a deep undertaking, and you cannot yet see the path in totality.

The training that you are receiving is from your inner teacher. You have a blueprint inside you that leads to a dif- ferent pathway. You learn by following what is awakening from within. You are here to create a new blueprint of possibility for the entire race. You will gain the greatest amount of knowledge through personal experience—through doing this on your own and not hanging your hat only in one place. We encourage you to seek many mirrors, to look under the rocks, to speak with insects. Acknowledge that there is something for you to learn in every event you encounter in your life. Every person, book, and piece of paper that you find in front of you, and every crumbled, dusty leaf at your finger-tips, offers you some speck of knowledge that makes up the whole.

Keep yourself open. Intend with clarity that you are available to evolve into an arena that is brand new for the human species—an Earth that encompasses joy, safety, and harmony—and you will be taken there. Think new concepts of self, and of the importance of continuously intending, using your mind to bring about the experience of life.

We remind you that there will not be one world. There will not be a world in which everyone agrees on what is tak- ing place. This is the time of the vast shift in consciousness, so each one of you will find yourself in a world of your own creation. When you hear stories of takeover, understand that for some people, yes, they may experience this. They will draw to themselves what they need to learn from. Just as you move down a buffet table and pick and choose what you want, know that you do the same in life. You always have a choice. You make all the difference in what you experience.

Let us say this: In your wildest dreaming, you cannot currently imagine where Earth is headed. The masses are entranced by a world of facts, encyclopedias, television, and newspapers, and the multidimensional anomalies have not yet penetrated your plane of existence too deeply. When they do, things beyond what you can conceive will begin to occur.

Energy Exercise

Relax your body and clear your mind. Imagine a pillar of light flowing through your body and sending light fibers into Earth. Picture these fibers being pulled down into Earth, moving through dirt and worms and other creatures, and passing through layers of soil, rock, water, minerals, crystals, and gold. Your fibers are going down very far. They are looking for a vein of gold, so continue to send them down until you feel that the taproot of your fibers has touched a vein of gold deep, deep in Earth—an ancient vein. Notice what it feels like. Gold transmits a certain frequency. It is very deeply connected with the force and vibration you describe as love, the connective energy that supports all things. The gold and crystals inside Earth move this consciousness through Earth like your veins move blood through your body. Many creatures know about these veins and use them.

Do a very low, deep toning into the fibers of light that extend into Earth. Rumble and stabilize the light, sending energy along the vein of gold so that it travels around a core layer of Earth. Know that your sound is going to stabilize something deep within the core of Earth. Even in her heart, Earth will always recognize you and know who you are.

Once you have stabilized the taproot, create a higher pitched toning to extend a dome of light above where you are. This dome is an umbrella of energy under which you are currently being inspired. Picture a violet-blue twilight tone inside the dome, which is being showered with white moonlight on the outside.

Everything that you think, you energize into form. So please, dear friend, free yourself from burdens and reimagine Earth as a splendid place within existence. See yourself dwelling in harmony amidst the splendor.