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Earth 10

Before you came into this reality, you applied for a slice of time—the moment you were born. At the precise time of your birth, the stars, planets, moon, and sun were in a spe- cific configuration. When you emerged from your mother’s womb, the energy from the stars and planets imprinted your flesh, no matter where you were, because the energy was touching Earth at that time as well. Within that moment were written certain probabilities, specific opportunities, and distinct challenges. The language of the stars explains your world in a way that is helpful for you to understand the big- ger picture. Everything is in geometric relationship to every- thing else, creating energetic patterns. You yourself selected a moment and a lineage, a bloodline that you were born to, to give you the opportunities that you assessed would be ideal for you to experience in this lifetime. You determined these experiences according to what you needed to learn, based on what you had created, will create, and are creating simulta- neously in other places.

The heavens speak to you of your own majestic splendor, playing out their story through you. The planets broadcast their life force as electromagnetic waves that create cycles within which significant achievements, designed as chal- lenges and victories, define specific epochs or ages. These cycles, if understood, will automatically benefit the planet. The cycles have been ignored and trivialized to keep you in ignorance, causing you to miss the tremendous self-realiza- tion that accompanies the meaning of life. One of the ways the teachings of the cycles became lost was through the dis- puting and refuting of astrology. You have been told that astrology is a meaningless study, when in actuality astrology and astronomy are the languages of the universe. In its truest form, knowledge of the heavens translates the macrocosm into the microcosm, acknowledging you within a significant slice of existence.

In 1993, you experienced what we refer to as the Galactic Tidal Wave of Light, which was translated through a plan- etary lineup that created a pathway of energies. Each planet within your solar system has its own field of consciousness that pulsates and radiates rays of energies, like highways of data. When planets align in specific geometric relationships, they create energetic complexities as their independent forces merge. When two planets move into conjunction, it appears from your point of view on Earth that they are on top of each other. In actuality, while still quite distant in the depths of space, their energy highways are merged. The energy that moves from one planet is connected with the energy moving from the other planet.

The Galactic Tidal Wave of Light can be understood through the two planets Uranus and Neptune, which came into conjunction on three separate occasions, in February, August, and October 1993, aligning and energizing the sign of Capricorn at 18 to 19 degrees. Each planet has its own identity, its domain of influence. Each planet is a sentient being, an intelligent force of its own. As these two forms of intelligence came together in the sky, they transmitted a combined beam onto Earth, affecting those portions of Earth influenced by Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which represents form, structure, authority, limitations, and time. Among other things, Saturn has to do with rocks, stones, and crystals. Because these two planets joined in Capricorn, they mystified, electrified, energized, and changed the stone of Earth herself.

On a planetary scale, the energy of this conjunction is leading you toward an opening of the feeling center, offering a solution to the building chaos. Therefore, when systems go down, use your feelings to move ahead. Without feelings, especially those of love, you are doomed. You will experi- ence soul-stirring feelings in the solar plexus. Once these feelings are connected by threads of compassion to the heart, you will be able to determine reality through a source other than the logical mind. You will begin to feel your way into reality. This will release energy that is locked in the lower chakras as unrecognized and unresolved memories. The released energy will rise to the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown—the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh points of distribution in the body. This process will connect humanity, and you will see that you have things in common, rather than the opposite. You will remember past lives by experiencing them as ongoing and simultaneously occurring. This will throw many of you into confusion as you are challenged to process the memories and realizations that are flooding into your consciousness.

This opening of the energy centers is meant to serve as a solution. In the ideal, it will create a chaotic vortex that scrambles your reality, so you will not know for certain any longer what is real. You will doubt the blind allegiance you have had for various institutions as uncertainty and confu- sion take hold. Some of you will experience a depression accompanying this doubt. Others of you will say, “Wow, I am unburdened. I am free. This is magnificent.”

Those of you interested in alternate versions of reality will grow to numbers you would not believe possible. You may find that when you are shopping at the local store, your casual comments turn to conversation of a deep metaphysical nature, or involving the presence of extraterrestrials. Spirit will impulse you to say things that you would never, ever have said before. Be open to this, and to the opening of peo- ple in every avenue of life. Members of your families may be making 180-degree turns. Not all, though some, will begin to see the light. Perhaps you used to think about certain people, “Oh, there is no hope for them.” This will no longer be the case.

You will be amazed by which of you will shed cloaks and be activated, for it has nothing to do with the amount of time you have spent, the tapes you have listened to, or the books you have read. When spirit comes knocking on your doors, and your codes are fired, the awakening happens quickly. What took some of you twenty, thirty, or five years to learn, others of you will know in a flash. You won’t learn it, you will simply know it. So, be prepared to offer and seek coun- seling, and to learn, for you learn the most when you teach. People mirror for you, and as you teach them and explain to them, they teach you in turn about yourself, your patterns, and about how people learn. The momentum of the awaken- ing energy is a tsunami-like experience, growing in magni- tude with each passing moment.

This flood of cyclic energy is responsible for the rapid mutation that will take place within the human species. You, as you exist here in this very moment, are changing or mutating through this energy, and your cells are becoming something different than they were. An alteration on a cel- lular level will catapult you to a metamorphosis in the spiri- tual dimensions. The Earth changes that occur as a result will finalize the shift in consciousness that is needed to restore sanity, purpose of living, and meaningful existence to dimen- sions that are to be home here on Earth.

There are a number of natural cycles in the lifetime of humans in which the kundalini rises. As humans, you run off a current of energy that lies coiled at the base of your spines, called the serpent energy. It is the closest thing that you have to the energy of Prime Creator. You use your kundalini ener- gy to reproduce yourselves, and do not have a clue that it can be used to change the way you view reality. In the Western world, you have not come to this realization, because there are those in power who do not want you to change the status quo of your consumer society.

Kundalini most often moves from the base of the spine to the second chakra—from identity and survival up to creativ- ity and sexual expression—and goes no further. Around the age of forty, at Uranus opposition, or mid-life crisis as it’s called, the energy is pulled upward by the planet Uranus. With Uranus having such a powerful affect on the global col- lective at this time, there will be an ongoing series of mass kundalini risings, no matter the age. The status quo of elec- tromagnetic cosmic energy must become greater within the human race.

Before you agree to enter the physical plane, you go over in great detail the parameters of your most outrageous probabilities. You set up blueprints, and then you wait for the gap, the perfect electromagnetic window into physical reality. This window is a lineup of energies, directed by the heavenly bodies, that allows you to travel a road into your genetic code. One day the reading of astrological charts will reveal a correspondence between the alignment of planets and the arrangement of DNA. Currently, there are twelve houses in the zodiac, and there are twelve strands of DNA. The twelve strands of DNA are eventually going to show themselves in the iris of the eye, and you will be able to read the genetic purpose within the iris. If you divide the iris into twelve houses, like the wheel in a birthchart, each house will correspond to its own place in the body, much as it corresponds to a person’s astrological imprinting of planetary and stellar energies at birth. Through a reflection in the eye, the twelve strands of DNA will eventually reveal their genetic codes of purpose and intent as stored in the blood. Many so-called mysteries will be revealed, liberating you from further deceit. It is through the eyes that you peek into the window of the soul, and where the deepest imprinting and exchange occurs among all species.

Long ago, astrology and astronomy were one. When the left brain came into great activity and the plan surfaced to create a false ego or scientific mind to steer humans away from themselves, the truths became ridiculed. Ancient laws became a mockery, and you were sent back onto the planet to honor and reawaken these truths.

The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth’s atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. It affects all life forms on this planet, beyond what you can currently grasp. In your history, there are references to two moons around Earth. You don’t hear of this often, but there are those who know.

Earth must be owned by those who dwell here; how- ever, it is not. You have outside gods, creator energies, who prevent you, as a species, from having free rein with your kundalini. The influence of the moon, as a main satellite com- puter, affects all of Earth. At this time, powerful cosmic rays are crossing space as photonic waves and being transduced through Uranus, Neptune, and other forces. This is creating an overloaded circuitry around the control that has kept you from understanding that you, as human beings, must take stewardship of your planet.

Why are you locked into a prescribed formula of time that is irrelevant in every other place? What is the signifi- cance of twelve in this marking and dividing process? Who would you be without this? These are the questions we wish you to ponder. The answers have, of course, to do with control of your life span and kundalini. You see, in the ideal, your life span would be much longer than it is, and your society would honor the process of gathering wisdom through experience. In the ideal, the kundalini experience at forty, in a society structured and nurtured to bring it about, would create the maturation of the individual. Right now, you consider yourself to come into maturation at the age of twenty-one. Please be aware that you experience numerous cycles of energy that come through the body to teach you new vistas of maturation. Awareness of this process is key to your development. It challenges you to continually take on more responsibility, and not to feel burdened by it.

There have been many, many battles over the moon. Parts of the moon are owned, and parts are utilized. There is a plan to gradually insert different programs of influence on Earth when the moon becomes occupied by forces that would assist you in your growth, rather than limit you. The moon’s pro- grams have, for eons, been of great limitation toward human beings. The tales about the full moon and insanity, madness, and heightened bleeding are all quite true. There are repeti- tive cycles that the moon creates, to which you respond. You know that television influences you to a great degree. The moon is the same way. You simply have not been able to tune into the moon’s programs and learn how to turn them off. You cannot. Others must turn the moon off for you, or reprogram the moon, which is what is taking place now.

At this time, the moon is quite controlled. Some people are gravely affected by mania and craziness from the moon. Extraterrestrials and others have many bases on the moon, and those from Earth have little influence, when it comes down to it. It is the extraterrestrials who really operate it all. Your technology, though rapidly advancing, cannot begin to compare with the biotechnology of sentient space travelers. You are newcomers to the game, and you miss a vital key, for your senses and the essence of your physical world structure reality in a particular way. You constantly translate data, and, like interpreting a dream, condense the experience into phys- ical boundaries, where you find you can explain less and less. All is thought—a mental architecture—with a construction crew in many realities.

The sun is the governor of your solar system and is the seat of intelligence that rules this particular locale you occu- py. The sun reaches into your domain and reads the vibra- tions as it touches your skin. It is intimately connected with every aspect of life as you know it. It is a force of intelligence that fuels your very existence and creates the environment under which you can evolve. The sun is very interested in your evolution, for as you evolve, you feed everything that you do back to the sun as it touches you.

In many cultures, the sun is revered as the intelligent force that governs this world, like a god. You would be amazed at who and what dwells in the sun. The sun is an illusion. Highly advanced worlds can disguise themselves as suns to protect themselves from invasion and penetra- tion through the force of light. For some, the sun is a place of great learning, while for others it is simply an initiation they pass through to get beyond and behind the sun. It is not, as your scientists say, simply burning forms of gas.

Science, to a large degree, has ruined your interpretations of life. It has taken all of the fun, vitality, excitement, and mystery out of life. Life has been made very mundane and boring, as if it is meaningless. Can you imagine the sun being meaningless? Contemplate this for a moment. Yet today there is a campaign of fear and negativity against the sun. People no longer feel connected to nature because science has said that nature is not safe. The suspicion of the sun, nature, and Earth has contributed to your current crisis: your lack of respect in honoring and cherishing your home. There is a deep crisis of conflicting beliefs in the scientific community at this time—thank goodness, and thank Goddess.

The sun and the moon are the luminaries within your system by which you are most profoundly influenced and affected. The sun generates its own light. The sun, in turn, illuminates the moon. The moon is a sub-satellite of the sun, orbiting as a computer around Earth, built and maintained by many generations of gods. Heavenly bodies are con- structed in the shapes of asteroids, moons, and planets, and it is through these luminaries that rays of intelligence, radio waves, and gamma rays are transmitted from star to sun and sent to Earth. It is through these rays that your actions are also read and taken back into the sun, the moon, and the beaming system—in this case, the Pleiades.

When you are able to move to another location and view the solar system and sky from a different point of reference, you will see that Earth and the stars and everything shift quite dramatically. One of the systems with which you rotate is the system of the Pleiades, whose central sun is called Alcyone. Your solar system is located on the fringe of the galactic spiral.

Imagine that you draw a line from Earth to Alcyone, intending to connect to the central sun. Then, once you get to Alcyone, someone says, “There is another central sun around which we rotate here as well.” So you draw a line over there. Then someone else says, “There are many central suns over here.” So you go here and there, drawing these lines. Your universe houses billions of galaxies, and you are located in one galaxy. A geometric form comes into being when you draw these lines. We are making this very simple. This is not how it is; however, we are creating an image for you that will help you understand. When you draw lines and energetically connect one central sun to another, you connect a collective of intelligence. That collective of intelligence can be likened to what you call a location of Prime Creator, though it is not. It might be a location of one of the creator gods or representatives, or home to a Game Master experiment. Imagine that an intelligent being, operating through many dimensions of existence, is made up of central suns peppered throughout its so-called body from all over your universe.

It is through the suns that all worlds are governed. Growth is oriented toward these suns. It is your sun that allows you to have light, and light is what permits you to see reflections of yourselves in the outside world. Without light, what could you mirror for yourselves? What would you see?

The sun is the governor, the ruler of your particular sys- tem as it appears to you. It is the sensitive spot of your par- ticular arena of space. The sun reads its creations and in turn feeds the creations what they need. So when you carry love of yourselves and Earth, the solar rays completely understand the consciousness you carry. When you carry fear of Earth, the solar rays understand, and they nudge you into those experiences.

When the intensity on your planet speeds up and broad- casts itself as misuse of energy, the sun reads this. The sun is the feeling heart center. It permits and activates life, because it touches and reads all things. You cannot hide who you are, for the sun’s rays read your vibration. Some people attempt to hide from the sun by going underground to keep their activities secret.

Think about the consciousness of the sun as it peeks out on its domain. It touches all points with varying cycles of light, checking to see what is happening in every nook and cranny. It feels and brings the energy back to itself, and then makes decisions about its own expression. It learns how to correct balances and imbalances within its own creations. The sun is changing. The sun and its many forces are brewing phenomenal shifts and sending them to every aspect of your being. There are plans within plans within plans. Understand that always the highest plan of opportunity is available to you, if you so choose.

There will be a tremendous increase in solar flares; the energy of the sun will burst and burn, sending out massive amounts of gamma rays. Sometimes the sun is quite docile and gentle, like a little baby. Other times it has volatile periods with activity like a million volcanoes going off at once. Yet if you have the appropriately tuned consciousness, you can move right through this activity into the domain that exists behind that particular illusion. The form of the sun is an illusion that is deeply imbedded in the essence of every facet of this solar system, and in every part of the DNA of the universe. Within the overall blueprint and design of core beliefs, it is decreed that certain illusions will be perceived and others will not. The sun is an agreed-upon root assumption that emerges into many realities and actually allows realities to merge.

As the rays from the sun change, activated by the consciousness of the inhabitants of Earth, and as the sun releases solar bursts, the polar regions of Earth are affected. The flares sent forth are like atomic explosions or jolts of electricity that go millions of miles deep into space. Earth’s poles, which are magnets, catch this energy. They grab energy that comes from space to the planet. Because of the magnetic force, they arc it either around the equator or inward to the core of Earth. Each pole grabs the solar energy, drives it in, and cre- ates a huge cylinder of vibrational energy. As that vibrational energy jolts and jiggles to fit, it has to align with the energy gridwork of Earth that is connected from the poles. This gridwork is decreed by you, and to some extent, all energies merging or emerging through your version of Earth conform to this grid of beliefs.

Of course, many things are not in balance, which is why you are going to have a relocation of the poles so that the gridwork will be more able to catch the energy. Right now, the particular pole alignment cannot serve as the electrical ground or lightning rod that is required to avoid burnout.

The poles create a lightning rod through Earth, though the current setup will short circuit everything. So, in order to avoid complete destruction, there will be a shift. The poles will move someplace else, as they have numerous times before when the balance of Earth was at stake. There will only be a minor shift from a space perspective. From your perspective, however, the shift will seem quite major.

The solar energy is creating a new vibration with which disturbing and disruptive energies will not be able to fit. In order to qualify and join the club, energies will have to lay claim to a certain vibration of love. The sun is saying, “Enough. We are going to put you back into alignment. See what you can do this time around.”

Only those with uncluttered consciousness will be able to house this energy in their bodies. Those with negative thoughts feel it as a direct poison; their thoughts will return and potentially cause havoc in their bodies. The solution is to have clear thoughts and uncluttered bodies that are able to take this energy in completely without fear. Each time you expose yourself to these fantastic doses of energy, you increase your intuition, your psychic potential, and your ability to decode the DNA. All of these abilities are magnified thousands and thousands of times. This is part of the way that the sun is responding to who you are, so trust that the sun reads you. Have honest, open, and agreeable energy with the sun and with all the elements around you.

Intelligence designs itself as light. We will say that again: Intelligence designs itself as light. It is the intelligence of your sun that holds your solar system in its energetic field. At this time, effects are coming to you from beyond your sun. It is almost as if the effects of your sun have been unable to penetrate what has happened here on Earth, so other suns are coming to be assistants to your sun. Your sun makes the solar flares that draw the cosmic rays, grounding them into this solar system. Think of the sun as a gigantic magnet. Its solar flares send out tentacles to reach and grab for the cosmic rays. The cosmic rays are solar flares from a central sun at a distant place in your galaxy.

Imagery: This is the whole means of control in your world. There exists a select group not necessarily aligned with the upliftment of humanity. There are some who understand that there is a mutation going on in humanity at this time, and that the sun is responsible for much of it. In order to counteract this mutation or changing within the human race, they create an image by which you become afraid of the sun. So masses of people are obediently following the suggestions of authority. There are people who so readily accept the imagery fed to them that they can create skin cancer dashing through the sun’s rays from the garage to their car.

There has been a conspiracy against the sun, as if the designers of your world were flawed and made a mistake when they put the sun in your solar system. That is the idea that is foisted upon you as humans. And as humans—just to show how foolish you are and how controlled you can be—you believe everything you read. Because it is in print, you believe it.

If plants are smart enough to work with the sun and provide the canopy of energy, prana, and oxygen that keeps you in existence, don’t you think the sun is also good for humans? Do you think the sun is only good for plants, and that it hurts humans?

We say the sun is grand. Studies have shown that when sunscreen was introduced, the rate of skin cancer began to rise. There is nothing wrong with the sun. In fact, the removal of the ozone layer allows you to have even greater receptivity to the rays of the sun. There are those who say, “Don’t look at the sun. It is bad. It will burn out your eyes.” We say you will have a change in your eye structure. There will be a mutation within the optic nerve that will allow a new type of vision and unlock what has been holding you to 3D. Trust that no one made a mistake when they put the sun in the sky.

In the past, some of these holes in the ozone layer have been bigger than they are today. The holes fluctuate; however, this fluctuation is not caused by what your scientists attribute it to. These holes in the ozone allow a different quality and experience of the spectrum of light and radiation to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere. When the difference in spectrum is experienced by the masses, a chemical response takes place deep inside the human body, which begins to change. The human body is affected by the radiated light. In actuality, the radiation of this light alters the body on a subatomic level. Those of you who understand this are able to be in balance with this natural shift. Some of it is not natural; however, for the large part, it is orchestrated to be an event that will benefit you. There can be an increase in the evolutionary intelligence in the species in a very short period of time whereby the species becomes stronger.

Holes in the ozone allow radiated energy to come in to speed up the process. When you encounter cosmic, celestial events in your future, you will already have been exposed to the energy. So what you are being given now is like a homeo- pathic dose.

The main force of any system dwells within the sun of that system, where the sun’s collective consciousness is demonstrated by its solar rays. So, as a form of intelligence travels to the various star systems, the light rays can be read. Once energies become capable of emitting the frequency of light from their home, that light is read by everyone because it is transmitted in a certain spectrum of rays. From vast distances in space, others can translate and read certain spectrums. They can understand who lives inside of which sun, and what their predilections and specialties of existence are. There are many, many benefits that can come from the sun. It contains the ultimate in shamanic knowledge.

As each of you moves through life’s challenges of judgment and separation, ideally you come into a greater understanding of your own impact upon life and you are able to carry more light. That light, which you are earning individually, creates by the very essence of its existence a fusion with similar energies within the mass consciousness that will appear to others as a star or a sun. Your planet will radiate its shift in consciousness and awareness of spirit as light. That is how Earth will become a star on the horizon of other worlds. That in itself will magnetize other worlds to you. They will read the energy of your Earth light, and they will know who you are.

In the beginning there was sound. Sound began the whole thing, and in sound resides tremendous power. It opens doorways to other realities, for with the production of sound, an energy can move from one system to another. When you utilize sound, it is quite easy to bypass the logical mind, shifting the channel by intending and being clear.

The development of the rebundled DNA expresses itself beyond logic through sound. Sound allows matter, as information that is formulating itself inside the body, to find a proclamation of knowing outside the body. You can move into a state of bliss when you surrender to expressing sound, particularly through toning and chanting. To various degrees, that bliss is based on the feeling and knowing that you are not limited and that you exist as unbounded beings of light.

Allow sounds to come through your bodies, not just by singing specific notes, rather by allowing combinations of sound to play your bodies as if they are instruments. These sounds go beyond the logical mind. Sometimes you may fight or struggle because you have intellectualized a concept yet cannot anchor it in its entirety into your emotional experience. By toning, your intelligent intent is transmitted on sound, on carrier waves. Many forms of intelligence can communicate to the cells of your beings, bypassing the resistance of your logical minds, and going directly through your bod- ies to your higher minds.

When you tone, there is a nonverbal transmission that is communicated outward. It is beyond words. Toning can throw you into a collective of information, where things suddenly become clear. It can also activate your creativity—your drive to do something or to act. Or, you can feel, all of a sudden, that you are releasing big burdens. Most people feel very invigorated after toning. They feel light, as if something has been lifted from them. You automatically are impulsed to make the sounds and tones most needed for your bodies’ balance and alignment.

No one gets offended by the messages in toning. People don’t take toning personally, yet their bodies receive the personal messages. For example, if our words offered something directly to you, you might say, “Oh, wow, I’m under the gun here. I’m getting fired at.” Yet, through toning, the same energy could be sent to you and you could integrate it because it is more neutral. The logical mind does not overlay its own interpretation of the energy because the logical mind cannot translate it as criticism or error. The logical mind says, “I don’t know what this is. I’ll just relax.” The intuitive side absorbs the energy and message through sound.

We suggest that you hold weekly group tonings. Let this become part of your rituals and entertainment, and part of the process of joining together. Toning is very beneficial to release pent-up energy. You feel light and uplifted afterward. It lines you up and gets your bodies in balance.

Tones themselves correspond with and affect specific areas of the body. Some sounds affect your eyesight, or taste buds, or hearing. They affect all of the various senses, and the organs as well. The ancients understood that a simple sound could reorganize the body’s structure. The body automatically makes the most appropriate sounds that you need in a given moment. Trust.

Many bodyworkers are beginning to have the courage to tone over their clients as they are working on them. For some people, this is too much. We would say to bodyworkers: Follow your impulses. When you are working on an area of a person’s body, and the energy is simply not moving or cannot be penetrated, then tone into that area of the body to get entry to the issues. The person lying on the table is not necessarily saying, “I won’t let you in my body.” The patterns of the energy fields are so intense that parts of the body won’t let your hands or new energy in. The sound makes an opening.

There is sound around you all the time. If you want to hear the sound of your bodies, for example, take your fingers and plug up your ears and remain quiet for a few minutes. You will hear your inner sound. In the high Himalayas, lamas and monks receive training in sensory deprivation. They are placed in stone caverns with no light, and completely isolated from outside sounds. In isolation, they use their senses to develop abilities to see in the dark, to manifest, and to hear and know the specific songs and sounds of each other. Each chakra has its own sound, and these sounds correspond to the universe that is inside of you.

If you listen very carefully, you will find you are being vibrated continuously by sound. You have nonstop inner chatter, always planning what’s next with yourselves. You have external noise with your families as distractions. You don’t have enough silent time to notice that sound is continuously being directed at you to alter your bodies. When you make the sound yourself by instrumentation or toning, you balance the adjustment because you work from the inside, not just from the outside. This is how you are being adjusted at this time.

Cultures were given different ranges of sound in which to operate in order to hold the frequency of balance on the planet. Extraterrestrial or off-planet intelligences visited and established native civilizations in various parts of the globe. Very often the same teachers had two or three experiments at different times. They might operate in three or four locales around the globe, offering each of their seedling civilizations a slightly different set of beliefs, and then let the seedlings evolve with those beliefs to see where they could take them. Instruments and creative crafts were offered to set the para- digms for what sounds would be expressed in that particular civilization.

Specific energy rides on specific tonalities. You know, when you sing a song, that different notes combine to express the completeness of the song. Earth resonates at a frequency of 7.8 hertz. When the human body is able to vibrate at the same rate, there is an incredible psychic opening and awareness. The resonance of Earth, this electromagnetic energy, is based on the complete tonality of available sound anchored on the planet. The combined sound of all cultures, anchored on the planet for eons, held the planet in existence and created the electromagnetic frequency of balance. Now that you are being blasted with these incredible cosmic rays, and now that the native cultures are no longer practicing sound for the most part, Earth is going through tremendous changes. It is being realigned, and new patterns of electromagnetic tonalities are being expressed.

There are sounds that can stimulate deterioration or regeneration of organs in the body. Sounds that are harmonious activate the body and create healing. Healing can come through intention; however, there are certain sound frequencies that remind the liver to organize into its native geometric blueprint. Geometry is the form of intelligence that takes shape after sound moves away from Prime Creator. Your bodies are filled with geometry, for everything is made up of a geometric essence.

Combinations of sounds, as notes and chords, will be played for enhancement of the liver, thyroid, and heart, and for regeneration. The entire body will be mapped and tuned, much like a piano. You see, the body functions on a blueprint, and it absorbs the sounds. It has an idealized blueprint, which it automatically grows toward. You yourself do not have to know how your body grows from the infant stage to the adult stage. Within the blueprint of being, part of the purpose is to grow and maintain a healthy body.

The blueprint of the body is changing, altering the purpose of the body. There will be reversals in health and numerous regenerative experiences as sound is utilized to remind the body to move in an ever-uplifting fashion. A great reversal is at hand concerning your beliefs about the degeneration of the body.

When you participate in mass events where you may find yourself in a large crowd, pay close attention to how the sound affects you. Many of you avoid crowds because you get headaches when you go into them. You are much more sensitive. You can read energies and feel what they do. People often attend events where enormous crowds gather for entertainment of one form or another; they participate in contributing to uncomfortable waves of sound, not realizing what the sound is doing to their bodies. They are creating thoughtforms, through sound and emotion, that are set into being.

What about the sound of a battle cry? Have you done a firewalk? When you walk on the coals, you are encouraged to let out a huge yell. The sound is used to open doorways that you then move through. The marching forces that brought down the walls of Jericho used sound to create a standing columnar wave, invisible to the eye, yet like a sonic boom in effect. Sound is much more important than you currently understand. Sound creates life or death, health or disease.

Most people have not discovered that sharing sound dur- ing sexual activity is a deep key. When you tone together, you feel the spinning and opening of the chakras. During sex, sharing sound with each other beyond the usual moans can lead to greater distribution of sexual energy. Sound moves energy beyond the genitals, dispersing it throughout the cells of the body and triggering memory that unites you with more of who you are. Remember, the totality of your being contains both the shadow and the light. Please, do not be distressed with the shadow; it adds beauty and understanding to the light. Move out of judgment, yet stay in comfort.

Through sound and a willingness to experiment with sexual energy, you can meet your partner in his or her various multidimensional forms. Clear individuals, playing with energy and properly understanding it, will unpeel their mul-tidimensional selves, revealing simultaneous sexual experiences from many, many realities coming into this now.

There will be new, exciting experimentation with your sexual expression. It takes a bit of surrendering to allow your partner to tone into your vagina. We say that it is a real step. Think about it. A tremendous releasing and letting go is needed for both partners. One of you says, “Hey, I’ve got this idea. How about toning?” When kids do crazy things, do you think they talk them over first? No. They are silly, and they do them. They play, and then afterward they giggle over what they did. It is essential to take these innocent, playful, creative, and trusting qualities into the sexual experience. Your heart must be opened to fully explore sexuality, for the deepest connection to your sexual identity is through your heart.

A time will come when the children will gather and, using their unique telepathy, make silent sound. They will use their minds to create symphonies on other dimensions of existence. They will use sound internally and externally to create harmonics as light shields all over the planet. The children will gather in the hundreds and then the thousands, and they will be led into this collective image-making process. It will be a ritual, set into motion as a very sacred event. While the children are doing this type of silent sounding, they will anchor and establish huge geometric identities that will eventually protect and govern Earth as psychic forces of thought. These geometric identities will be perhaps the higher selves of what you call the reptiles—the higher selves of many of the extraterrestrials or god forms that appear to be physical and etheric. Beyond them is geometry, and beyond that, sound. Sound is the governor of existence. The Game Masters employ sound, light, and geometry as basic tools for operation, and they wonder what you will do as you discover the tools of truth.

Many will awaken to the use of sound. There will be major discoveries and energy impacts using sound. If one hundred thousand individuals are impulsed to harmonize, and allow themselves to be played harmoniously as instru- ments of consciousness—imagine! Everything comes from sound. Sound is the primal energy that is used to create. Sound came first.

Energy Exercise

Place yourself in comfort. Adjust your spine and sit with your body erect, as if you are being suspended from above by a string. Allow yourself to become still. Take a few deep breaths and picture your twelve chakras spinning like planets radiating light. With your imagination, reach to other portions of your universe where you can feel a version of yourself on the same assignment.

Feel your consciousness climb your chakra system, picturing twelve suns making a ladder through yourself. Move up this ladder of light and send out what you know now to any other portion of yourself. Send your essence of awakening, camaraderie, commitment, and love.

Climb those twelve suns into the universe. Picture in your mind a collection of cosmic planetary beings and formations of geometries. As you climb higher, feel other portions of yourself broadcast to you. What is being sent? What do you feel and hear? Be open to receive love and support from other portions of yourself, and see the twelve suns as a slide of light, bringing this knowledge to you. Let go of your version of self and become a receiver, allowing the effect of this light and energy to be realized by you. Feel it make a difference in your awareness. For a few moments, release the image of your body and allow your molecules to blend and merge with your surroundings.

You are being utilized as a transducer as this energy flows through the collective self and into Earth. It moves along the gridwork to bring about necessary changes. The energy travels deep into Earth. Picture ancient keepers of information, as crystalline structures hundreds of feet in height, receiving a huge spiral of energy from you.

Then, from within that gigantic spiral, spin yourself off, forming your own spiral of identity. Keep yourself completely still as you feel this spiral spinning around and around. Feel a revitalization and rejuvenation in your body. Feel the spinning from the tips of your toes to the very ends of your hair. Feel the new molecules that have been mixed with your body.

Take a deep breath and feel your twelve chakras lined up, ready to operate with full capacity. Then take another deep breath and say your name to yourself, feeling the sound of who you are in this reality. Translate the sound of your being unique and alive. Love who you have created; honor and cherish your- self. Act as if your physical being is the most valuable thing you will ever own. Now, place a gentle smile over your lips as you realize your unlimited potential, and commit to live it.