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Earth 2

As the concept of the Library immerses itself within you, you will begin to understand the value of feelings and how you are a key to the vast knowledge stored here.

We work with very ancient beings called the Keepers of Time, who steer your universe. Can you imagine this? Just as you steer a car to stay on the road, the Keepers of Time steer the universe on a course.

The Keepers of Time are the original instigators, the innovators of the Living Libraries. They are creations of the Game Masters. You must be, and we use your human terms here, “very highly evolved” in order to make contact with the Keepers of Time. Many know of their existence, but how do you find them and get them to communicate? Stories exist of highly evolved beings upon your planet. Yet, how do you meet them, and how do you get them to work with you? How do you get them to impart their secrets to you? It is simple: you must learn to match their frequency.

Like the yogis and shamans of your world, the Keepers of Time possess ambiguous personalities. They are enigmas. Although they are known and respected, none know where they dwell, how to contact them, or what they look like. It is our fortune to be able to work with the Keepers of Time. They are our teachers, as we are one set of your teachers.

The Keepers of Time have tricked us into discovering the Living Libraries. They have tricked us as well into figuring out how to activate these libraries, because the Keepers of Time do not want to lose their universe. The Keepers of Time will keep your universe separated until that point of existence when the whole universe understands that it is one. When this occurs, the universe will collapse in upon itself, so to speak, becoming one with Prime Creator, and understanding what it is.

The Keepers of Time do everything in their power not to lose this universe because if your universe destroys itself before it completes, it will not fulfill its purpose. In order to do this, they separate the universe by creating what you call “time.” Time separates everything, allowing the universe to explore itself, discover that everything works together, and come to the eventual understanding that it is whole and that all is one.

The Keepers of Time are watching their universe be taken over. They see that it is headed toward destruction and separation—a separation that they, in fact, support. They keep your universe separated in order for it and each sepa- rate other world—to discover on their own the importance of every other world. The separation that the Keepers of Time are concerned with is the separation of existing life forms from their essence. It is through this method that reptilian and other energies are creating tyranny. There is a point, far into your future, where the Keepers of Time are very con- cerned about the direction this has moved into. We are using the best terms we can to create concepts for you.

We have learned that mastery in teaching often comes about with trickery. Trickery involves confounding a current belief structure in order to perceive another. We are students ourselves, figuring all of this out, just as you are, and we have our own teachers who trick us into doing certain things, one of which is working with your planet. We are on a quest, looking for our own ticket to ride, adventurers that we are, and there is a whole story around how we got involved with Earth. Our quest involved finding the Living Libraries, and your planet happened to be a key. We said, “Well, isn’t this interesting. Our ancestors have been tiptoeing in and out of that place for eons, and here it is the key we are looking for and we don’t even see it under our noses.” It is interesting the way things are hidden in realities. We, too, employ similar strategies to entice you to go into realities, to meet other portions of yourselves so that you can bring about a change within your own lives and within the universe itself.

We come from the future and are searching through the corridors of time. This is our assignment. From the probable future that we are coming from as Pleiadians, we are intending to alter the past. Our intention is to change the probable future that we are operating with, because that probable future in one direction of your universe’s new movement has turned out to be filled with tyranny. This is a free-will zone and a free-will universe, and that means all is allowed. In this particular experiment, all things are Prime Creator. We remind you that, in this world of duality, shadow defines light. Go take a walk on a sunny day and see what the shad- ows do. Begin to study your world literally and symbolically, and see that your world speaks to you all of the time.

Earth is an absolutely miraculous place in existence because it has been filled with the story of the universe, as has the human body. The human was designed in this fash- ion because of the Living Library.

When the universe is functioning in a harmonic, without tyranny, one civilization is free to exchange information with another. This facilitates great commerce and a great trade of ideas for single energies to come and explore. The Living Library is like a gigantic potluck dinner. A collective of civilizations working in harmony generously gave all their knowledge and energies to form it. They created locations in your universe where information was stored. This information would be available to facilitate the universe’s development when the time became necessary for it. That time is now. There are civilizations in space that are dying because they do not have access to the Living Library, in the same way masses of humans are dying because you do not understand and have access to your own bodies. You are integral keys. The courage and faith that you have in yourselves will determine the course of experience for all of existence. As Earth moves into a place of balance and synchronistic union, she will create a geometric lineup with the eleven other libraries that make up this library system. When this alignment takes place, the twelve libraries will create their own configuration of light that will reshape your universe, signaling connection—a certain victory, so to speak, for all of creation.

You are linked to the eleven other libraries, and your task is to unite all twelve, creating the spinning of the twelve. Just as you are spinning twelve chakras to open and connect information inside yourselves, you are going to spin twelve libraries back into existence. The spinning of these twelve systems—twelve chakras and twelve cosmic libraries—will draw energies that will intermingle and move throughout many information centers. This will trigger new versions and meanings to events that perhaps before seemed irrelevant and insignificant. As you piece together the larger picture, you will begin to understand the so-called gods in action, and how they employ your world.

As members of the Family of Light, you are quite a neu- tral source, like a compilation of pliable energy that easily mutates into a variety of forms. The flexibility that you demonstrate allows others to employ you, to merge with you, to become you, and to enter systems of reality that without you they could not experience. We want you to understand more of who you are, and how valuable the Family of Light is. You go into systems of consciousness and change them when the systems are stuck in their own evolution. Often, it is very difficult for systems to bring about their own changes.

We want you to become sovereign to yourself in a greater capacity, and to worship no one. The principles that you are to honor above all else are your physical vehicle, Earth, and all of Earth’s occupants. Honor your physical body as if you have been given an impeccable jewel, and act as if you own the most valuable creation in the universe. Honor Earth first and foremost. This is part of the assignment, and where your value lies.

We think that the concept of the Living Library is quite appropriate because you have a very basic understanding of a library. This analogy is easily understood, for what we speak of is very complex. We are making it more digestible, like baby food, in order for you to grasp the concept. We will tell you another story at another time, for as you change, we change the story. In the future, you will be able to reach for something other than what you can now conceive.

The twelve strands of DNA and the twelve chakras have many parallel twelves that move with them. The story of twelve is quite profoundly expressed all over your planet. It is deeply embedded within the mass psyche of human consciousness, and has been employed throughout time, in your terms, as a method to structure and convey information from one system to another. The story of twelve grounds the idea of meaningful existence into your world.

The earliest use of the ancient teaching of twelve was the concept of the zodiac, a narrow belt eighteen degrees wide on either side of the ecliptic, which is the apparent circular path of the sun around Earth. The zodiac was divided into twelve signs, with twelve houses, conveying knowledge about creation through the idea of interweaving and linking twelve significant parts. The zodiac was believed to be alive with memory, and it played an integral part in Sumerian, Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Chaldean, Greek, and Roman civilizations.

Human development is deeply linked to universal cycles distributing the twelve zodiacal energies through which new expressions came into being. Today you use clocks and calendars as reminders of the division of energy, for these also mark time through the significant use of twelve.

The Bible and other ancient texts refer to many relation- ships based on twelve—twelve gates, twelve tribes, twelve angels, twelve sons, twelve apostles/disciples, even twelve knights of the round table, and now, today, the twelfth planet. We use the idea of twelve chakras, twelve strands of DNA, and twelve libraries because you are keyed, so to speak, to respond and remember a grander vista of reality through this symbol.

Your twelve chakras are collections, or pockets of energy, where events can emerge. They hold memory and identity, and each corresponds to a strand of DNA. The seven main chakras are in your body, starting at the base of the spine and moving upward. There are five more outside your body, making a total of twelve vortex centers, or twelve suns, as we like to call them. Oxygenation, light, and conscious inten- tion will activate these centers, and once they are switched on, your challenge is to translate all of the data that is carried through them to the DNA strands.

The chakras inside your body can release your body memory—your body experience from this lifetime, as well as from other incarnational journeys. The first chakra stores your core identity; it deals with who you are and how you survive. It opens you to journey into yourself and the foundation of your core beliefs. The second chakra relates to creativity and sexuality; it opens the records of your beliefs and experiences in these areas. These first two chakras correspond with your traditional knowledge of two strands of DNA. The issues affiliated with identity, survival, sexuality, and creativity have challenged you for millennia.

The third chakra relates to your solar plexus—your gut, so to speak. When open, it assists you to feel and intuit your way through life. In women, because of menstrual bleeding and childbirth, this area is often more active and regarded with great respect. Your will, power, and feelings lie here.

The fourth chakra aligns with your heart, which when open connects you to all life. Compassion flows from this center, allowing you to understand the why and wherefore of what you perceive. The flow of compassion takes you beyond judgment, which acts as a trap to separate you.

The fifth chakra is found in your throat, opening the great gift of vocal expression through which you speak your truth. The sixth chakra activates your third eye, stimulating your ability to see beyond the confines of 3D. The seventh chakra is at the crown of your head. When open, it connects and circulates spiritual energies to your cranial area. Once stimulated, the pineal and pituitary glands, as well as the hypothalamus, play active roles in linking you up.

The eighth chakra is in close proximity to your physical body—anywhere from a few inches to a few feet above your head. It relates to the invisible realms outside your body. The ninth chakra is outside the Earth’s atmosphere, perhaps as far away as your moon, connecting you as a steward and watcher of Earth. The tenth chakra reaches into your solar system, offering you access to all that is there. The eleventh is a galactic chakra that offers information about your local stellar influences. The twelfth chakra reaches outside your gal- axy and gives you access to what is in the rest of the universe as you picture it. In general, you do not have access to infor- mation outside of your universe at this time because your body is not evolved enough to handle it. One day, you may evolve there. However, at this time you have agreed to take on conscious evolution here on Earth—to become a radio station, broadcasting a tone or frequency that everybody else can handle.

These twelve energy centers must be accessed from the inside, where you can feel the data corresponding with them and translate the experiences within the context of your mind. This is you, evolving into your multidimensional identity, remembering who your version of yourself is—out in the galaxy, and beyond.

Many of you have been taught that you evolve through reincarnating, and that you have a soul that has many versions of itself. This is only a small part of the picture. You understand your reincarnational selves in terms of the human form. However, your selves are not all human. They exist in a variety of shapes, sizes, and guises, showing that all is part of one.

Since you are human, it has been the safest practice these last few thousand years to believe that you evolved on the reincarnational cycle through which your soul’s incarnations were always human. The human portion is only one creation, or one aspect of your identity. You exist in a form that is part human and part animal in many places. A portion of the drama that is now occurring has to do with other versions of yourself seeking their own evolution as the dimensions merge upon this planet. A meeting of your multidimensional selves is in the making, and your initiation and task is to incorporate all of this.

The creator gods can be thought of as combinations of all of the beings on your planet. They are represented in the insect family, the animal family, and all of the families of consciousness here on your Earth plane. Many of these beings that created you look like combinations of humans and animals.

When this planet was formulated, the combined wealth of intelligent species was pooled and distributed within the Living Library into every rock, plant, animal, insect, and other living thing. Since all things are alive and have con- sciousness, the Living Library is found even in grains of sand and bits of charcoal.

The human species, steward of Earth, can be thought of as the library card. As the concept of the library immerses itself within you, you will understand the value of feelings and how you are a key to the vast knowledge stored here. This discovery will unfold for you over time.

Energies that would like to meet you merge with other forms of the library, so it is quite possible for the animal family to have other energies looking out of their eyes to observe and gather information. The key to the Living Library is you humans, because you can unlock and access the entire library. It does not mean that others cannot come in through trees or other plants to merge, peek out, and understand your reality. When you make peace and surrender and do not go around violating life forms because they happen to over-step a boundary that has been falsely set, you allow yourself to have meetings with civilizations that are perhaps much grander than you conceive of.

The purpose of certain star energies in the last half-million years was to interact with various sentient civilizations on Earth, offering them a notable shift in understanding. These civilizations were tucked away—housed in very small geographic areas where they were left undisturbed. When the owners of the planet got wind of various experiments in which love was predominantly used, the civilizations were dispersed or destroyed.

Those who believe they own and operate your planet are enamored of power, and they hold onto power through creating the frequency of fear and chaos. It is simply the way that they operate and the way that they are learning about their own power of existence. We will remind you over and over again that all things are Prime Creator, so all forces that you meet are Prime Creator meeting itself and seeking to understand itself. Prime Creator seeks to harmonize and find the purpose that opposing forces of the same energy achieve. This is excellent to bear in mind. When you can keep in your conscious awareness the concept that all things are one, directed and chosen by the various aspects of self, and that all things are a result of thought seeking to understand and evolve itself, then you are out of the bleachers and into the game, playing ball. We want all people out on the field as valuable players, playing the game of life.

In order for Earth to serve a much grander purpose in the plan of the universe, it is becoming necessary for her to activate herself as a Living Library. This activation begins with yourself in your own backyard. You then spread this frequency around the planet. In less than twenty years, there will be some major changes.

The Living Library is not simply a historical record; it is an entire library of knowledge from which anything can be created. There are formulas and blueprints stored in the life forms on Earth for all kinds of realities to be developed. Other libraries located in various sectors of the universe store their knowledge in light forms or collections of molecules that you would not even recognize. For each of the twelve centers, the creator gods designed a unique storage method for the knowledge. The intent is to protect the integrity of the libraries, each alive in its own way. From a perspective of the future, the libraries have been lost, and the need for rediscovery and opening is now. Ideally, each of these twelve libraries creates an electromagnetic alliance which houses a stupendous shift in realization. The twelve together create the opportunity for a brand-new harmonic for all of existence, as you perceive it.

Here is a conceptualization for you: If the twelve libraries that you are a part of were all activated at full capacity, they would create a gigantic instrument in space that would connect itself through conscious beams of energy. This instrument could change the course of the corridors of time and completely alter the future universe by simply erasing its presence from where it began, without annihilating anything.

There are portions of yourself that are on this assignment from many, many different worlds and different points of view. Some of the contact that you are having now is from another part of yourself, a part of the self that is needing to meet the your-self version of you in order to make sense of all of this multidimensional experimentation, which is designed to provide a sense of unity for the future.

Once this energetic geometric relationship is set into motion, the Living Libraries are designed to send forms of wave particles through space, creating a new method for your universe to access itself. When these universal highways are connected as gridlines, information and energy will suddenly open a system of existence that was never there before. In your reality, you are constructing information superhigh-ways that broadcast what is occurring on Earth, sending it out as an energy shift everywhere. Eventually you will realize this shift in your body as it truly becomes the superhigh-way to life.

There are multitudes of civilizations that want to get back into the Living Library so they can change the course of the universe. We come from the future—and there are many futures—where Earth and a multitude of worlds are overrun by a tyrannical force in this free-will zone. Many are excited and wait in great anticipation to be introduced to you so that they may work with you. They understand that their energies are completely and totally foreign to your concepts. Yet, they understand that, from a future point of view, you know them and you are them and you were sent back in time by them.

We are acting as gatekeepers, allowing in certain ener- gies with great care, for we have a plan of intention to alter a distant future by altering a very distant past. You are simul- taneously located in all of these places, playing your part. We have agreed to be a stimulator and energy facilitator for you in many of the different realities where you are located. Versions of you are also located in some of the eleven other libraries throughout this universe, and you are operating as systems busters there as well. Remember, as a member of the Family of Light you carry the vibration and intent of change wherever you go—altering the system you find yourself in. Feel this out, and be open to an infusion of knowing how vast you are, and how grand the plan.

Many members of the Family of Light will become library cards or tour guides to those who will match you frequency for frequency, and love for love. You will bring about a merging through love that will create a new ownership and direction of this place that you call Earth. Remember that Prime Creator is in all things, so part of the true purpose of the Living Library of Earth is to blend and merge consciousness so that you may experience and access the magnificent knowledge that is stored here. The key here is to love and value yourself and Earth.

When a world such as yours is in the process of spiritual evolution, there is an opportunity for any and all who have ever been involved with the library to make a cosmic leap. Therefore, many beings come from far and wide to participate, bringing their own agendas and creating plans within plans. There is much healing to take place, for many species who you would consider to be dark or negative are also drawn to your Earth at this time. They are here to wake you up and stimulate you with their own “badness” to remind you of something.

Remember, this is a world of polarities, and shadow defines light. These energies are here not to be bombed, killed, or destroyed, even though your governments may tell you that these visitors are evil. They are here to heal, to infuse themselves with the vibrations of light and love, and to come into a higher state of being in their own species because they have forgotten what those on Earth have forgotten— that you are all one. Those in fear will attract the unclear and unhealed portions of themselves as exterior beings. Misuse of life and power draws its mirror experience. You will come to understand that you are what you are afraid of.

You are beginning to realize at the close of this millen- nium that genetic engineering is no big deal. You, Earth’s inhabitants, would go into immediate shock if you learned what is now possible by fusing genes together—if your so-called news sources were to do stories concerning goings-on in some of the laboratories around your planet. Creatures have been created and life forms have been unleashed on the Earth plane in many places.

If this power to create life is now available to evolving humans with two-stranded DNA, imagine what kind of genetic understanding is held by beings who have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. This is how worlds and species are created and are born. These so-called gods, like waves of energy, split off from Prime Creator and set out in this free-will zone. They take the energy of Prime Creator as the web of existence and experiment so that they can learn about power and energy. They have free will to do whatever they want, and if and when they get lost and forget and create things of darkness, it is all part of the same game. It is the same energy. It is all connected, and it all needs to be healed.

Once you transform Earth and move into the Golden Age, it will alter the rest of the universe. It will take one or two thousand years for you to know the change that will move over the whole universe. The change could happen simultaneously; it is just that you will not see it simultaneously. It will take you a thousand or two thousand years to experience the change from your point of view. Yet, when you change on this Earth plane, it will happen instantly everywhere.

Those who would deem themselves the owners or gods of your planet at this time will attempt to keep you from the loving, cooperative emotion that will facilitate your evolvement. They will do everything in their power to bring about unrest, chaos, war, and fear, which keep you from accessing the Living Library.

Those who took over your planet won it in a war. They knew Earth was valuable; however, they were far removed from the memory of what Earth’s value was. They mined your planet for gold, came for water, raped your psyche, and robbed you of your essence, thinking they were reaping the abundance. Yet, once this planet was won, they overlooked the true riches because they didn’t know how to recognize them.

These owners or gods know that humans can access something by operating out of love, and that is why the love frequency has been so scarce on your planet. The owners did not want the riches to be discovered by anyone else until they could discover the riches for themselves. They will not discover these riches until they operate in the love frequency. This they must learn, and you will teach them.

Even though these energies have been unable to activate the library and get what they wanted out of it, they have fig- ured out another use for it. They have been intent all these years on increasing the population and gearing Earth up for as many humans as possible to emit an emotional frequency of chaos and fear on a regular basis. They’ve done a good job. It is time for the story to be told, and for all people to stop believing in this foolishness of religions and gods that limit them, calling them sinners and telling them that their lives are wrong. What is wrong is all life not being valued. The lives of grass, of humans, of animals, of flowers—all are valuable. That is universal truth. You have a right to your sexuality, to speak what you feel, and to follow your own truth and not obey someone’s silly rules.

You must grow and change beyond your current ideas that offer only one version of existence. Understand that as humans you have been told many different stories so that you could grow into the comprehension of the universal spirit, the great web of consciousness of which you are a part. Your religions serve a purpose; however, they are steeped in falsehoods.

Religions were created to give you as humans some way of comprehending your identity, which is a valuable thing to learn. However, the information disseminated to you through the various religions gives you a limited perspective of who you are and keeps you disempowered. Any religion is a perspective upon existence. The stories, the individuals, and the myths that make up religion are all used in different ways to affect the behavior of populations. Remember, as any group of people focuses their energy and intent, their collective thought forms produce an energetic mass that moves out into existence.

What was appropriate from a religious point of view a few hundred years ago is no longer significant today. Times are changing. Just as you go to school to learn, the soul graduates from lifetime to lifetime. Or sometimes the soul has to spend many lifetimes in one grade until the information, in the form of lessons, is learned. Then the soul moves on to the next level. The place that the human race is moving to involves an understanding that you can be equal to beings whom centuries and millennia ago you called gods. You could not have been equals five to ten thousand years ago because you did not comprehend the abilities of these gods. They came in technologically advanced craft, and your cultures had no words to describe their technology. If you go back twenty or thirty thousand years, there were technological advancements on your planet that were very interesting. However, these things have been misunderstood, covered over, or hidden away.

There are a number of corners on your planet where small clusters of civilizations hold part of the Living Library open by imbuing love into themselves and onto Earth. Earth then returns love to them, making life creative and sustain- ing. When the Living Library is activated and feeds information, cooperation, and love back into human stewards, things will become less of a struggle. As a matter of fact, when the Living Library is completely activated, you will be able to manifest, construct, and find out anything you want. The human nervous system and DNA structure are not evolved enough at this time to hold the exchange of information and frequency that would take place if the Living Library were to be completely activated. It would involve too drastic a change from how you are used to perceiving nature.

When the Living Library is in full bloom, intelligence will speak from all parts of existence, and we mean speak. You will spend an hour communing with one particular flower. During this time you will be entranced by the knowledge you discover in walking three feet. There will be a gradual adjustment within all living life forms so that each evolves and opens simultaneously, creating a matching and a meeting of vibration and consciousness. Remember, everything is alive.

Animals are brilliant and are much smarter than humans. Many are now moving to this world of light, which is why there are many so-called extinctions taking place. Animals are very clever. There are many distinctions between the animal species and yourselves. One of the greatest is that the animals know that they do not end when they die. They know that they go on. They don’t buy funeral plots and they don’t worry about where they are going to die and be buried. They trust that they will be taken care of. They have an innate wisdom and trust. They don’t take out insurance policies and they don’t watch TV. Many of these animals are very in tune with the quality of life; they know that the quality of life they desire cannot be found any more in your global sphere, and therefore they are departing.

The animals were given to you as companions upon this planet. It has been up to you whether you eat them or not. The animals do not object to being eaten if that adds to the quality of your life and to the quality of their lives. However, animals are not presently respected and honored for the quality of their lives. They are treated as if they are not alive, as if they do not feel, and as if they are slaves of the human species.

Animals were designed and created to be your compan- ions, to occupy the space to teach, show, and share the way with you. The animals are a biogenetic creation based upon genes that were gathered from many different solar systems and planets. Their creation allows representatives from those systems to have a genetic link with Earth and therefore the ability to peer into and broadcast into this world. This facet of creation has never really been understood.

Animals have a certain intuitive sense that lets them understand their roles with each other. They come from a variety of extraterrestrial communities and look just like their ancestors, who are sentient beings upon other planets. If you knew how many millions and billions of planets there are in existence, this idea would not be so boggling to you. Those that created your planet asked for different seeds from dif- ferent places. These seeds were biogenetically engineered to create companions for you and to seed Earth.

Some of the animals here are utilized as transmitters. Your cats are direct transmitters of information to a species of consciousness that uses the cats to monitor you. In ancient times upon your planet, it was in vogue in many cultures to have a lion or other large cat next to the ruling entity. These animals were always there. Look at ancient statues all over the planet and what do you see? Lions. The cat family rep- resents a biogenetic tooling of a species that looks like you except that it has the visage of a cat. The cat people, or lion people, have come in shifts upon your planet and worked in South America, Mexico, Egypt, and in some island cultures. Statues have been built to honor them. When they taught the human race, or when they mixed their species and created the rulers here, especially in Egypt, they left cats to transmit information so the rulers had direct contact with the species from the stars. This is how many of these rulers made deci- sions. This is how they were guided. The cats gave them telepathic information. They were like transmitters or cosmic radios. In more current times, cats were owned by witches. Do you think witches were fools? The cats were links to other realms. When energy that is not so uplifted comes in, cats can intercept it and alter the vibration. Now many of you have little cats in your houses that transmit much information to you. However, in this time period, you are not generally working with this kind of information. The cats are guardians and assistants for you, great companions of comfort.

If you are allergic to cats, it indicates many things. We have worked with many people on their allergies. One of the prime things that being allergic to cats indicates is that you have difficulty allowing closeness of love to come into your life. You cannot let love in. The kitty gives you a certain amount of loyalty and love, and when it gets close to you, you may be unable to accept this deep connection with another being. That is one symbolic representation of an allergy to a certain animal.

Each species serves a purpose for you. Cockroaches that are overrunning your life may have to do with issues you are not facing that are attempting to come to the surface. You don’t look at cockroaches and say, “Oh, you beautiful little cockroaches. How nice to see you upon my kitchen sink this morning.” Often you smash them or get out the bug spray. Yet, they are becoming stronger and stronger, are they not? They are quite a hardy species and have survived many a shift of energy, learning to transmute toxins over and over again. They are here to remind you to look at that which is not necessarily dressed in its own finery—that which is inside yourself that needs to come out. What is it inside you that is pestering you? And how can you become more hardy as a species?

It is quite easy to live in harmony with nature. All you need do is telepath exactly what you want to experience. Talk to Earth and to nature in your mind and out loud. If you find you are invaded by nature’s creatures, then simply say, “How clever of me to teach myself in this capacity. I am understanding, little creatures, that you are attempting to show me something. Now I will gather my wits about myself and begin to look inside.” You like to put up veils and screens and annihilate what is irritating you so that you don’t have to face who you are. If you face who you are, you will need to change, and that change may involve too many things. Often, you hold onto that which keeps you unhappy rather than face the unknown alone. Please realize that you are never alone.

The creatures are here as companions for you. There is nothing that is here that is out to get you. You are trained to believe that things are out to get you, so you put out that vibration. Then, because you create your reality, you do your best to force reality to bend in a direction to harm yourself. It is not that easy to harm yourself, you know. You must put out a great amount of effort to create disease and harm.

It is well known in the scientific community that many things that are promoted are not in your best interest. However, economics and money are always involved, mak- ing a dollar on your fear. What do you think it will take to stop that process?

The animals are now mirroring for you the pain in which you find yourselves, psychologically and spiritually. The animals take on this pain and are going to take on disease as well. You are not connected to the way animals are raised for food, and there is tremendous discomfort in the many animal families at this time. Discomfort moves into diseasement. These animals are here to teach you. They will mirror to you what you need to see about yourselves. Your pets very often will take on things you cannot see to show you, out of great loyalty and love.

When you approach an animal, the animal knows if you are coming in peace or if you are going to lash out at it. When you allow forms of animal life to sit in equality to you, then you will be ready to sit in council on the higher planes of existence. You will be able to comprehend how the god force disguises itself in all of its various creations throughout existence. There is intelligence in all living things. It is quite erroneous for humankind to think of or label itself as the most evolved species. That is completely false. There cannot be a comparison because there is a life force, a consciousness within all things. The rocks and the mountains sometimes have a greater understanding of their purpose than the species of humankind has ever been able to achieve.

Plants grown in a toxic-free, loving environment, nurtured and spoken to, send out a response to that treatment. The plants and trees outside the house want the same thing. So do the plants in the field next door. They want the same love and may bend and move in the direction of love being expressed. The plant kingdom is very generous, as is the animal kingdom. They both freely give. The plants and animals that you energize share that energy with all they know. They give off hormone-like substances so that instantly what one plant knows and experiences is sent to all the other plants.

There are plants that, when ingested, connect you to other forms of self and other forms of consciousness. The whole concept of altering your consciousness through plants has been given an unfavorable name in your Western world, associated with what is called drugs. In many sacred ceremonies and rituals, it is understood that certain parts of the plants of the Living Library are ingested so that you may further understand the Living Library. So, if you would, open your mind to the idea that Earth grows things that allow you to understand her in greater detail. There are those who do not want you to gather more information and become free, so they say to you that something is bad. They turn something that is quite beautiful into something to be frightened of. In actuality, the purpose of being human is to alter your consciousness by intent, by will, and by the gifts of the planet in a fashion of ritual and honor—and to discover the magnifi- cence of living.

Many of the substances that your Western world could benefit from exist within the plant kingdom. It is quite inter- esting that there is a program to destroy the parts of the world where people have made use of the Living Library through the plant pharmacopoeia. Plants offer you the opportunity to understand your planet and yourselves. There are those who are burning the rain forests and purposely destroying portions of the Living Library. Sometimes antennae of beetles and bark or roots from trees hold keys used to balance, heal, and bring the human body into a state of higher consciousness. All things are here for a purpose, and when they are explored by humans, they will give back and gift humans. In actuality, Earth has been waiting for humans to discover this living miracle. Now is the time for a move- ment on the planet—a courageous growing multitude that will rise to the call for the purpose of Earth. You will make new paths and roadways toward what is possible by work- ing in harmony with Earth.

You have all known by intention, plan, and blueprint that your purpose is to evolve, to create a literal mutation of form inside the human body. You are to seek out those energy places on the planet that will accelerate from outside the internal process as it is developing. Love, which exists as a force you have not yet been able to comprehend, is the key. Therefore, the way you presently conceive of love will change. As you discover love from inside yourself, you will create a mirror outside yourself to reflect your inner beliefs as your thoughts take form in your life. Your exploration of love as a vital force of existence will affect the planet, and the planet will become that vibration as well, no matter what they say in the headlines of the newspapers.

Remember, love is a frequency, and light is a frequency. They both exist as electromagnetic broadcastings of energy. The whole planet is a Living Library that can be activated by adjusting the human genetic structure. This is so because you as humans are the keys to the Living Library, and emotions are what allow you to read the information. Those who own your planet, and would claim to be the gods in charge here, are learning about love. There has not been a civilization upon your planet that has held the love frequency open for any great epoch. Each had its day and its time, then was invaded and destroyed, from your point of view. Throughout historical time periods, the love frequency was held by different civilizations. For periods of time, Native Americans held a love frequency, and the Living Library was open to certain degrees throughout numerous native and indigenous cultures. When their time of stewardship was complete, the frequency was transferred to other places. There have been many experiments from the Pleiadian system sent here to imbue the love frequency onto the planet and to keep it glimmering. Those from the Pleiades have been able to open portals and hold the love frequency, so that it could be activated when the time became necessary, which all of you know is now.

Our task, which seems impossible to many, is to set you free. In the ideal, you will establish yourselves as your own authorities. You will learn to look at yourselves as equal with all of creation, and not to worship any other creation. You will say, “Look at me. Who is it that I am in relationship to all of these things? I am a miraculous being in my own right. I am a source in my own right. I can find the answers. I can see the future. I can see into the past. I am sovereign.”

Sometimes you may get annoyed with us and say, “Oh, those Pleiadians are too much. They are too pesky. When are they going to leave me alone? They are pushing all of my buttons.” Yet, if you listen to the undertone and you come back to the center of our purpose, you will find that we do everything to turn you to yourselves. When we do not answer your questions, it is not that we are withholding information. It is that we are turning you to you. We intend to bring each of you into sovereignty, and empowerment, a place of peaceful acknowledgment within your own being. In this place, you can create life as you choose, no matter what is going on around you. This is our purpose. And in the times that are coming, these qualities will serve as your most valuable attributes.

We have had to qualify for the stewardship of our ener- gy. We were not born with golden spoons in our mouths. We evolved, and we learned. We learn from you, and, in a man- ner of speaking, we learned so much about who you are that we are refashioning ourselves in our reality. We cultivated humor and joviality because they are completely necessary. If we took our work too seriously we would be finished, just as you would be. We would all miss the point.

There is a reciprocity that is taking place. On the Pleiades, there is a huge difference that is being made through all of the work that you do. We want you to comprehend that. This is an exchange, not a one-sided event. It is open ended. The changes that are evident in your lives have corresponding effects elsewhere as a result of your clear intent and invest- ment of energy. It is our intention and deepest desire that you live to see and feel these effects—to know your multidi- mensional selves as spanning the worlds of both Earth and the Pleiades.

We are the intermediaries—those who open the gates, make introductions, and show the way. A gigantic force of intelligence awaits, stating, “We want to meet the humans. We want to work with them. We want to be involved with this project.” And we have said, “Hold up! You cannot flood into their lives, because they are fragile. You must be patient until they get to the place where it will be easy for you to meet.”

Understand that, to some extent, the Living Library and the story of twelve is a concept far beyond your grasp at this time. It is going to become a process through which you as humans will activate yourselves during the next twenty-year period. Your imagination and your ability to dream fantas- tic concepts into being will create the library. We want to assist you in redreaming the Living Library, making it into a new place, with a new form of vitality. There are a few places where the Living Library is already activated. It is not just that the land itself is alive; it is necessary that human consciousness translate and work with the aliveness. That is what makes the Living Library, because it is through you that the Living Library is accessed. A Living Library without humans is incomplete. You are the essential component within the Living Library.

We would like each of you, as you walk on Earth, to speak to the blades of grass, the grains of sand, the petals of flowers, the butterflies, the insects, the ants, the birds, the bees, the ferns, the leaves, the drops of water, the dew—and to state your presence. State: “I am here. It is my intention for you to release to me what knowledge has been stored within you as a living form. I am now here to receive it, to translate it, to understand it, and then to transduce it out to the rest of the planet. I am desiring to activate the Living Library of this planet.” We would like that to be your living meditation and intention. Allow the land, the Living Library that is alive with the love frequency, to move into your body.

As you redream the Living Library, imagine the value of Earth. As you hold this image of the library, all the people who support you and know you as a member of the Family of Light will feel what you are gaining, because you are all connected. You are recognized by your commitment to say- ing, “Yes, I am of the Family of Light.” You impulse everyone everywhere with what you know in this moment, and those in the Family of Light can then reach out and touch others. It is a big dream.

We want you to glide through this time of worlds opening and realities shifting. There are patterns of energies in your bodies stored as cellular memories, and we must go gently to create an arena in which you can grow.

Energy Exercise

Open your imagination and journey within. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Imagine that you are standing in a circle of people. You are holding hands with this group of people. There is a brilliant fuchsia, gold, and white light coming down from above, creating a pillar of light. Now imagine Earth as a Living Library with incomparable vitality. Everything is radiating light, and you have never seen Earth this alive before. Maintain the image, holding hands in a circle, and at the same time, let a part of yourself break away. Step forward as an individual into the circle and the pillar of light. Access the pillar of light and follow our intent so that we can bring you to another home, the Pleiades. Let your imagination and your trust carry you upward. Feel a lightness, a joy, a deep sensation of connecting and longing.

Now, find yourself in your conception of the Pleiades. Observe and feel and acknowledge. Give something to the source that created you that would make a difference. The greatest thing that you can gift is your compassion, which is your ability to understand why things were done the way they were. This compassion opens your ability to see and feel the results of eons of time. Corridors are open to you to unlock the very truth that pulsates within every cell of your being. Give what you can and what you will to this place that is home, and find a rejoicing and a purpose within it. Intend that a change be made and that a prophecy be fulfilled. Intend that the creations themselves return to their creator to set the creator free.

Bring your attention to your breath, breathe easily, and send a vibration of playful upliftment, release, and understanding to this place that is your home and our home. Feel for a few moments what is returned to you.

Now imagine yourself in the palm of a huge hand. You are in a circle ringed together with other people in your group. A huge hand reaches from the Pleiades and gently places you back on Earth in your own garden, as if you are the most delicate and valuable of creatures. See yourself running and frolicking and playing as if you were a child. The vitality of Earth and of your- self is grander now than it was when you started. Put a smile on your face and allow the emotion and tears of recognition to do their work—to open your heart to all realms, in all worlds. What you have accomplished in this very moment of compassion is a hallmark of achievement.